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Ex's boyfriend put his hands on my daughter. I got my money's worth and he ate through a straw for 2 months.
I was actually going to go to far but she freakin hit me with one of those handheld tasers.
It was a bad day.
Bet he don’t lay a hand on another daughter/woman again lol

Since I’ve straightened my life out in the past years I try to avoid violence at any cost. Mess with my baby girl, the good old days will come out in me
Ex's boyfriend put his hands on my daughter. I got my money's worth and he ate through a straw for 2 months.
I was actually going to go to far but she freakin hit me with one of those handheld tasers.
It was a bad day.
A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. Went to pick up his daughter, ex gfs new bf said something along the lines of “I’m the man in the house, so I’ll discipline her how I feel”. The daughters father beat the shit out of his ex gf’s new bf and then when he was putting his daughter into the car to have his weekend, got shot in the back and died.
A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. Went to pick up his daughter, ex gfs new bf had something along the lines of “I’m the man in the house, so I’ll discipline her how I feel”. The daughters father beat the shit out of his ex gf’s new bf and then when he was putting his daughter into the car to have his weekend, got shot in the back and died.
Dude that’s horrible, people can’t just take their ass Whoopin and live life now days.
Dude that’s horrible, people can’t just take their ass Whoopin and live life now days.
Died young, the worst part is that the daughter witnessed it all and will have to live with that.
Will spend the rest of his life in prison because he couldn’t set his pride aside.
A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. Went to pick up his daughter, ex gfs new bf said something along the lines of “I’m the man in the house, so I’ll discipline her how I feel”. The daughters father beat the shit out of his ex gf’s new bf and then when he was putting his daughter into the car to have his weekend, got shot in the back and died.

Good Lord, this is the EXACT type of scenario that I am always preaching when I tell people that no matter how big, how bad, how tough we are with our fists, that a dude with a weapon is always tougher.

Seriously, I am always telling people that when they say things like "dude, as big as you are, NOBODY would ever mess with you" or something like "man I bet you're not afraid of ANYONE!". I always respond, in a light hearted manner, that no matter how much weight I can lift, or how many inches my arms are, that the skinniest or fattest, weakest person with a shotgun is a helluva lot more dangerous than me. I will say something like "man, actually I fear crazy fuckers with weapons, that I never see coming".

That story is absolutely awful, but a lesson to us all. Unless you plan on murdering or physically disabling the person you're fighting, better think twice about fucking with people, deserved or not, because you never know when or how they will retaliate. It could literally cost you your life, and could destroy your family when they are left without you, all because you couldn't just shake your head at a fool, and let the fool be the fool.

Easier said than done? Of course! But I always try to diffuse situations, rather than escalate them, despite pretty much always being the physically bigger person.
Bet he don’t lay a hand on another daughter/woman again lol

Since I’ve straightened my life out in the past years I try to avoid violence at any cost. Mess with my baby girl, the good old days will come out in me
No, he won't.
It certainly wasn't something in my nature to bring it to him. Even all my training, although lethally oriented, is strictly defense and aversion. All of that left me when it was my little girl involved.
She was my first; and that little girl has caused me to do things and change things about myself that I never imagined possible. Without a doubt, she saved my life.
A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. Went to pick up his daughter, ex gfs new bf said something along the lines of “I’m the man in the house, so I’ll discipline her how I feel”. The daughters father beat the shit out of his ex gf’s new bf and then when he was putting his daughter into the car to have his weekend, got shot in the back and died.
Terrible. That poor girl will see that image for the rest of her life.

That's what I was talking about though.... 15 years ago guys duked it out with knuckles and the occasional beer bottle or pool cue.
Fights today seem to always involve guns, knives, cops, or Facebook.
I miss the 90s.
LOL LMC is always sucking on our nutz....

I got MAD stories about them trying to bribe everyone with a measly 2 grams of Test e and a few vials of HGH..

Rachel is gone too btw...
Rachel use to send me nudes.... I had her hold a piece of paper with my name on it..

Unfortunately my old iPhone didn’t save those photos. I will say these women are legit real.