PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I never had a kidney stone in my life, then I got a nutribullet and started drinking a big smoothie almost daily with spinach/kale/pineapple/banana/almond milk/spirulina/and any other random stuff mixed in(sometimes avocado, broccoli, whatever), and after doing this for a few months I got my first and still only kidney stone ever to this day. That kidney stone was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my life. When it passed over the nerve in the front of my abdomen I still didn’t even realize what it was yet, and I thought something in my gut exploded and legit thought I was dying lol. The pain literally was so bad it made me pass out in the bathroom. It’s easily the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. If I had a choice to have another kidney stone or get shot, I would probably pick to get shot. Not even joking.

After finally realizing what had happened I started researching, and found that there are different types of kidney stones, but I believe the type I had was made from oxalates. I found that spinach is extremely high in oxalates, so I blame all the spinach I was drinking for that kidney stone and immediately stopped drinking those smoothies. Haven’t had another green smoothie since lol.

If you are making those smoothies and using a large amount of spinach in each one, like I was, beware. It doesn’t mean that you will for sure get a kidney stone, but I definitely believe that my kidney stone was caused by drinking so much spinach.
I’m pretty sure you just trashed one of the original bodybuilders of all time and his methods. Shame on you. I will never take Popeye seriously again.
I never had a kidney stone in my life, then I got a nutribullet and started drinking a big smoothie almost daily with spinach/kale/pineapple/banana/almond milk/spirulina/and any other random stuff mixed in(sometimes avocado, broccoli, whatever), and after doing this for a few months I got my first and still only kidney stone ever to this day. That kidney stone was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my life. When it passed over the nerve in the front of my abdomen I still didn’t even realize what it was yet, and I thought something in my gut exploded and legit thought I was dying lol. The pain literally was so bad it made me pass out in the bathroom. It’s easily the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. If I had a choice to have another kidney stone or get shot, I would probably pick to get shot. Not even joking.

After finally realizing what had happened I started researching, and found that there are different types of kidney stones, but I believe the type I had was made from oxalates. I found that spinach is extremely high in oxalates, so I blame all the spinach I was drinking for that kidney stone and immediately stopped drinking those smoothies. Haven’t had another green smoothie since lol.

If you are making those smoothies and using a large amount of spinach in each one, like I was, beware. It doesn’t mean that you will for sure get a kidney stone, but I definitely believe that my kidney stone was caused by drinking so much spinach.

My dad has had 8 of them bitches and two of em got stuck and the doctors had to go in through the dick to get em lol. Kidney stones I’m very afraid of after seeing my dad hit the ground when I was young and seeing the pain he was in.

But his were caused by drinking tea. They finally kept one of the stones and analyzed it and figured out what was causing them.
My dad has had 8 of them bitches and two of em got stuck and the doctors had to go in through the dick to get em lol. Kidney stones I’m very afraid of after seeing my dad hit the ground when I was young and seeing the pain he was in.

But his were caused by drinking tea. They finally kept one of the stones and analyzed it and figured out what was causing them.
I bet he's the toughest sob around after going through that.. damn
My dad has had 8 of them bitches and two of em got stuck and the doctors had to go in through the dick to get em lol. Kidney stones I’m very afraid of after seeing my dad hit the ground when I was young and seeing the pain he was in.

But his were caused by drinking tea. They finally kept one of the stones and analyzed it and figured out what was causing them.
Everyone always says it’s the worst pain they’ve ever felt, but you really have no idea until you feel it yourself. It’s insane how painful it is as it passes over that nerve
My dad has had 8 of them bitches and two of em got stuck and the doctors had to go in through the dick to get em lol. Kidney stones I’m very afraid of after seeing my dad hit the ground when I was young and seeing the pain he was in.

But his were caused by drinking tea. They finally kept one of the stones and analyzed it and figured out what was causing them.

My boy in high school had one too, same deal had to put a tube in his dick. He was out for months, they say that's the closest a male gets to childbirth pain.
My boy in high school had one too, same deal had to put a tube in his dick. He was out for months, they say that's the closest a male gets to childbirth pain.

The age ol debate. Which is worse... getting kicked in the nuts or having a child....

It’s pretty simple really... when a guy gets hit in the nuts they never forget that pain and will protect that shit from ever getting hit again.

When a female gives birth.. they forget the pain and want another.

So by scientific facts: getting hit in the nuts is far worse than child birth.
The age ol debate. Which is worse... getting kicked in the nuts or having a child....

It’s pretty simple really... when a guy gets hit in the nuts they never forget that pain and will protect that shit from ever getting hit again.

When a female gives birth.. they forget the pain and want another.

So by scientific facts: getting hit in the nuts is far worse than child birth.
I would take a bowling ball to the nuts over another kidney stone lol. Feels like a bomb went off inside your guts
When I used to drink a gallon of tea or soda a day, I had stones a couple times. It’s excruciating and as bad as everyone says, but not quite as bad as my stupid spine!
I would take a bowling ball to the nuts over another kidney stone lol. Feels like a bomb went off inside your guts
I feel your pain man. I had one last year and was seconds away from calling an ambulance because there was no way I could have drove myself. By the time I got to the er I was vomiting and close to hyperventilating, and the nurse wants to stand around and tell me how painful hers was before administering the pain medication and seconds felt like hours.
Apple cider vinegar is suppose to keep them away and I’ve been using that ever since and haven’t had one. Knock on wood.
This here is a quote from an expert dr’s testimony to congress to push for the Harrison narcotics tax act:

“Most of the attacks upon white women of the South are the direct result of the cocaine-crazed Negro brain,”

Not sure what science he had to back that claim up lol, clearly they were using fear effectively.
This along with other propaganda like reefer madness, was the leading reason for making everything illegal.
There is one reason and one reason only why narcotics and similar drugs are illegal and should never be legal. We are the most completely irresponsible self entitled shitheads on the planet. We can’t even drink responsibly. Should certain things be decriminalized absolutely but that’s about it. As with everything else in this country the scales of doom have tilted past the point of recovery. You can’t fix the broke system anymore. Best you can do is pray it doesn’t get exponentially worse.
There is one reason and one reason only why narcotics and similar drugs are illegal and should never be legal. We are the most completely irresponsible self entitled shitheads on the planet. We can’t even drink responsibly. Should certain things be decriminalized absolutely but that’s about it. As with everything else in this country the scales of doom have tilted past the point of recovery. You can’t fix the broke system anymore. Best you can do is pray it doesn’t get exponentially worse.
Drugs being illegal doesn’t stop people from doing them. Look at the opioid epidemic, look at weed, look at cocaine/crack. All it does by making this stuff illegal is create a black market, create a ton of related crimes that are often much worse than drug use itself(murder, robbery, fraud, you name it). It also makes a shit load of money for drug cartels, often funds terrorism and other things, makes scum bag street dealers rich instead of creating whole new industries for legit companies. Not to mention all the tax dollars it could generate if it was legal, the new jobs it would create, oh and of course putting every single drug dealer out of business overnight.

If you are gonna choose to do hard drugs, them being illegal isn’t deterring anyone
Oh plus, let’s not forget of course, if drugs were legal and made by legit companies they could be regulated...which would effectively end the opioid overdose epidemic we have right now because when you buy oxycodone or heroin or whatever from a company, you would know that is exactly what you are getting, as opposed to buying it on the streets and getting a bag that is cut with fentanyl and overdosing.
There is one reason and one reason only why narcotics and similar drugs are illegal and should never be legal. We are the most completely irresponsible self entitled shitheads on the planet. We can’t even drink responsibly. Should certain things be decriminalized absolutely but that’s about it. As with everything else in this country the scales of doom have tilted past the point of recovery. You can’t fix the broke system anymore. Best you can do is pray it doesn’t get exponentially worse.

People have been saying this this the inception of humanity and every generation is critical of the next one and say they’re going to destroy the world, yet life continues without the Armageddon.