PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yeah if you don’t want to purchase the supplement form then things like pineapples, sauerkraut etc work as well.
You ever notice how after you eat a pineapple as a snack after a meal or even before a meal ..seems like minutes later you are hungry? The enzymes help break down the food at a much faster pace.

But if you are blending your food, sprinkle some supplemental enzymes in the food and I swear by the time you get done drinking the food... you feel hungry an hour later.
Bro, your knowledge is astounding
There were no steroids yet but pre 1914 you could buy whatever drug was available legally, so opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, weed etc were legal. Steroids weren’t controlled substances until the law was passed in 1990 and became official in 1991, only difference now it’s a crime to possess w/o rx, not sure how easy it was for a regular guy to get a dr to write it pre 1990s.

Anyway I was saying there shouldn’t be a drug prohibition, and govt shouldn’t be dictating what adults do in private that doesn’t cause harm to others

Yeah its bullshit, it's the Harrison act of 1915 which made drugs illegal. If anyone is interested in looking at good info on why prohibition of all drugs should be ended, check out leap(dot)cc. It stands for law enforcement against prohibition, and it's full of cops and judges who feel all drugs should be legal. It also has a ton of information to show how prohibition is much worse than the drugs.
Yeah its bullshit, it's the Harrison act of 1915 which made drugs illegal. If anyone is interested in looking at good info on why prohibition of all drugs should be ended, check out leap(dot)cc. It stands for law enforcement against prohibition, and it's full of cops and judges who feel all drugs should be legal. It also has a ton of information to show how prohibition is much worse than the drugs.

Where I live... I would never EVER touch anything on the street. That’s the reason why it should be made legal. Gives everyone the ability to safely buy an actual legitimate drug.
Where I live... I would never EVER touch anything on the street. That’s the reason why it should be made legal. Gives everyone the ability to safely buy an actual legitimate drug.
Fentanyl epidemic probably wouldn’t exist if we lived in a world with legal drugs. I’d even take decriminalization.
Big Paul told me a long time ago.... Fentanyl is going to ruin us.... Stock up on raws. Vac seal it and it stays good for 10 years. Not sure how true that is about the raws staying good for 10 years but Big Paul was one of the first guys I ever talked to about brewing for my own personal use.
For sure see it making our game more difficult, already has. Things won’t ever come to a stop though. LE evolves, the black market evolves.
Yeah its bullshit, it's the Harrison act of 1915 which made drugs illegal. If anyone is interested in looking at good info on why prohibition of all drugs should be ended, check out leap(dot)cc. It stands for law enforcement against prohibition, and it's full of cops and judges who feel all drugs should be legal. It also has a ton of information to show how prohibition is much worse than the drugs.
Been reading about leap. Very interesting. Don’t understand how anyone could not understand how much of a failure the idea of fighting drug use is. Thanks for sharing that.
Been reading about leap. Very interesting. Don’t understand how anyone could not understand how much of a failure the idea of fighting drug use is. Thanks for sharing that.
It’s not about a “true fight” against drug use. It’s about the capital the drugs and it’s use bring in. Kinda like a cure for cancer or aids. It’s not gonna happen. Pockets stay lined all the way across the board.