PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It’s not about a “true fight” against drug use. It’s about the capital the drugs and it’s use bring in. Kinda like a cure for cancer or aids. It’s not gonna happen. Pockets stay lined all the way across the board.
I’d think there’s much more money to be made by legalizing everything.
I’d think there’s much more money to be made by legalizing everything.
Nah, man. Budgets would be cut. Prisons would be emptied. Think about the jobs alone it creates and how many of those would be cut by just a 50% drop in drug use/crime. Courts, prisons, jails, rehabs, LEO, counseling, the list goes on.

They know what they’re doing. If the elite wanted to stop things coming across the border they could. We’re the number one country in the world and people are bringing it over on camel back and they can’t stop it?

They could, but why tear down something YOU built.
Nah, man. Budgets would be cut. Prisons would be emptied. Think about the jobs alone it creates and how many of those would be cut by just a 50% drop in drug use/crime. Courts, prisons, jails, rehabs, LEO, counseling, the list goes on.

They know what they’re doing. If the elite wanted to stop things coming across the border they could. We’re the number one country in the world and people are bringing it over on camel back and they can’t stop it?

They could, but why tear down something YOU built.
Very well put. I wasn’t looking at it from that angle.
@Roger rabbit if I have your permission I’ll compile a a thread of all the knowledge you’ve shared with us.

Lol if that’s something you want to do I don’t mind. I don’t really think there will be much to find to be honest. Just a few tips and tricks here and their is all.

I’m just glad I am able to help with things when I’m able to.
Yeah its bullshit, it's the Harrison act of 1915 which made drugs illegal. If anyone is interested in looking at good info on why prohibition of all drugs should be ended, check out leap(dot)cc. It stands for law enforcement against prohibition, and it's full of cops and judges who feel all drugs should be legal. It also has a ton of information to show how prohibition is much worse than the drugs.

This here is a quote from an expert dr’s testimony to congress to push for the Harrison narcotics tax act:

“Most of the attacks upon white women of the South are the direct result of the cocaine-crazed Negro brain,”

Not sure what science he had to back that claim up lol, clearly they were using fear effectively.
I missed the earlier conversation but I do big smoothies with protein, carrots, celery, ginger, mixed greens, spinach, and kale in my Vitamix. I make 20 32oz jars at a time and freeze them. I notice a massive difference when I'm getting 2 a day in me. Going to add some broccoli to my next batch so appreciate the idea. Macros are obviously key but this really facilitates and makes things more effective.
I never had a kidney stone in my life, then I got a nutribullet and started drinking a big smoothie almost daily with spinach/kale/pineapple/banana/almond milk/spirulina/and any other random stuff mixed in(sometimes avocado, broccoli, whatever), and after doing this for a few months I got my first and still only kidney stone ever to this day. That kidney stone was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my life. When it passed over the nerve in the front of my abdomen I still didn’t even realize what it was yet, and I thought something in my gut exploded and legit thought I was dying lol. The pain literally was so bad it made me pass out in the bathroom. It’s easily the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. If I had a choice to have another kidney stone or get shot, I would probably pick to get shot. Not even joking.

After finally realizing what had happened I started researching, and found that there are different types of kidney stones, but I believe the type I had was made from oxalates. I found that spinach is extremely high in oxalates, so I blame all the spinach I was drinking for that kidney stone and immediately stopped drinking those smoothies. Haven’t had another green smoothie since lol.

If you are making those smoothies and using a large amount of spinach in each one, like I was, beware. It doesn’t mean that you will for sure get a kidney stone, but I definitely believe that my kidney stone was caused by drinking so much spinach.