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Despite what you might think, junkies aren’t stupid. The reason they’re od’ing so much is because they’re buying heroin that is cut with fentanyl or carfentanyl and they have no way of knowing how much is in their bag. If junkies could buy their drug of choice legally and affordably, they could just buy pure heroin, or pure oxymorphone, or pure whatever it is they’re trying to do. And they wouldn’t have to worry about their bag being cut with carfentanyl. They would probably overdose a lot less than they are now. They’re overdosing so often now because they don’t know what they’re getting, not because they’re deciding “wow, I’m going to inject a half gram of carfentanyl today!” Lol.

As for using fentanyl or carfentanyl for murders, I think you’re watching too much crime drama on tv or something lol. If a murderer wants to kill someone there are already tons of ways they can do it. Having something like fentanyl be readily available isn’t suddenly going to change the murder game lol. For one, it’s already cheap and readily available, hats why it’s so commonly used to cut heroin right now.

Shame is the junkies that didn't die from fentanyl now seek it out, the stronger high, there's actually a demand for it.
Shame is the junkies that didn't die from fentanyl now seek it out, the stronger high, there's actually a demand for it.
But at least when they know exactly what they’re getting, they can dose it right and maybe not die lol. Problem with buying mystery bags from t-bone behind the kwik e Mart is they dunno wtf they’re getting.
Shame is the junkies that didn't die from fentanyl now seek it out, the stronger high, there's actually a demand for it.

I would think it’s the few that are desperate, have massive tolerances, and so on. The high is not even in the same league as morphine or opioids that actually come from the poppy plant, it lacks the warmth or the feeling of having a star in your stomach lol, no feelings similar to jizzing etc. It is a very sedating, and is a very strong painkiller, but the high is closer to benzos than poppy derived opiates & opioids. I know because I used to have such a tolerance that I started using a lot of pharmaceutical fentanyl. Back when I was using opioids, if I were able to get high off of oxy, morphine etc I wouldn’t of touched fentanyl, the high is a joke. I was given a big shot of fentanyl in the hospital and while I felt it didn’t really tempt me to go after it again. All of it sucks tbh, you get tolerant and only use to feel normal. I think those that still feel a high or those that aren’t able to get their hands on them all time and go between wd and high.
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Despite what you might think, junkies aren’t stupid. The reason they’re od’ing so much is because they’re buying heroin that is cut with fentanyl or carfentanyl and they have no way of knowing how much is in their bag. If junkies could buy their drug of choice legally and affordably, they could just buy pure heroin, or pure oxymorphone, or pure whatever it is they’re trying to do. And they wouldn’t have to worry about their bag being cut with carfentanyl. They would probably overdose a lot less than they are now. They’re overdosing so often now because they don’t know what they’re getting, not because they’re deciding “wow, I’m going to inject a half gram of carfentanyl today!” Lol.

As for using fentanyl or carfentanyl for murders, I think you’re watching too much crime drama on tv or something lol. If a murderer wants to kill someone there are already tons of ways they can do it. Having something like fentanyl be readily available isn’t suddenly going to change the murder game lol. For one, it’s already cheap and readily available, hats why it’s so commonly used to cut heroin right now.

When someone OD’s a lot of the time it’s due to tolerance. If they go a couple of days without it lowers and they misjudge the shot and OD. Having it all be “pure” and the same there would still be a lot of people dying.
Same here. It’s typically good when just cruising on 150-200 but it could be better. Ive tried all the natural remedies and they work but over time I’ve been losing the battle. If there’s one thing that’ll end up being the death of me it will be BP. No telling how many others are having this issue that don’t monitor it.
Have you tried beet root powder?

Also, when you check blood pressure you should check both arms.

If one arm is significantly higher than the other this can be an indication of a clog on that side. Never check just one arm
Never thought about checking both arms. Thanks. How often do you guys check your BP on cycle? How about when you're off?
When someone OD’s a lot of the time it’s due to tolerance. If they go a couple of days without it lowers and they misjudge the shot and OD. Having it all be “pure” and the same there would still be a lot of people dying.

I don’t think anyone is trying to say there won’t be any deaths, just look at booze; according to the cdc there were 88,000 deaths due to excessive alcohol consumption each year from 2006-2010. But look at how many more deaths there were when booze was outlawed, look at other countries that have more recently outlawed booze, like Iran did almost 40 years ago. I’ve heard about a lotta people dying from illegal alcohol, or going blind or other severe injuries or illnesses. They never know if what they have is ethanol or some other alcohol.

If you’ve been watching the news then you’d know that people are now od’ing because they don’t know whether their oxy or h has fentanyl or worse carfentanil, which is 10,000x stronger than morphine and 5,000-7,500x stronger than heroin. Drugs will be around, whether or not it’s legal and the state shouldn’t be protecting people from themselves.
Never thought about checking both arms. Thanks. How often do you guys check your BP on cycle? How about when you're off?

3 times is optimal (per day)

But the key is to check it at the same time each day since the bp fluctuates through day.

So a good time is when you wake up and another when you get home from work or before bedtime.

The new devices that you can use a app with are best. It will keep track of each measurement so you can see a pattern overtime. Then you will be able to truly see if your blood pressure is going up or not. But.... if you take it at the same time each day you will know what your reading should be.

Also one thing people forget to do is.. don’t just take one reading.Best practice is to take three readings spaced 60 seconds apart. and take that average for a more accurate understanding.

( I personally check twice per day. )
Bro, your knowledge is astounding

listen to dr Rhonda patrick if you want your mind blown. shes on rogan like every 6 months and has her own podcast. shes a beast, learned so much about pro and prebiotics from her. also learned useful tips like letting your garlic rest for 10 mins after chopping it up to let the cell wall break down and allow for betternabsorption .
3 times is optimal (per day)

But the key is to check it at the same time each day since the bp fluctuates through day.

So a good time is when you wake up and another when you get home from work or before bedtime.

The new devices that you can use a app with are best. It will keep track of each measurement so you can see a pattern overtime. Then you will be able to truly see if your blood pressure is going up or not. But.... if you take it at the same time each day you will know what your reading should be.

Also one thing people forget to do is.. don’t just take one reading.Best practice is to take three readings spaced 60 seconds apart. and take that average for a more accurate understanding.

( I personally check twice per day. )
3 times is optimal (per day)

But the key is to check it at the same time each day since the bp fluctuates through day.

So a good time is when you wake up and another when you get home from work or before bedtime.

The new devices that you can use a app with are best. It will keep track of each measurement so you can see a pattern overtime. Then you will be able to truly see if your blood pressure is going up or not. But.... if you take it at the same time each day you will know what your reading should be.

Also one thing people forget to do is.. don’t just take one reading.Best practice is to take three readings spaced 60 seconds apart. and take that average for a more accurate understanding.

( I personally check twice per day. )

Not knocking your statement that bp should be checked multiple times per session. i agree. i've seen the difference in my own readings.

The question is, why do doctors only do it once, and do you believe this could lead to a false diagnosis of high bp?
Not knocking your statement that bp should be checked multiple times per session. i agree. i've seen the difference in my own readings.

The question is, why do doctors only do it once, and do you believe this could lead to a false diagnosis of high bp?

I do believe it tends to lead to more over diagnosing than what’s needed.most of the time you will get two readings when you go to the doc. One from nurse and one from doc. The problem is with that is if you watch the nurse from the doc... they will not take the measurement the same in many cases. Even though they should.

The other part falls on the patient not being honest or forgetful / ignorant. Meaning did you drink a energy drink before? Apprehensive about seeing the doc? Again so many variables. Another reason docs imo are fast to prescribe is because of malpractice lawsuits. It’s too easy now a days to sue and if they suspect something and dont give the “appropriate” care then they can be out big league.

There are so many reasons the doc can get it wrong. One example is if one time you came in and you had your arm elevated slightly then next time had it straight to side you would show an increase in blood pressure. Variables play a big role. There are also very few docs or nurses who actually practice taking blood pressure from both arms. My dad always asking for both arms to be tested is what caught a clog in his right side of body. The opposite can be said if the left is way higher than the right.

Blood pressure imo is nothing to slack about because it can catch many things that have a life altering impact on you. The devices now a days makes it too simple not to track and you can bring those tracking to doctor if needed and pull up the app or website that stores your tracking and time of day taken.

Also VERY important when you buy a new machine always bring to the doctors and have it compare to theirs on reading. Then every few months when you visit bring it to ensure it’s still accurate and matched up with your doctors.

