PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Since you guys have successfully changed the direction of this thread and you’re talking food I want to ask,

Do any of you guys get insatiably hunger from tren?
I could eat constantly. It is as how people seem to describe EQ.
I agree with everyone who commented on the post I made about drugs. I shouldn’t have used the word illegal but I still stand behind what I said. @Robfromga trust me buddy I’d love to see the heard thinned out. Legalize pot. Regulate and tax it. Legalize prostitution. Regulate and tax it. No way would that work with heroin or crack or whatever. All that bullshit about prisons being empty and no black market is ridiculous. Empty all the prisons of drug using offenders. Not violent criminals just drug offenders. Let them enter a world where they can get high legally. Instead of prisons you’d have facilities full of tweaked out dopeheads. And if a dope head couldn’t come up with money when it was illegal what makes you think he will when it’s controlled and regulated. So there will still be a black market for the cheaper less regulated and tax version. I’m pro gun and believe I should be able to own any gun I want because I’m a responsible man who wouldn’t take his guns on some psycho shooting spree. So in my world heroin and whatever else could be legal and regulated because I wouldn’t use it because I’m smart enough not to use it. No disrespect to the guys in recovery who read this. I’ve lost two good friends to that shit so I have enough first hand experience to say that. Anyway. I’m done ranting on this. Again I’m not disagreeing with you guys and do in fact agree with some points made but it’s silly to keep talking about a this. Certain things will never ever change.

The black market will change to government funded......

Which is no better.. cuz now I’ll be paying for the drug habit
Since we're still off topic, I always hear people get back pumps or calve pumps from anavar. Has anyone got jaw pumps? Is that a thing?
I very rarely eat fast food. They built a sonic by me this past year and I went there for the first time about two weeks ago. 2 words. Banana milkshake. Holy fuck it’s so good. Plus they have Chicago style hotdogs. For my bros in Chicago you fuckers are killing the hotdog game. 3 times in the last two weeks I’ve gotten 2 Chicago dogs a cheeseburger tator tots and a banana milk shake. Summer gains and cut are officially finished for the year.
Definitely going to try those chicago dogs out. Haven't been to Sonic in years.
Since you guys have successfully changed the direction of this thread and you’re talking food I want to ask,

Do any of you guys get insatiably hunger from tren?
I could eat constantly. It is as how people seem to describe EQ.

I do. Hungry as all hell and for carbs in particular. I don't get night sweats or anything but strict dieting is challenging on tren. I need to have everything down and really focus. Yeah, it allows me a lot more dietary indiscretion due to powerful nutrient partitioning...so that makes indulging in those cravings even worse.

I will say this....I'm able to maintain good blood pressure a lot easier on tren and even with winny in the mix though. Whatever impact it has on my body it limits BP impact from high carbs where off everything or test/deca along a few days of carbs will really put me up there (hence keto/low carb diet for good BP is what I normally do).
I do. Hungry as all hell and for carbs in particular. I don't get night sweats or anything but strict dieting is challenging on tren. I need to have everything down and really focus. Yeah, it allows me a lot more dietary indiscretion due to powerful nutrient partitioning...so that makes indulging in those cravings even worse.

I will say this....I'm able to maintain good blood pressure a lot easier on tren and even with winny in the mix though. Whatever impact it has on my body it limits BP impact from high carbs where off everything or test/deca along a few days of carbs will really put me up there (hence keto/low carb diet for good BP is what I normally do).
Tren makes me crave carbs and salt for some reason.
Tren E is just sides in a vial for me.

Tren Ace I can eat a cup of oatmeal, bananas/fruit with whey protein after every meal and still shed fat...

Starting to realize what I like and what I don’t like.
I wonder if the guys who swear by feeling healthy on Primobolan are truthful because if that’s true... I would gladly run

GH, mk667, Primo E, TRT Test dosage, Var, perhaps peptides.

Starting to realize I don’t get side effects on testosterone only and I smacked up to 1.5g a week of Test and felt great, body fat loss... no side effects.

It’s when I added heavy orals, 19-nors, Base compounds.

If I can do it all over again... it would be Test/GH only... maybe low doses of derivatives just to add or switch out.

Guess that’s my body.
I wonder if the guys who swear by feeling healthy on Primobolan are truthful because if that’s true... I would gladly run

GH, mk667, Primo E, TRT Test dosage, Var, perhaps peptides.

Starting to realize I don’t get side effects on testosterone only and I smacked up to 1.5g a week of Test and felt great, body fat loss... no side effects.

It’s when I added heavy orals, 19-nors, Base compounds.

If I can do it all over again... it would be Test/GH only... maybe low doses of derivatives just to add or switch out.

Guess that’s my body.
My hematocrit gets high from just Test as well as my BP.