PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You should handle everything like you do in PMS, and for orders. Members are potential customers, and regardless of what they post it's your job to treat them as they're customers. You may never get an order from the members whom you respond to negatively, but your also turning away member who may order. Never alienate potential customers.

This is Meso bro.... and I’m doing perfectly fine. And Most of these guys I know have their own sources. So thank you for your input....
I don’t take any of this personal. If you can’t respect another guy in your face talking eye to eye with you.. not my fault.

You need anything, help place an order, order problems, etc etc. I’m on it within minutes.
Did I not come here with my hat in my hand... Posted info regarding inventory and future inventory LOL.

Btw ironic... you’re quoting @master.on and his “Mom and Pop inventory speech” when you don’t like the guy LOL

Think you quoted the wrong person here...

And I see what you did there.. tried to make it as if I said you were a bad ass rep... freaking loser you are
You guys is what makes this thread, not me.

I give what I get. I’m very civil and I’m very professional when it comes to handling orders and Pm’s But I don’t yield to members who ask questions I don’t have answers to.

Internet pride shining through yet again.

Your professionalism shouldn't be relegated to private chatter. But like i've said, you can't stop yourself, heaven forbid someone talks shit and gets the last word on the fucking internet.

Do you honestly believe that running your mouth the way you do is good for business?

You should be a reflection of the company you sold out for... Then again, considering the company and all, i guess you are acting accordingly, aren't you?

Just keeps getting worse for Panda. Hiring ripped was the only thing he's ever done right.
This is Meso bro.... and I’m doing perfectly fine. And Most of these guys I know have their own sources. So thank you for your input....

And a bunch of Meso members are telling you otherwise, members who have used PPL (customers) yet you defiantly tell us you are doing perfectly fine.

Why don't you take that step back and reevaluate things?
@Robfromga if you can outline everything in an accurate manner. Not including all the rumors of Panda balling out..

I’m sure all of you talk. Hey, can’t knock a guy for being successful.

But none the less, if you outline everything and it’s all true and factual.

I’ll kindly step back but that’s very unlikely. Because if it was that easy... anyone can do it.

You want a outline, that's easy . There are some 1400 pages in this shit show of a thread. Full of dirty gear, lies, lab busts, and more lies . I'd suggest you educate yourself and start at page #1 .

However I doubt you will, because you don't really give a shit. Neither does this lab. Otherwise they wouldn't send out oils with hair, the wrong raws, and then get busted while tell all the unsuspecting customers "it's ok" . Said it before, you fit the shit sow well .
Internet pride shining through yet again.

Your professionalism shouldn't be relegated to private chatter. But like i've said, you can't stop yourself, heaven forbid someone talks shit and gets the last word on the fucking internet.

Do you honestly believe that running your mouth the way you do is good for business?

You should be a reflection of the company you sold out for... Then again, considering the company and all, i guess you are acting accordingly, aren't you?

Just keeps getting worse for Panda. Hiring ripped was the only thing he's ever done right.

LOL jeez bro. I’m just giving it right back to guys in this thread. I’m not your GF, your wife or your daughter.... you know? Cool.

Again, because I’m not talking to actual WKM’s here lol. But Here goes a little lesson for you guys. MESO is an uncensored Board and the Members shape the thread.

You just don’t like that I got a swinging dick.

Maybe up the test a little and you can hear me?
You want a outline, that's easy . There are some 1400 pages in this shit show of a thread. Full of dirty gear, lies, lab busts, and more lies . I'd suggest you educate yourself and start at page #1 .

However I doubt you will, because you don't really give a shit. Neither does this lab. Otherwise they wouldn't send out oils with hair, the wrong raws, and then get busted while tell all the unsuspecting customers "it's ok" . Said it before, you fit the shit sow well .

Outline of our operation...... since you know how to run one. Again, Classic....what’s the next topic LOL

Back to business.

If you anyone has any problems with their orders, questions about products and needs assistance with a quick response and decision on the matter. Please PM.

LOL jeez bro. I’m just giving it right back to guys in this thread. I’m not your GF, your wife or your daughter.... you know? Cool.

Again, because I’m not talking to actual WKM’s here lol. But Here goes a little lesson for you guys. MESO is an uncensored Board and the Members shape the thread.

You just don’t like that I got swinging dick.

Maybe up the test a little and you can hear me?

There's that pride and smart mouth. It doesn't take much to get you going i see. You take the bait each and every time.

Go ahead, post again so you can have the last word.
Make sure you puff out your chest while you hammer on those keys. You're a tough guy with pride after all.

You keep on posting prideful retorts to please your master. Maybe you can fool some of the new members in to thinking your more than just Panda's little message boy. Don't hold your breath on that though, tough guy.
@Robfromga , @Roger rabbit , @MisterSuperGod , @picholas

You guys need anything, I’m here for you. I treat everyone with respect if they need anything, have an order pending or are concerned about their orders.

Unlike most I answer within minutes. Back then? You were lucky your email got answered once a week and it wasn’t very assuring.

There were times I waited in packs for MONTHS on end.... a few times I got packs from over seas from a source here that used Paper and tin foil lol. He send dianabol Inject Ampoules in a promo.... weren’t even covered... it was a hard paper package. Til this day I still don’t know how that came in one piece lol.
Don’t worry, I love you all. Nobodies getting fucked.

In fact, soon I’m finally paying my dues to Anabolic Lab for all the good it has done for all of us. I’ve benefited from it and because of it, I was able to purchase the exact dates and serial numbers of what was tested... probably some of the best gear I ever ran.

Gotta generate some bitcoin and finally give thanks to the board.

I’ve also met a lot of great people here who have came and gone in my life. I hope they’re alive and doing well.... hope the best for them.

As for me? I’m just here for the members to give them a voice to a source that’s always open to doing solids for everyone of his customers.

That’s all.
Don’t worry, I love you all. Nobodies getting fucked.

In fact, soon I’m finally paying my dues to Anabolic Lab for all the good it has done for all of us. I’ve benefited from it and because of it, I was able to purchase the exact dates and serial numbers of what was tested... probably some of the best gear I ever ran.

Gotta generate some bitcoin and finally give thanks to the board.

I’ve also met a lot of great people here who have came and gone in my life. I hope they’re alive and doing well.... hope the best for them.

As for me? I’m just here for the members to give them a voice to a source that’s always open to doing solids for everyone of his customers.

That’s all.

YOU SUCK MINIATURE PANDA DICK. Your always Open to do solids for Customers? Well, damn. Spread those Cheeks Bitch!!!
@Robfromga , @Roger rabbit , @MisterSuperGod , @picholas

You guys need anything, I’m here for you. I treat everyone with respect if they need anything, have an order pending or are concerned about their orders.

Unlike most I answer within minutes. Back then? You were lucky your email got answered once a week and it wasn’t very assuring.

There were times I waited in packs for MONTHS on end.... a few times I got packs from over seas from a source here that used Paper and tin foil lol. He send dianabol Inject Ampoules in a promo.... weren’t even covered... it was a hard paper package. Til this day I still don’t know how that came in one piece lol.

See? When you aren't acting like a douche, you actually make quality posts.

To be honest, i was trying to help you initially, reps with combative attitudes get 10x the amount of shit because they're an easy target to rattle.

Theeeeen i started trolling because of that ease in rattling you, but like most things, i lose interest pretty fast. Yeah, it sucks to be me.

Anyway, you have one hell of an up hill battle trying to get Meso in favor of PPL. Being a glass half empty kinda guy, i don't see it happening. Though in this instance, i'd like to be proved wrong.

Best of luck to you, man.
I Placed an order 16 days ago, I still dont have a tracking number.

Brother I said multiple times in the thread that Our international packs were on hold for the autumn holiday that ended on the 7th. I’ve been in contact with Panda. Your pack was sent out and I’ll PM you the tracking once I receive it.

Also too, Our international packs will take an upwards of 21 days to arrive to its destination. Nothing I can do about that. If we see this as a trend that’s going to hurt us I’ll have a talk with Panda about our shipping but as of now I was told all international packs can take an upwards of 21 days.
Brother I said multiple times in the thread that Our international packs were on hold for the autumn holiday that ended on the 7th. I’ve been in contact with Panda. Your pack was sent out and I’ll PM you the tracking once I receive it.

Also too, Our international packs will take an upwards of 21 days to arrive to its destination. Nothing I can do about that. If we see this as a trend that’s going to hurt us I’ll have a talk with Panda about our shipping but as of now I was told all international packs can take an upwards of 21 days.
They were taking around 12 days. What changed?