PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So, I'm not worried because I'm not holding anything that would send me up a river without a paddle but I do have a concern. Figured this thread gets a lot of eye balls on it so it's as good a place as any to ask.

We had a holiday last Monday and that pushed trash and recycling collection back by a day. Well, I put everything out by the curb on the normal day because I didn't realize it was delayed a day. Came home from work and the rest of the neighborhood had put their bins out. My recycling was already collected though. Everyone else had theirs collected the next day. My trash wasn't collected until the next day.

Seems strange as fuck to me. What do you guys think? Randomly picked up by the recycling guys as they drove by? Police looking at my trash? Wtf gives?

Again, I'm not worried because there is nothing to be worried about but damn...

That'll teach you to recycle.
Has anyone who has ordered in the last 2 or 3 weeks received their pack(s)?

How many guys are still waiting for their trackers and/or packs?

I am asking because I know guys are still ordering, despite everything that went down, and I am curious if packs are going out and reaching their destination(s)?
Has anyone who has ordered in the last 2 or 3 weeks received their pack(s)?

How many guys are still waiting for their trackers and/or packs?

I am asking because I know guys are still ordering, despite everything that went down, and I am curious if packs are going out and reaching their destination(s)?
you're talking domestic?
Yea because law enforcement cares if some guys orders some test . Top priority , national security threat , code red code red ...

I don’t care if they got busted at ONE location I’m assuming they are trying to get to another spot for new domestic orders
Yea because law enforcement cares if some guys orders some test . Top priority , national security threat , code red code red ...

I don’t care if they got busted at ONE location I’m assuming they are trying to get to another spot for new domestic orders

Yeah, no worries. Just the 2 Biggest LE agencies in the Country, if not in the entire fucking World popped them. Order them Raws up, and let them keep tracking their shit. Ppl would think this would be an easy no brainer to stay the fuck away, but you know how fucking stupid some ppl are. This shit is hilarious.
Fuck them I need these items . How about go after a meth lab or gangs that are everywhere . Waste of time busting guys making some test
You can thank that bitch Obama for ramping up his war on gear. But of course his low estrogen ass would attack something to make men more masculine. Fucking worthless bitch.