PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So far you have got some great advice on the Eq

I’m all about trying new substance with lower dose... but for me anything shy of 600mg week is a waste of Eq for me

At 600 the hunger is real in those that experience it (myself included)

Biggest thing is blood pressure.... although you’ll eat anything and everything in site best to keep diet somewhat clean if possible:)

Tren and eq is beast (to offset low appetite)

Test and eq feels awesome:)
I walk differently, I get tired really easily, Hypoglycemic really fast if I don’t eat every 3 hours.... cardio is a bitch I’m trying to get back into.

I don’t fit into my truck anymore. My breathing is heavy. And the funny thing about it? My friends who are normal average guys don’t believe I’m 280 until I step on the scale..

I have sleep apnea. The test is free through your insurance once you get a script from a Pulmonologist. I’m trying out new mask.

My goal after this blast I’m on is to cut drastically. Probably won’t be much cutting which is fucked in my opinion because if I do cut I can see my abs at 275 and down.... which means this shit is permanent... not like i can say “Fuck I got a fuck ton of BF to lose”

Muscle is gonna kill you way before BF ever will.
It’s only free if you have a good plan. If you have any type of deductible, that has to be met first and then there is usually coinsurance.
It would appear PPL Rep has great insurance. I work for a damn insurance company and have shitty insurance. These high deductible health plans have killed the good old days of copay plans.
We need an "insurance" thread on here. I need to figure out what the secret is to getting good insurance.
I get tmj and I swear it’s from gear it’s bad like my jaw is fucked up some times it’s get stuck @Roger rabbit u know anything about this

more than likely you are grinding your teeth at night. I would suggest getting a mouth guard that you wear at night when you sleep. They are cheap and can be found at Walmart. My wife wears one it works wonders for her.
Depends on what you consider old. Stallone is still big. Hogan is still big. Even The Ahnuld is good sized. Oh wait - you mean natty guys. Never mind.

I’m thinking about going as Hogan to a Halloween party... not dying my hair just wearing the Hulkamania sleeveless shirt, jeans and sneakers LOL