PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Great example about this lifestyle,

You have a wife, a gf or a friend who gets into a fight with you. They know you’re running gear. Word spreads or possibily worse. Your wife or GF calls up on you...

It happens... happens a lot. That’s how shit goes down.
Not sure what that has anything to do with. Nothings messing with my mindset either, it was just a question lol I’m not losing sleep over whatever happened to him. We all have lives, I think I speak for all of us when I say we take care of business in real life and then shoot the shit on here so don’t think any drama on here is effecting anyone’s lifestyle.
Not sure what that has anything to do with. Nothings messing with my mindset either, it was just a question lol I’m not losing sleep over whatever happened to him. We all have lives, I think I speak for all of us when I say we take care of business in real life and then shoot the shit on here so don’t think any drama on here is effecting anyone’s lifestyle.

Cool, good to know. Rock out ,with your cock out!
LMAO, no idea who he is. Just know from a friend of a friend of a friend that there are perks to working for a source.
Once upon a time I had a pile of finished homebrew and almost traded some of it to him for some GH but it never happened. Seemed like he was legit and prepared, basically ready to mail iirc.
I’m aware of that nor was I assuming anything. This is just a what if scenario and I have every right to ask for the opinion of others on this board. Ripped raised the bar and kept people’s faith in this company alive, something a lot of reps will never come close to, so all respect to him. The coincidence of everything leaves many possibilities for people to believe in, and even if ripped was the one who was busted, you and the company would never admit because then you all appear as liars.
I talk to ripped after the bust happened
Ripped was a great guy. But Ripped ain’t here anymore. So. And one thing you gotta remember.... this isn’t a child’s game. Just being Real with all of you. The name of the game is to find the best gear/GH/ancillaries you can find and be out... until your next run.

I rather see guys focus on their Workouts/Diets/sleep/rest and pinning then dwelling on things that going to happen regardless.

What’s the point of messing with your mind set if it ain’t on your life and what you gotta do to improve it?

That’s just how I feel.

But Yeah Ripped was a great guy. Many of his friends and support followers hit me up and I’ll be there for them just as he did for everyone but I’m not here to sugar coat or lie to anyone.

Yeah you are... his personal life issues are bigger than you are making it seem. So don’t say you are sugar coating or even know what he is dealing with
What ever became of Franny? i know he was active on SG after leaving here, but haven't seen him for awhile. i don't get over there much anymore, so i have no idea if he's still active?

@MindlessWork any clue how Big Fanny is doing?
No clue. I stopped giving a fuck after he lost it. Took it too personal really, you think you know a mother fucker and then...

Haven't been to SG since maybe my 6th visit to the site
What ever became of Franny? i know he was active on SG after leaving here, but haven't seen him for awhile. i don't get over there much anymore, so i have no idea if he's still active?

@MindlessWork any clue how Big Fanny is doing?

I got banned from sg. That place is a joke lol. Has to be the worse forum after eroids...

Nothing happens over there and they are always wanting people to talk but the board is hard to navigate and poorly done.
The owner is cool though.
Once upon a time I had a pile of finished homebrew and almost traded some of it to him for some GH but it never happened. Seemed like he was legit and prepared, basically ready to mail iirc.
LMAO remember that kid that started that damn pcom thread and was spazzing the fuck out and someone finally gave him some Homebrew. Lol I thought it was you I don't remember. If it was or wasn't you that person was a hero either way
I got banned from sg. That place is a joke lol. Has to be the worse forum after eroids...

Nothing happens over there and they are always wanting people to talk but the board is hard to navigate and poorly done.
The owner is cool though.

How the hell did you get banned?

i agree about the activity there. A lot of political bullshit too.
i stop in to check up on a couple sources every once in awhile, but i don't post there anymore.
How the hell did you get banned?

i agree about the activity there. A lot of political bullshit too.
i stop in to check up on a couple sources every once in awhile, but i don't post there anymore.

Got some private message from one of the mods or something. Someone I never even seen over there. Anyways he sent me a message about how some members were there only for sources and not talking they were going try to get people to engage more. I just told him the facts on how many members they had, the topics that were allowed and the fact the board can hardly recruit anyone to join forces everyone to not talk because everything is already posted and the same 4-6 members post... this board will never have engagement to any level that will be satisfactory to compel people to stay and engage. He then said I was getting banned lmfao! They want members but ban when you tell it how it is.
LMAO remember that kid that started that damn pcom thread and was spazzing the fuck out and someone finally gave him some Homebrew. Lol I thought it was you I don't remember. If it was or wasn't you that person was a hero either way
That was stayinalive iirc, F24 was the powerlifter that was also playing meso rep under a 2nd handle, answered w his normal handle to a rep question. That's all she wrote
Stayinalive, what a cum wad he was...

And yes, I did send him test cyp . He gave me a bunk name and it wasn't delivered due to that fact specifically. He called me out as a lier and when the pack was tracked the explanation for refusal for delivery said exactly that. He wanted it delivered to xxxxxxxx. Lol, hey xxxxxx, fuck you