PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I already donate as frequently as I can, before I ever started aas my hematocrit was naturally higher being 48. It usually stays anywhere between 44-47 now that I started donating. Is there any evidence eq raises rbc more than any other aas? I haven’t seen it.
Was planning on low test and 800-1000 eq. Looking forward to some pumpkin delts people talk about with it.
My hematocrit is like 53-54 on cycle. Off cycle it’s 44-47
EQ stimulates Erythropotein in the kidney and promotes the count of red blood cells and the percentage of red blood cells (hemoglobin and Hematocrit) that translates into greater “pumps” during intense workouts.

Copy pasted that off a site...

If it was me bro I would do 500mg a week. And see how you feel on that for 8 weeks and the next 4 weeks you can up the dose if you want.

600mgs is perfect.

I’m really trying to adhere to the less is better side of our community.

I’m even starting to realize anything more that 50mg of any oral is over kill.
I may lower it. I’ll be running trt test only, so I’m comfortable with experimenting with a little more eq. I get blood work done pretty often so I’m not worried of anything getting too out of line before I catch it.

What else and how much were you running along side eq when you used it?
My favorite cycle ever is test c, npp, and eq low end doses

I love eq but you definitely should donate as often as possible while using it
It tears most people up tbh although it's weird. Too much vitamin c results in nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Also heartburn. But side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare. This is because the body cannot store the vitamin. It still gives bad sides when dosed over 2000 mg/day. Did you ever supplement that much vitamin c?

Everyone has a thread hold for vitamin c. I take 10grams per day spaced out.
I may lower it. I’ll be running trt test only, so I’m comfortable with experimenting with a little more eq. I get blood work done pretty often so I’m not worried of anything getting too out of line before I catch it.

What else and how much were you running along side eq when you used it?

Well like all Bro Science and Bro science ideas.... I read the LONGER you run EQ the better it gets. LOL

I was running

1050mg Test e EW
700mg NPP EW
900mg EQ EW

For 12 weeks continued the EQ until I felt like stopping it.. KEY WORD...”I felt”

Then I switched to a blend of
Test Prop 50mg EOD
Tren Ace 75mg EOD
Mast P 75mg EOD

With a Anadrol/Dbol/TNE blend (I FELT like throwing that in)

Looked BIG AF...

I got blood work.... let’s just say I didn’t like what I saw.... and that was last year so god knows where everything’s at now. But I’m in a state that doesn’t allow self prescribed blood work.

So what I do now is when I’m “off” blast for a good 3-4 months. I get a “check up” at the doctor and I pray everything is in range or what he does like every doctor today he orders Sonograms and biopsies LOL.... and “second” line of blood work which comes back in normal ranger... Go figure.

Truth to all this? If You Blast... Blast for 8-10 weeks... and everything will come back to normal. If you don’t smoke, drink or do recreational stuff..
Well like all Bro Science and Bro science ideas.... I read the LONGER you run EQ the better it gets. LOL

I was running

1050mg Test e EW
700mg NPP EW
900mg EQ EW

For 12 weeks continued the EQ until I felt like stopping it.. KEY WORD...”I felt”

Then I switched to a blend of
Test Prop 50mg EOD
Tren Ace 75mg EOD
Mast P 75mg EOD

With a Anadrol/Dbol/TNE blend (I FELT like throwing that in)

Looked BIG AF...

I got blood work.... let’s just say I didn’t like what I saw.... and that was last year so god knows where everything’s at now. But I’m in a state that doesn’t allow self prescribed blood work.

So what I do now is when I’m “off” blast for a good 3-4 months. I get a “check up” at the doctor and I pray everything is in range or what he does like every doctor today he orders Sonograms and biopsies LOL.... and “second” line of blood work which comes back in normal ranger... Go figure.

Truth to all this? If You Blast... Blast for 8-10 weeks... and everything will come back to normal. If you don’t smoke, drink or do recreational stuff..
So what was total time on? You can’t put all the blame on eq for the rise of rbc with everything else in your system. Glad you figured out the blood work thing, longevity is number 1.
So what was total time on? You can’t put all the blame on eq for the rise of rbc with everything else in your system. Glad you figured out the blood work thing, longevity is number 1.

A long time... But I’ve cycled Test and NPP before at those dosages and never had that problem.
So what was total time on? You can’t put all the blame on eq for the rise of rbc with everything else in your system. Glad you figured out the blood work thing, longevity is number 1.

Of course other things can raise RBC’s no doubt. But IF everyone who’s ever been in this game a long time has told me to stay away from EQ because EQ will fuck you badly.... then it’s EQ...
So 300 to 400mg of eq weekly would be a waste of time

No it wouldn’t. You can try that too. Doesn’t hurt to go small and work your way up to a higher dosage and see what works for you.

It’s a learning game. Unfortunately you’re learning on your body. You can’t go around that..... What’s good for one guy may not work for you.
People say that but it’s untrue, in my case anyways it’s not true. My very first cycle was t-400 and eq200 once a week for 14 weeks and I got great results.
How easy is it to distinguish which drug was doing the majority of the work though? I’ve read several accounts of people using lower doses of eq but other things they’re running are too overpowering to attribute anything to EQ. Have you ran 400mg of test by itself and noticed a difference without the eq added?
People say that but it’s untrue, in my case anyways it’s not true. My very first cycle was t-400 and eq200 once a week for 14 weeks and I got great results.
Yea I think it depends on goals. I dont intend on being a mass monster. I usually keep my doses modest. Maybe not 200mg for eq, 300 to 400 sounds about right.
Well like all Bro Science and Bro science ideas.... I read the LONGER you run EQ the better it gets. LOL

I was running

1050mg Test e EW
700mg NPP EW
900mg EQ EW

For 12 weeks continued the EQ until I felt like stopping it.. KEY WORD...”I felt”

Then I switched to a blend of
Test Prop 50mg EOD
Tren Ace 75mg EOD
Mast P 75mg EOD

With a Anadrol/Dbol/TNE blend (I FELT like throwing that in)

Looked BIG AF...

I got blood work.... let’s just say I didn’t like what I saw.... and that was last year so god knows where everything’s at now. But I’m in a state that doesn’t allow self prescribed blood work.

So what I do now is when I’m “off” blast for a good 3-4 months. I get a “check up” at the doctor and I pray everything is in range or what he does like every doctor today he orders Sonograms and biopsies LOL.... and “second” line of blood work which comes back in normal ranger... Go figure.

Truth to all this? If You Blast... Blast for 8-10 weeks... and everything will come back to normal. If you don’t smoke, drink or do recreational stuff..

If you go to cratusmedical(dot)com you should be able to get bloodwork done regardless of the state. I have heard from others it works. You can at least try. There prices aren't the best, but if it's the only option it may be worth it to you.