PurplePandaLabs Raw source

What ever became of Franny? i know he was active on SG after leaving here, but haven't seen him for awhile. i don't get over there much anymore, so i have no idea if he's still active?

@MindlessWork any clue how Big Fanny is doing?
He posted on SG a few days ago and he's been getting back into the PL game after dealing with nagging injuries. He's looking to finally take part in a meet.
Franchise24 said he was getting money and an allowance of free gear from the ugl he got popped repping for. I still have the PM he sent with the info in it. No clue if he was telling the truth or not though...

Every rep is getting paid, or they're crazy. As a rep you have to deal with a lot of shit, but you get paid more gear than you can possibly use. Eventually you can go through it, but you get it at a pace faster then you use it. I would say average pay for a rep is 500-750 dollars per month in gear, or a set allotment like 10-15 products per month, and if your deal is really good you will get some cash as well. I would say this is about average from my reps positions, along with the other guys I know that have repped.
Every rep is getting paid, or they're crazy. As a rep you have to deal with a lot of shit, but you get paid more gear than you can possibly use. Eventually you can go through it, but you get it at a pace faster then you use it. I would say average pay for a rep is 500-750 dollars per month in gear, or a set allotment like 10-15 products per month, and if your deal is really good you will get some cash as well. I would say this is about average from my reps positions, along with the other guys I know that have repped.
So you’ve repped before, am I reading this right?
So you’ve repped before, am I reading this right?

Yes I have, I put it in my intro post. I have worked as a rep, and a re mailer. Last time I worked as a rep was over 2 years ago. I wont ever rep any lab here, and I doubt I will on any other board. Repping is a pain in the ass, and has cost me over 5k replacing gear for member that got scammed.
Yes I have, I put it in my intro post. I have worked as a rep, and a re mailer. Last time I worked as a rep was over 2 years ago. I wont ever rep any lab here, and I doubt I will on any other board. Repping is a pain in the ass, and has cost me over 5k replacing gear for member that got scammed.
Damn, why was it your responsibility to replace it and not the lab owner?
Damn, why was it your responsibility to replace it and not the lab owner?

The lab owner disappeared as we all know happens, and since I put my name behind them I felt I needed to replace the gear. I did get some help from a couple labs, but roughly 5k is what I replaced out of my pocket.
How do like the taste of someone else’s words cumming out of your mouth? Weren't mine bro.... Mine taste like pineapple ;)

Since when did I ever make that comment?

So are you not pandas rep? He says his site is secure. No website is secure . You don't even have a basic inventory system, like a mom and pop hardware store can figure out . And you're secure? Laughable. So, are you or aren't his rep? Because that mofo says it's locked up!
The lab owner disappeared as we all know happens, and since I put my name behind them I felt I needed to replace the gear. I did get some help from a couple labs, but roughly 5k is what I replaced out of my pocket.
Wow, what a total cock. That was big of you man.
So are you not pandas rep? He says his site is secure. No website is secure . You don't even have a basic inventory system, like a mom and pop hardware store can figure out . And you're secure? Laughable. So, are you or aren't his rep? Because that mofo says it's locked up!

Actually we do, what you see is the equivalent of a porn magazine. Not the real thing bro. Behind the scenes PPL does in fact have all this. The processing of orders is immense and quite a volume.

You’re basically comparing us to a retired couple that decided to sell their Knick knacks and they got the entire inventory accounted for.

I must ask when you type this out do you get a hard on or something? Feels like a speech of sorts that rallies the troops or something... Every time I read one of your post or the other guys post I keep thinking William Wallace /Braveheart is going to ride in on his horse and give a speech...
I must ask when you type this out do you get a hard on or something?

Really dude, you MUST ask this type of shit? Do you think it helps at all, reigns in some prospective new customer with your petty banter?

If you just stuck to customer service instead of being belligerent with members things wouldn't look so much like a shit show in this thread...
Actually we do, what you see is the equivalent of a porn magazine. Not the real thing bro. Behind the scenes PPL does in fact have all this. The processing of orders is immense and quite a volume.

You’re basically comparing us to a retired couple that decided to sell their Knick knacks and they got the entire inventory accounted for.

I must ask when you type this out do you get a hard on or something? Feels like a speech of sorts that rallies the troops or something... Every time I read one of your post or the other guys post I keep thinking William Wallace /Braveheart is going to ride in on his horse and give a speech...

Dazzle them with bullshit . That will work right?
You really are a perfect fit .

So this immesnse inventory system, when did you start it? And your porn magazine site...how is/are the servers secure?
Really dude, you MUST ask this type of shit? Do you think it helps at all, reigns in some prospective new customer with your petty banter?

If you just stuck to customer service instead of being belligerent with members things wouldn't look so much like a shit show in this thread...

You guys is what makes this thread, not me.

I give what I get. I’m very civil and I’m very professional when it comes to handling orders and Pm’s But I don’t yield to members who ask questions I don’t have answers to.
@Robfromga if you can outline everything in an accurate manner. Not including all the rumors of Panda balling out..

I’m sure all of you talk. Hey, can’t knock a guy for being successful.

But none the less, if you outline everything and it’s all true and factual.

I’ll kindly step back but that’s very unlikely. Because if it was that easy... anyone can do it.
You guys is what makes this thread, not me.

I give what I get. I’m very civil and I’m very professional when it comes to handling orders and Pm’s But I don’t yield to members who ask questions I don’t have answers to.

You should handle everything like you do in PMS, and for orders. Members are potential customers, and regardless of what they post it's your job to treat them as they're customers. You may never get an order from the members whom you respond to negatively, but your also turning away member who may order. Never alienate potential customers.
You should handle everything like you do in PMS, and for orders. Members are potential customers, and regardless of what they post it's your job to treat them as they're customers. You may never get an order from the members whom you respond to negatively, but your also turning away member who may order. Never alienate potential customers.

You must have been a bad ass rep, because you get it.