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My dad has had 8 of them bitches and two of em got stuck and the doctors had to go in through the dick to get em lol. Kidney stones I’m very afraid of after seeing my dad hit the ground when I was young and seeing the pain he was in.

But his were caused by drinking tea. They finally kept one of the stones and analyzed it and figured out what was causing them.

Everyone always says it’s the worst pain they’ve ever felt, but you really have no idea until you feel it yourself. It’s insane how painful it is as it passes over that nerve

I’ve had 3, first one I was kid, very painful, Dad had to take me to the er but the dr refused to give me painkillers cause he thought it was my appendix even tho an ultrasound showed stone. Finally when the ctscan confirmed stone they gave me some Percocet or codeine idr 12+ hours later. Was horrible, but it’s only painful traveling from kidney to bladder, through the dick it’s not so bad. Last one was so big they had to go thru my dick. Wasn’t painful till after surgery cause the thing was so big it was stuck in my kidney.
I know your pain, bro. I’ve had two spinal fusions.
Did you have both vertabrae fused during the same operation, or 2 separate surgeries? Was it an anterior or posterior fusion. I had l4-l5 fused via an anterior lumbar fusion. Not to many people on the forums who have recovered from this type of injury.
Been reading about leap. Very interesting. Don’t understand how anyone could not understand how much of a failure the idea of fighting drug use is. Thanks for sharing that.
Anybody who want to look into modern day prohibition should check out this site. I have actually done collegiate debates on the legalization of all drugs, and our team smoked other due to that site, and DOJ crime statistics.
L5-S1, two separate surgeries. First was posterior and it didn’t go well. 4 years later they went in through my stomach and did it anterior.

Both surgeons said I would never lift again and would have to find a new profession. 2 years after second surgery I started back lifting heavy. Only thing I cannot do is dead lift and I also squat light weight high reps.
Much of the pain of a kidney stone is the smooth muscle tightening like a Charlie horse, not the sensation of a stone passing thru the ureter.

Applying a heating pad to the lower back will relax the smooth muscle. I still have my last stone in a baggie. Huge. Passed it with a heating pad. The first one was tiny and was terrible.
There is one reason and one reason only why narcotics and similar drugs are illegal and should never be legal. We are the most completely irresponsible self entitled shitheads on the planet. We can’t even drink responsibly. Should certain things be decriminalized absolutely but that’s about it. As with everything else in this country the scales of doom have tilted past the point of recovery. You can’t fix the broke system anymore. Best you can do is pray it doesn’t get exponentially worse.

Bro. Darwin . It would thin the herd. Too much government protecting people from themselves . We need these dumbasses to die.
Much of the pain of a kidney stone is the smooth muscle tightening like a Charlie horse, not the sensation of a stone passing thru the ureter.

Applying a heating pad to the lower back will relax the smooth muscle. I still have my last stone in a baggie. Huge. Passed it with a heating pad. The first one was tiny and was terrible.

The only thing they did for the pain of my 1st stone was they kept putting heated blankets on my tum tum, until the dr was convinced it was a stone. Also this last stone since they went thru my dick they placed a stent + the inflammation from the surgery felt like I was constantly passing a stone, heat or even ice helped a bit but I still had to take painkillers. Sucked having a stent for nearly 2 weeks, felt like me kidney was gonna burst when I pee’d in addition to the fire piss. But the heat definitely does provide a little relief.
There is one reason and one reason only why narcotics and similar drugs are illegal and should never be legal. We are the most completely irresponsible self entitled shitheads on the planet. We can’t even drink responsibly. Should certain things be decriminalized absolutely but that’s about it. As with everything else in this country the scales of doom have tilted past the point of recovery. You can’t fix the broke system anymore. Best you can do is pray it doesn’t get exponentially worse.

Why stop there, people can’t control their diets and over eat unhealthy food so the govt should outlaw all the junk food, no soda, no sweets, trans fat and so on. Perhaps the govt should outlaw recreational sex too since people do shit they regret. Only the govt knows what’s ok for you to do or not do right? Fak that shat, people still do drugs, only thing that prohibition does is create more crime, cause problems like we have now where people think they’re using oxy or h but really it’s fentanyl or worse an analogue like carefentanil which is 100x stronger than fentanyl and 10,000x stronger than morphine, it’s used to knock out large animals like elephants. These are just a couple problems, I could list more..
I agree with everyone who commented on the post I made about drugs. I shouldn’t have used the word illegal but I still stand behind what I said. @Robfromga trust me buddy I’d love to see the heard thinned out. Legalize pot. Regulate and tax it. Legalize prostitution. Regulate and tax it. No way would that work with heroin or crack or whatever. All that bullshit about prisons being empty and no black market is ridiculous. Empty all the prisons of drug using offenders. Not violent criminals just drug offenders. Let them enter a world where they can get high legally. Instead of prisons you’d have facilities full of tweaked out dopeheads. And if a dope head couldn’t come up with money when it was illegal what makes you think he will when it’s controlled and regulated. So there will still be a black market for the cheaper less regulated and tax version. I’m pro gun and believe I should be able to own any gun I want because I’m a responsible man who wouldn’t take his guns on some psycho shooting spree. So in my world heroin and whatever else could be legal and regulated because I wouldn’t use it because I’m smart enough not to use it. No disrespect to the guys in recovery who read this. I’ve lost two good friends to that shit so I have enough first hand experience to say that. Anyway. I’m done ranting on this. Again I’m not disagreeing with you guys and do in fact agree with some points made but it’s silly to keep talking about a this. Certain things will never ever change.
I very rarely eat fast food. They built a sonic by me this past year and I went there for the first time about two weeks ago. 2 words. Banana milkshake. Holy fuck it’s so good. Plus they have Chicago style hotdogs. For my bros in Chicago you fuckers are killing the hotdog game. 3 times in the last two weeks I’ve gotten 2 Chicago dogs a cheeseburger tator tots and a banana milk shake. Summer gains and cut are officially finished for the year.
I was watching this short documentary about production and consumption of water. Like how Mexico has been draining their aquafer (50%) and it takes a ridiculous amount of time to refill (like thousands of years) and Mexico City is sinking 9"s per year..

But they say if the rest of the world ate as much as the US there is literally not enough fresh water for this to be possible.
I was watching this short documentary about production and consumption of water. Like how Mexico has been draining their aquafer (50%) and it takes a ridiculous amount of time to refill (like thousands of years) and Mexico City is sinking 9"s per year..

But they say if the rest of the world ate as much as the US there is literally not enough fresh water for this to be possible.
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There is plenty of water. What was that underwater ocean they discovered? I don’t buy into all this overpopulation crap. But I DO believe we better start taking better care of the only home we have.
There is plenty of water. What was that underwater ocean they discovered? I don’t buy into all this overpopulation crap. But I DO believe we better start taking better care of the only home we have.
Oh the Earth is 100% getting fucked up slowly. Lol it takes like 1500 litres of water to produce a qp cheese burger. Yes there is enough water. But if the rest of the world we're to consume and eat like America there isn't enough fresh water.