I never had a kidney stone in my life, then I got a nutribullet and started drinking a big smoothie almost daily with spinach/kale/pineapple/banana/almond milk/spirulina/and any other random stuff mixed in(sometimes avocado, broccoli, whatever), and after doing this for a few months I got my first and still only kidney stone ever to this day. That kidney stone was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my life. When it passed over the nerve in the front of my abdomen I still didn’t even realize what it was yet, and I thought something in my gut exploded and legit thought I was dying lol. The pain literally was so bad it made me pass out in the bathroom. It’s easily the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. If I had a choice to have another kidney stone or get shot, I would probably pick to get shot. Not even joking.
After finally realizing what had happened I started researching, and found that there are different types of kidney stones, but I believe the type I had was made from oxalates. I found that spinach is extremely high in oxalates, so I blame all the spinach I was drinking for that kidney stone and immediately stopped drinking those smoothies. Haven’t had another green smoothie since lol.
If you are making those smoothies and using a large amount of spinach in each one, like I was, beware. It doesn’t mean that you will for sure get a kidney stone, but I definitely believe that my kidney stone was caused by drinking so much spinach.