PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Trespassing, assault.

Depending on how well you beat him up attempted murder or like in my friends case who hit someone one time and accidently killed him because the kid hit the ground with his head .... prison.

Since you are knowingly going over on his property it is pre emptive so be careful.

And last but not least you die because he shoots or stabs you.

Not worth it.
If he so much as reaches into his doorway to grab him, you can throw burglary into that list. And that's a felony where I'm from.
Since we're being violent i have a serious legal question. If I go to someone's house and knock on the door and then beat tf out of him when he answers, what are the consequences of my actions if he presses charges?
Want real life experience?

I dated this girl for 6 years back in the day. Well her ex boyfriend raped her at a party I wasn't present at. Everyone was scared to tell me because I was fucking psychotic back then. I was in active addiction and insane. Well I had a friend tell me what happened. He happened to be friends with my girls ex so it was kinda hard for him to tell me. Well he was throwing a party a few days later... I rolled up to his house with 4 of my buddies. I banged on his door and he looked out the window and asked what I wanted. **The door was locked. This is very important** I pointed at the door and said unlock it and let me in. **This is how the felony 2 got dropped-- didn't force my way into his house. He let us in.**

Two of my buddies held everyone up at the party and moved them all into the living room. ***This became a kidnapping charge***

We then proceeded to jump him. Not a single soul called the police. His dad did when he came home and saw his son fucked up two days later. Court took a while. But no one testified as a witness and his son didn't say shit to the police. Got off because I didn't force my way in. I did some time in county for sure. And was looking at some SERIOUS fucking charges. The two guys that moved everyone to watch us beat his ass ended up getting 3 years. They were both on probation already when this shit went down.

Rough times. He shouldn't have fuckin raped her.
The worst I've done could have got me 30 years in prison. I was a dumb fuck.

Anyways depends on what state you live in. Could get Assault and Battery or just Battery with intent to cause great bodily injury. Idk
I’m laughing my ass off at these last few pages.

@TideGear theres a difference between thinking about it and doing it... You’re a thinker.... which means you aren’t going to do it. Which is a good thing because I don’t think...
@TideGear you want to tear this guys asshole apart with your hands like you’re peeling a banana? Cheque Drop Inject or liquid oral Cheque drop.

There some stuff out there that shouldn’t be so available.... Methyl Tren, Cheque drops and Tren Base are lethal.

I enjoy halotestin, cheque drops and test/Tren Base on those heavy days I don’t feel confident under the bar. You get days like that. Some days that bar is so damn big and other days that bar is narrow as fuck..

Just depends on your mental state but those compounds help you get there faster.

Just on record.... I completely stopped taking pre workout powder and I haven’t missed a beat since. That shit will kill you faster than gear will.

Caffeine concentrated, arginine, DMMA or DMHA is a recipe for a heart stopper.. totally brings my heart rate down to the ground.
Just on record.... I completely stopped taking pre workout powder and I haven’t missed a beat since. That shit will kill you faster than gear will.

Caffeine concentrated, arginine, DMMA or DMHA is a recipe for a heart stopper.. totally brings my heart rate down to the ground.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I didn’t know this. What do you take for Pre Workout?
@TideGear you want to tear this guys asshole apart with your hands like you’re peeling a banana? Cheque Drop Inject or liquid oral Cheque drop.

There some stuff out there that shouldn’t be so available.... Methyl Tren, Cheque drops and Tren Base are lethal.

I enjoy halotestin, cheque drops and test/Tren Base on those heavy days I don’t feel confident under the bar. You get days like that. Some days that bar is so damn big and other days that bar is narrow as fuck..

Just depends on your mental state but those compounds help you get there faster.

Just on record.... I completely stopped taking pre workout powder and I haven’t missed a beat since. That shit will kill you faster than gear will.

Caffeine concentrated, arginine, DMMA or DMHA is a recipe for a heart stopper.. totally brings my heart rate down to the ground.
Halotestin, cheque drops, methyl-tren and tren base are healthier alternatives to pre workouts?

I hope people arent taking the shit you say serious.
Halotestin, cheque drops, methyl-tren and tren base are healthier alternatives to pre workouts?

I hope people arent taking the shit you say serious.
Wouldn't say healthier, but I have to agree that the risk of sudden death between stimulants and gear is incomparable.

I think that was what he was pointing towards.
When I make tren base I usually put about 15 scoops of my favorite pre workout powder in with the base raws, let it all break down before I filter. Works great. o_O
When I make tren base I usually put about 15 scoops of my favorite pre workout powder in with the base raws, let it all break down before I filter. Works great. o_O
I'm on week 6 of this^ blend. The results are electrifying. We couldn't agree which is deadlier so I went for both just to be sure. I am going to pct with ephedrine and amphetamines. Rinse was double the dose and repeat.