PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I wish PPL would get into supplements... supplying supplement raws or capsules at a cheaper price than retail.

That’s an idea that’s been floating in my head for a while. All these supplements are obviously from China...
I’ve been buying my arginine akg and other supplements in bulk raw powder by the kilo.... and They come with a 1 gram or a 5 gram scooper.... this is way better than capsules. And I can dose everything to medical and scientific standards.
You ever notice all these supplement companies half ass dose their products so you take more.... what a scam.

So basically 1 serving is 3 capsules but you have to take 3 servings to get the benefit of it.... makes no sense.
Have you tried beet root powder?

Also, when you check blood pressure you should check both arms.

If one arm is significantly higher than the other this can be an indication of a clog on that side. Never check just one arm
That’s right! I forgot we had talked about that. I’ll order before I forget again. Willing to try anything before going to the doc.
I should probably get a larger cuff, my arm is starting to out grow the one I have.
You ever notice all these supplement companies half ass dose their products so you take more.... what a scam.

So basically 1 serving is 3 capsules but you have to take 3 servings to get the benefit of it.... makes no sense.

Um no...

Try a different brand.. not the kind from Walmart or cvs lmao.
Um no...

Try a different brand.. not the kind from Walmart or cvs lmao.

You’re a smart guy when it comes to facts about things.. not smart enough when it comes to cost effectiveness. And no I don’t shop at Walmart.. I don’t have one near me and I don’t use CVS for anything. I shop online....
Um no...

Try a different brand.. not the kind from Walmart or cvs lmao.

I buy bulk powder....

How about you post a few brands and what not... I’m still trying to find the “digestive enzymes” you told me to sprinkle on my food...

Would be cool to share brand names and shit... I mean I use amazon for the bulk raws of supplements...and MyProtein.com runs massive sales too.
If you think vitamin shoppe is any better lol....

Every supplement out there is designed for you to take more...that’s a marketing scheme. They know they aren’t producing a product with the highest potency that’s scientifically proven so instead they give you a serving amount and if you’re “informed” enough you will notice a serving amount is usually a quarter or a half of the daily dosage...

That’s how you run a business.

YOUR end is suppose to cut out the middle man.. “Raws” by making your own and taking the actual dosage at a very LOW price.

You honestly think I will ever just give my money to another supplement company ever again?
A vial of Test cost $2-$4 to make probably less depending on your materials and raws, probably a little more...

Take that logic into EVERY perspective on life and you will find your paying way more for the convenience of the product than the actual product.
A vial of Test cost $2-$4 to make probably less depending on your materials and raws, probably a little more...

Take that logic into EVERY perspective on life and you will find your paying way more for the convenience of the product than the actual product.

Hard to apply logic of an illegal controlled substance to legal supplements.

There's only so cheap you can go and turn a profit when buying in bulk + manufactured cost
If you think vitamin shoppe is any better lol....

Every supplement out there is designed for you to take more...that’s a marketing scheme. They know they aren’t producing a product with the highest potency that’s scientifically proven so instead they give you a serving amount and if you’re “informed” enough you will notice a serving amount is usually a quarter or a half of the daily dosage...

That’s how you run a business.

YOUR end is suppose to cut out the middle man.. “Raws” by making your own and taking the actual dosage at a very LOW price.

You honestly think I will ever just give my money to another supplement company ever again?
A lot of supplement companies are now trying to differentiate themselves from other companies by showing actual quantities of each ingredient, instead of the usual "proprietary blends".

But I know what you mean, they sprinkle a little of this just to put it on the label, even if it's not in the effective dosage. They fill it up with cheaper ingredients.
Any of u guys with BP issues find any relief with Cialis?

I notice a slight difference — and I take 10-20mg daily for prostate ( notice I don’t hesitate to pee when taking it) so I incorporate it with my cycles —
Plus the “pump” is real dealz
Any of u guys with BP issues find any relief with Cialis?

I notice a slight difference — and I take 10-20mg daily for prostate ( notice I don’t hesitate to pee when taking it) so I incorporate it with my cycles —
Plus the “pump” is real dealz

All cycle my BP was fine. Started oral at the end of it and my systolic number shot up by 20 points. 10mg ED of Cialis while on the oral dropped it back down the same 20 it went up.
Hard to apply logic of an illegal controlled substance to legal supplements.

There's only so cheap you can go and turn a profit when buying in bulk + manufactured cost

I’m applying the logic of “why drink from a glass of milk if you can suck from the tit”......

Not that hard to apply this logic to. And supplement companies charge an outrageous amount for “arginine/pump” when I buy a kilo for $14....
Why don't you pay her bond, bring her to china
and get both a trophy wife and an assistant who knows how to run a steroid business?


Bikini model in court on steroid charges
@purplepandalabs will you?

Lol cocaine and methamphetamines we're involved. I'm sure that's what they were after. Once again. Someone fucking with gear has to fuck with narcotics and ruin it for everyone...

Fucking whore
The other guys said she wasn't involved in that part of the business, just steroids

Roop also claimed to be continuing to brew for panda after the hair issue. He posted this in his thread. At the time no one believed it. But after everything that was shown in the video I would have to believe he was telling the truth.
@Roger rabbit you're so focused on your agenda (bashing Panda) that you're mistaken.
We were talking about rec drugs caught in the above bimbo gang.

Drugs being illegal doesn’t stop people from doing them. Look at the opioid epidemic, look at weed, look at cocaine/crack. All it does by making this stuff illegal is create a black market, create a ton of related crimes that are often much worse than drug use itself(murder, robbery, fraud, you name it). It also makes a shit load of money for drug cartels, often funds terrorism and other things, makes scum bag street dealers rich instead of creating whole new industries for legit companies. Not to mention all the tax dollars it could generate if it was legal, the new jobs it would create, oh and of course putting every single drug dealer out of business overnight.

If you are gonna choose to do hard drugs, them being illegal isn’t deterring anyone
Imagine a gram of fentanyl being sold legally for $5 or so.
Not only thousands of junkies will die from it, but it would be used for murders.

Also tin foil....

Stop using Tin Foil when baking or cooking in general. That raises iron levels...

Deodorants..... all this stuff raises iron levels.
I used to believe that Tin raises, Tin levels in your body (not that of a bad thing), and not Iron.

Deodorants are scary tho
they're made out of Aluminum as to reduce sweating.

You just have to donate every 2 months... that’s your safest best. It cleans your blood of toxins and you’ll live longer.

I always heard rumors that Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones goes overseas to get his blood cleaned yearly.... If you think about it. That makes a lot of sense.

And have you seen Mick Jagger? That guy can swallow a bottle of Jack Daniels in one day and still live to 100...
Mick Jagger donating blood?
I wonder how high the receiving people got off his blood.

Man, EQ is the only drug I’m deathly afraid of as of now. I felt every symptom of High Hematocrit and Hemoglobin.

The half life is very very long. I mean from what I’m reading on this Nebido which is TRT prescribed and injected every 3 months (4 times a year)... the half life from scientific studies can be anywhere from 30-90 days depending on how the person metabolizes the ester breakdown.

EQ is the same ester as Nebido (Undecanoate)..... So If I’m smackin 900mg a week of EQ or even 750, 500 or even 250mg.... that half life is over lapping... and you’re building up a serious amount of red blood cells.

I would suggest you start with 500mg a week and see how you feel.

I would also donate blood every 2 months as well if you can.

EQ never gave me hunger panes, or nothing. But someone I know tried Boldenone Cyp and was really hungry on it and got massive delts and pump....
I have done tons of EQ
and I can tell you that it's all BS
EQ doesn't raise hematocrit much
with bloodwork to prove it
It's all broscience.

I’m lowering my Anadrol dose from 100mg of Tabs per day to 50mg Tabs per day and I’m also hitting some left over Anadrol Inject from Pcom....

Pump is crippling. I admit I’m dumbass.

From here on out 50mg only a day of any oral. It’s enough. It builds up in system regardless of what you think the half life peak is..

These pumps are crippling and Taurine and Banana is fine but that doesn’t change the fact that THIS is my body telling me I’m doing way to Fucking much.
Try to add some Dbol
Somehow it reduces Adrol sides.

I’ve been buying my arginine akg and other supplements in bulk raw powder by the kilo.... and They come with a 1 gram or a 5 gram scooper.... this is way better than capsules. And I can dose everything to medical and scientific standards.
What dose Arginine did you do?
and what effects did you feel from it?

I have read good things about it and will give it a try.

Any of u guys with BP issues find any relief with Cialis?

I notice a slight difference — and I take 10-20mg daily for prostate ( notice I don’t hesitate to pee when taking it) so I incorporate it with my cycles —
Plus the “pump” is real dealz
Both viagra and cialis lower BP.
Vitamin B12 raws would be amazing

B12 is highly susceptible to light so I would never buy a supplement that claims it as an ingredient.

You’re a smart guy when it comes to facts about things.. not smart enough when it comes to cost effectiveness. And no I don’t shop at Walmart.. I don’t have one near me and I don’t use CVS for anything. I shop online....

When performing studies to test the benefits of a vitamin or mineral, the researches are using research grade materials which can cost upwards of hundreds of $$$ per gram. Most people aren’t paying that for their OTC supplements and there’s no regulation really of the supplement market so people are not getting what’s being put on the label.

Hard to apply logic of an illegal controlled substance to legal supplements.

There's only so cheap you can go and turn a profit when buying in bulk + manufactured cost

Supplement company isn’t really regulated and is possibly more Wild West environment than our market.
@purplepandalabs will you?

The other guys said she wasn't involved in that part of the business, just steroids

@Roger rabbit you're so focused on your agenda (bashing Panda) that you're mistaken.
We were talking about rec drugs caught in the above bimbo gang.

Imagine a gram of fentanyl being sold legally for $5 or so.
Not only thousands of junkies will die from it, but it would be used for murders.

I used to believe that Tin raises, Tin levels in your body (not that of a bad thing), and not Iron.

Deodorants are scary tho
they're made out of Aluminum as to reduce sweating.

Mick Jagger donating blood?
I wonder how high the receiving people got off his blood.

I have done tons of EQ
and I can tell you that it's all BS
EQ doesn't raise hematocrit much
with bloodwork to prove it
It's all broscience.

Try to add some Dbol
Somehow it reduces Adrol sides.

What dose Arginine did you do?
and what effects did you feel from it?

I have read good things about it and will give it a try.

Both viagra and cialis lower BP.

Despite what you might think, junkies aren’t stupid. The reason they’re od’ing so much is because they’re buying heroin that is cut with fentanyl or carfentanyl and they have no way of knowing how much is in their bag. If junkies could buy their drug of choice legally and affordably, they could just buy pure heroin, or pure oxymorphone, or pure whatever it is they’re trying to do. And they wouldn’t have to worry about their bag being cut with carfentanyl. They would probably overdose a lot less than they are now. They’re overdosing so often now because they don’t know what they’re getting, not because they’re deciding “wow, I’m going to inject a half gram of carfentanyl today!” Lol.

As for using fentanyl or carfentanyl for murders, I think you’re watching too much crime drama on tv or something lol. If a murderer wants to kill someone there are already tons of ways they can do it. Having something like fentanyl be readily available isn’t suddenly going to change the murder game lol. For one, it’s already cheap and readily available, hats why it’s so commonly used to cut heroin right now.