PurplePandaLabs Raw source

On tinder just now.... man. You cannot tell the sluts from the real sluts anymore.

Just saw a girl next store sort of blonde/ nurse that’s married and ethically non-monogamous... or as they put it monogamish.....

Such a different world out there now.
Saw on Reddits /legal advice that some dude has been dating and fucking some chick from tinder for 3 or 4 months and he found out she was 15.... :eek:
Saw on Reddits /legal advice that some dude has been dating and fucking some chick from tinder for 3 or 4 months and he found out she was 15.... :eek:

Come on man, that dude is a dumb ass then. If there is even ANY doubt whatsoever you fucking find out for sure, and if you can't, then go home and jerk off. And I don't mean you just ask the girl "are you really sure that you're as old as you say you are? Pinky swear?".

In the year 2018 there are WAY TOO MANY WAYS to verify that shit.

Or you can just be a stupid mother fucker and play vaginal roulette and put your cock in her and hope that:
A) she really is legal
B) if not, that no one ever finds out
C) that her daddy/brother/mama/boyfriend is the forgiving type that decides not to blow your head off your shoulders
D) you don't end up needing legal advice for how to deal with the fact you fucked a 15 year old!

Way too much easy pussy out there to even take that chance!
Come on man, that dude is a dumb ass then. If there is even ANY doubt whatsoever you fucking find out for sure, and if you can't, then go home and jerk off. And I don't mean you just ask the girl "are you really sure that you're as old as you say you are? Pinky swear?".

In the year 2018 there are WAY TOO MANY WAYS to verify that shit.

Or you can just be a stupid mother fucker and play vaginal roulette and put your cock in her and hope that:
A) she really is legal
B) if not, that no one ever finds out
C) that her daddy/brother/mama/boyfriend is the forgiving type that decides not to blow your head off your shoulders
D) you don't end up needing legal advice for how to deal with the fact you fucked a 15 year old!

Way too much easy pussy out there to even take that chance!
Haha. Very true. Yeah as I was reading it all I could do was shake my head. He said he found out because she asked him to grab something out of her purse and saw a library card or some shit with her birthday and photo on it. This dude sounded like a pussy though. The whole "I fell in love with her after 1 month" bullshit. Definitely an idiot.

Watch him break it off with her and her end up blowing this shit up and he ends up FUCKED.
On tinder just now.... man. You cannot tell the sluts from the real sluts anymore.

Just saw a girl next store sort of blonde/ nurse that’s married and ethically non-monogamous... or as they put it monogamish.....

Such a different world out there now.
Let me help you out. And don’t ever forget this because it is the most valuable dating advice you will probably ever get...

In 2018 and beyond, just assume they are ALL disloyal whores. According to my calculations, if you approach every female you ever meet with this assumption, you will be right well over 99% of the time. The .05% of females that aren’t an absolute joke these days will just have to prove you wrong, but you’re much better off assuming they’re all cheating sluts than assuming they aren’t.

You can thank liberalism and social media for this, by the way.
Married women in their early and even late 40s are the worst. So fucking horny and experienced to boot. You have to watch out for those ones, holy shit.
Sounds like you went to far...
Ex's boyfriend put his hands on my daughter. I got my money's worth and he ate through a straw for 2 months.
I was actually going to go to far but she freakin hit me with one of those handheld tasers.
It was a bad day.
Ex's boyfriend put his hands on my daughter. I got my money's worth and he ate through a straw for 2 months.
I was actually going to go to far but she freakin hit me with one of those handheld tasers.
It was a bad day.
Go for you bro. I would’ve done the same shit