PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If you go to cratusmedical(dot)com you should be able to get bloodwork done regardless of the state. I have heard from others it works. You can at least try. There prices aren't the best, but if it's the only option it may be worth it to you.

It worked here. Multiple times.
The superior vitamin c is liposomal vitamins c. It works on a different level than your regular ascorbic and other version.

Research it and you will not have any issues with it.
I have a blood disorder known as G6. Natural vitamin C from citrus fruits do it to me. I don’t use “man made” vitamins. When I was consuming a grapefruit every day, my glucose plummeted and I lost all energy.
Everyone’s different.

Guys swear on delt injections to get bigger delts. Pinning schedules. Oral intake schedules.

If i can do it ALL OVER again like many guys have told me here. I would of started with small dosages of different things with test only.

But that’s me. Anyone who has seen my current pic knows I’m 280lbs and to be honest? A lot of you were right... it’s not all that’s cracked up to be.
How tall are you?
How easy is it to distinguish which drug was doing the majority of the work though? I’ve read several accounts of people using lower doses of eq but other things they’re running are too overpowering to attribute anything to EQ. Have you ran 400mg of test by itself and noticed a difference without the eq added?
Yes @JackSmooth, I’ve run 400 test by itself and could tell a difference. Was it major? No. The eq just seemed to lean me out as well as make me more vascular.

I’m also someone that doesn’t want to be huge. I’ve since quit blasting but when I was my doses were always on the low end and I saw great results. My goals were always different than most here but I reached my goals nonetheless
Yes @JackSmooth, I’ve run 400 test by itself and could tell a difference. Was it major? No. The eq just seemed to lean me out as well as make me more vascular.

I’m also someone that doesn’t want to be huge. I’ve since quit blasting but when I was my doses were always on the low end and I saw great results. My goals were always different than most here but I reached my goals nonetheless
I’m glad you shared that then, because most of what you see is that eq is useless at lower doses but it’s good to hear you could see a difference with what’s considered a very low dose by today’s gym rat standards. Really just looking for some personal experience. I’ll have to start it off lower.

To each their own with their goals, you have an impressive physique in your avi, something to be proud of.
I’m glad you shared that then, because most of what you see is that eq is useless at lower doses but it’s good to hear you could see a difference with what’s considered a very low dose by today’s gym rat standards. Really just looking for some personal experience. I’ll have to start it off lower.

To each their own with their goals, you have an impressive physique in your avi, something to be proud of.

I try to really know what’s doing what when I would blast. I’ve always used a compound by itself, along with test base obviously, before mixing with another compound.

Thank you sir
Everyone’s different.

Guys swear on delt injections to get bigger delts. Pinning schedules. Oral intake schedules.

If i can do it ALL OVER again like many guys have told me here. I would of started with small dosages of different things with test only.

But that’s me. Anyone who has seen my current pic knows I’m 280lbs and to be honest? A lot of you were right... it’s not all that’s cracked up to be.
What don't you like about weighing 280 lbs?
What don't you like about weighing 280 lbs?

Good luck sleeping on your back, for one.

At 5'5" i got up to around 205. Sleeping on a regular fluffy pillow was a no go. My traps would push against my neck and make it uncomfortable (stomach sleeper). So i slept on my arm for months. Trying to fall asleep on my back was asking for a slow, gasping death in my sleep. :(:eek:
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Good luck sleeping on your back, for one.

At 5'5" i got up to around 205. Sleeping on a regular fluffy pillow was a no go. My traps would push against my neck and make it uncomfortable (stomach sleeper). So i slept on my arm for months. Sleeping on my back was asking for a slow, gasping death in my sleep. :(:eek:
Do you or did you have sleep apnea? I want to get a sleep study done but wasn't for sure on how much they cost.
Do you or did you have sleep apnea? I want to get a sleep study done but wasn't for sure on how much they cost.

As far as i know, yes and no. If i try to fall asleep on my back, i can feel that i'm not breathing and wake up out of pre-sleep grogginess in a startle.

However, once asleep, i'll wake up sometimes and be on my back, but i wake up because of my snoring, not from gasping for air.

So, in my unprofessional medical opinion, i do and i don't.
What don't you like about weighing 280 lbs?

I walk differently, I get tired really easily, Hypoglycemic really fast if I don’t eat every 3 hours.... cardio is a bitch I’m trying to get back into.

I don’t fit into my truck anymore. My breathing is heavy. And the funny thing about it? My friends who are normal average guys don’t believe I’m 280 until I step on the scale..

I have sleep apnea. The test is free through your insurance once you get a script from a Pulmonologist. I’m trying out new mask.

My goal after this blast I’m on is to cut drastically. Probably won’t be much cutting which is fucked in my opinion because if I do cut I can see my abs at 275 and down.... which means this shit is permanent... not like i can say “Fuck I got a fuck ton of BF to lose”

Muscle is gonna kill you way before BF ever will.
Good luck sleeping on your back, for one.

At 5'5" i got up to around 205. Sleeping on a regular fluffy pillow was a no go. My traps would push against my neck and make it uncomfortable (stomach sleeper). So i slept on my arm for months. Sleeping on my back was asking for a slow, gasping death in my sleep. :(:eek:
Sounds like me now. It’s hard for me to lay on my back with a pillow and watch tv feels like I’m choking. 6’2 300 it’s hard to do a lot of things. Going to do a sleep study soon. Honestly I’ve had about enough of being this big. The older I get the harder it is.
As far as i know, yes and no. If i try to fall asleep on my back, i can feel that i'm not breathing and wake up out of pre-sleep grogginess in a startle.

However, once asleep, i'll wake up sometimes and be on my back, but i wake up because of my snoring, not from gasping for air.

So, in my unprofessional medical opinion, i do and i don't.
I've had people tell me I snore. Not sure about breathing problems though. I guess snoring is a breathing problem? I do wake up at strange times too. Also, I woke up completely upside down in my bed one day. Woke up the next day and was perplexed to say the least.
I walk differently, I get tired really easily, Hypoglycemic really fast if I don’t eat every 3 hours.... cardio is a bitch I’m trying to get back into.

I don’t fit into my truck anymore. My breathing is heavy. And the funny thing about it? My friends who are normal average guys don’t believe I’m 280 until I step on the scale..

I have sleep apnea. The test is free through your insurance once you get a script from a Pulmonologist. I’m trying out new mask.

My goal after this blast I’m on is to cut drastically. Probably won’t be much cutting which is fucked in my opinion because if I do cut I can see my abs at 275 and down.... which means this shit is permanent... not like i can say “Fuck I got a fuck ton of BF to lose”

Muscle is gonna kill you way before BF ever will.
I'm going to look into getting a Pulmonologist. Never heard of them before. Thanks. I thought muscle and fat were both basically equally bad, health wise?
Ironically it’s different for me. I can sleep on my back really well. In fact I get my best sleep in the recliner.

As for actual sleep in a bed. I get my best sleep between 4am and 10AM.... like deep sleep.

Other than that it helps to have a wife or girlfriend sleep in your bed who loves you enough to stay up at night and watch you sleep and see if you stop breathing... I don’t have that so i had to go to my GP, who rushed me to a pulmonologist, who got me a test ASAP.... and I received my machine a few months later.

It’s not easy using this machine... wish there was a better way to keep the mask on lol.

Sleep Apnea also raises Hematocit and Hemoglobin. It increases Red Blood Cells to make up for the lack of oxygen in your blood due to not breathing in your sleep.
If you cure your sleep apnea with a cpap machine your natural test levels and growth hormone will most definitely increase....

I just haven’t gotten to that point yet because I’m still waking up in shock from the mask.
I've had people tell me I snore. Not sure about breathing problems though. I guess snoring is a breathing problem? I do wake up at strange times too. Also, I woke up completely upside down in my bed one day. Woke up the next day and was perplexed to say the least.

I'm going to look into getting a Pulmonologist. Never heard of them before. Thanks. I thought muscle and fat were both basically equally bad, health wise?

Muscle is a thousand times worse. Requires more blood flow, oxygen. Kidneys and liver take a beaten from protein break down and glycogen...