PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Damn, honestly first time I’ve heard of cardio helping with hematocrit but makes sense. Thanks!

Red Blood Cells die every 120 days. Cardio increases plasma in the blood.

Hydration lowers hematocrit/hemoglobin as well.

Ruby Red Grape Fruit and Grape Fruit Juice have an acid that removes red blood cells.

Donating Double red every 4 months or Whole Blood every 2 months is your best bet.
Red Blood Cells die every 120 days. Cardio increases plasma in the blood.

Hydration lowers hematocrit/hemoglobin as well.

Ruby Red Grape Fruit and Grape Fruit Juice have an acid that removes red blood cells.

Donating Double red every 4 months or Whole Blood every 2 months is your best bet.
Thanks for the tip on the GF juice. Although too much vitamin c tears me up.
If anyone believes the half lives and full lives of these drugs aren’t longer...... YOU’RE so wrong.

After my last Deca/Tren e pin.... I felt my best and strongest for 2 months after.

Makes me realize I’m taking too much shit for toooooo Fucking long.
Thanks for the tip on the GF juice. Although too much vitamin c tears me up.

It tears most people up tbh although it's weird. Too much vitamin c results in nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Also heartburn. But side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare. This is because the body cannot store the vitamin. It still gives bad sides when dosed over 2000 mg/day. Did you ever supplement that much vitamin c?
Also tin foil....

Stop using Tin Foil when baking or cooking in general. That raises iron levels...

Deodorants..... all this stuff raises iron levels.
You just have to donate every 2 months... that’s your safest best. It cleans your blood of toxins and you’ll live longer.

I always heard rumors that Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones goes overseas to get his blood cleaned yearly.... If you think about it. That makes a lot of sense.

And have you seen Mick Jagger? That guy can swallow a bottle of Jack Daniels in one day and still live to 100...
It tears most people up tbh although it's weird. Too much vitamin c results in nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Also heartburn. But side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare. This is because the body cannot store the vitamin. It still gives bad sides when dosed over 2000 mg/day. Did you ever supplement that much vitamin c?
My issues with vitamin c actually have to do with my ethnicity and a blood disorder. Too much vitamin c depletes my glucose levels and drains me of all energy.
Details on the eq? Plan on using it for the first time soon.

Man, EQ is the only drug I’m deathly afraid of as of now. I felt every symptom of High Hematocrit and Hemoglobin.

The half life is very very long. I mean from what I’m reading on this Nebido which is TRT prescribed and injected every 3 months (4 times a year)... the half life from scientific studies can be anywhere from 30-90 days depending on how the person metabolizes the ester breakdown.

EQ is the same ester as Nebido (Undecanoate)..... So If I’m smackin 900mg a week of EQ or even 750, 500 or even 250mg.... that half life is over lapping... and you’re building up a serious amount of red blood cells.

I would suggest you start with 500mg a week and see how you feel.

I would also donate blood every 2 months as well if you can.

EQ never gave me hunger panes, or nothing. But someone I know tried Boldenone Cyp and was really hungry on it and got massive delts and pump....
Everyone’s different.

Guys swear on delt injections to get bigger delts. Pinning schedules. Oral intake schedules.

If i can do it ALL OVER again like many guys have told me here. I would of started with small dosages of different things with test only.

But that’s me. Anyone who has seen my current pic knows I’m 280lbs and to be honest? A lot of you were right... it’s not all that’s cracked up to be.
What symptoms did you experience?

Tingling and pins and needles in my hands and feet. My feet felt like they were burning and on fire... appetite was gone and I felt a pain in my abdomen.. that’s excess blood moving into your stomach...

All symptoms of hemochromatosis

I was also baking my sweet and white potatoes cubes on tin foil... And I was drinking two packs of Emergen-C.

So who really knows what it truly was.

I had a massive pump 2 months after my last EQ injection.
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Man, EQ is the only drug I’m deathly afraid of as of now. I felt every symptom of High Hematocrit and Hemoglobin.

The half life is very very long. I mean from what I’m reading on this Nebido which is TRT prescribed and injected every 3 months (4 times a year)... the half life from scientific studies can be anywhere from 30-90 days depending on how the person metabolizes the ester breakdown.

EQ is the same ester as Nebido (Undecanoate)..... So If I’m smackin 900mg a week of EQ or even 750, 500 or even 250mg.... that half life is over lapping... and you’re building up a serious amount of red blood cells.

I would suggest you start with 500mg a week and see how you feel.

I would also donate blood every 2 months as well if you can.

EQ never gave me hunger panes, or nothing. But someone I know tried Boldenone Cyp and was really hungry on it and got massive delts and pump....
I already donate as frequently as I can, before I ever started aas my hematocrit was naturally higher being 48. It usually stays anywhere between 44-47 now that I started donating. Is there any evidence eq raises rbc more than any other aas? I haven’t seen it.
Was planning on low test and 800-1000 eq. Looking forward to some pumpkin delts people talk about with it.
I already donate as frequently as I can, before I ever started aas my hematocrit was naturally higher being 48. It usually stays anywhere between 44-47 now that I started donating. Is there any evidence eq raises rbc more than any other aas? I haven’t seen it.
Was planning on low test and 800-1000 eq. Looking forward to some pumpkin delts people talk about with it.

EQ stimulates Erythropotein in the kidney and promotes the count of red blood cells and the percentage of red blood cells (hemoglobin and Hematocrit) that translates into greater “pumps” during intense workouts.

Copy pasted that off a site...

If it was me bro I would do 500mg a week. And see how you feel on that for 8 weeks and the next 4 weeks you can up the dose if you want.

600mgs is perfect.

I’m really trying to adhere to the less is better side of our community.

I’m even starting to realize anything more that 50mg of any oral is over kill.