PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I reconstitute my generics with BAC water.

But if I had the money... like ballin out kind of money. I would only mess with Pharmgrade GH, Testosterone, Primobolan and Anavar.

Three compounds that never gave me grief.
I reconstitute my generics with BAC water.

But if I had the money... like ballin out kind of money. I would only mess with Pharmgrade GH, Testosterone, Primobolan and Anavar.

Three compounds that never gave me grief.

Yeah I’m not finding a lot on it. Really nothing related to GH. I would assume it’s meant to be used together? I may just use BAC
Ex's boyfriend put his hands on my daughter. I got my money's worth and he ate through a straw for 2 months.
I was actually going to go to far but she freakin hit me with one of those handheld tasers.
It was a bad day.
See you made it seem as if it was just a regular everyday brawl.

I'm sure if I got into a fight on the street the police wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Your case is very different. Was the 30 K cause he sued you?

You also need custody of your daughter. Doesn't sound like she's safe in that home.

Interesting, hope it’s legit bro.

Maybe post up on the HGH sub thread? I would be careful. Does it come with any inserts?

I’m not entirely sure the preparation of some of these Pharmgrade products. I learned a great deal looking at Generic Pharmgrade testosterone and realizing how much B.B. they use.
Since we're being violent i have a serious legal question. If I go to someone's house and knock on the door and then beat tf out of him when he answers, what are the consequences of my actions if he presses charges?
You shouldn't do that if you're on steroids. I wouldn't fight a guy while roided. It's not fair. I can be like "oh yeah I whipped his ass" but I've grappled on and off gear, they're literally two different worlds man. It's like I'm not even the same guy. That being said I wouldn't try to fight anyone while chemically enhanced, because there's no honor in it. I only really fight when I'm clean, when I'm on the juice I control my anger and let bull shit slide. Unless I'm being attacked.
A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. Went to pick up his daughter, ex gfs new bf said something along the lines of “I’m the man in the house, so I’ll discipline her how I feel”. The daughters father beat the shit out of his ex gf’s new bf and then when he was putting his daughter into the car to have his weekend, got shot in the back and died.
Who shot him her boyfriend?
Terrible. That poor girl will see that image for the rest of her life.

That's what I was talking about though.... 15 years ago guys duked it out with knuckles and the occasional beer bottle or pool cue.
Fights today seem to always involve guns, knives, cops, or Facebook.
I miss the 90s.
People were getting their heads blown off in the 90's way more than now. That's during the the peak of violence involving drug sales and gangs in ghettos across america. That's when someone would shoot you in the face simply for disrespecting him. If you wanna talk about people fighting strictly with knuckles you have to go way back. And even then it was more of a pride thing, when someone kills someone they aren't concerned with honor they just want to destroy that person. Most people don't fight out of honor or to protect their pride anyway they fight out of anger and impulsiveness.
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Where I live everyone carries.. I mean everyone so when a fight breaks out its strictly fists. Lots of honor still in the south.

That said I avoid fights at all costs. These cock strong country boys look normal but they throw hay bails all day and are strong AF. They also fight for fun so they are good at it. No thanks, I use my face for making money, I'll keep it pretty.
Where I live everyone carries.. I mean everyone so when a fight breaks out its strictly fists. Lots of honor still in the south.

That said I avoid fights at all costs. These cock strong country boys look normal but they throw hay bails all day and are strong AF. They also fight for fun so they are good at it. No thanks, I use my face for making money, I'll keep it pretty.

I meant, more "casualties" from infected/non filtered/unsterile gear is the least thing we need, otherwise the institutions will go even more apeshit on AAS (ab)use.
Then how come nobody ever died on Anon Raws semi-finished gear?

Mi No Dispiace.... Si Dice, come va?

BTW What about the liquid orals/semi-finished gear idea?
Don't listen to these bashers, they only want to run your business (most are paid by other sources).
Anon raws had semi gear, and everything went fine.

Married women in their early and even late 40s are the worst. So fucking horny and experienced to boot. You have to watch out for those ones, holy shit.

This is lily , sales manager from Landmarkchem . Amy had left landmarkchem for years . She was not in landamrkchem any more .

Why the fuck are you in this thread. Jesus. Can't even watch a YouTube video without you guys popping up in the comments.
Battle of the shills/reps bout to begin.
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Yeah Rachel and I got close.

Thats was on my old iPhone. Cloud lost my pics
Her real name isn't Rachel but I'm sure you already know that and she still lurks here. I've been trying to get a hold of her but WICKR sucks right now.
Cute girl for sure though.
See you made it seem as if it was just a regular everyday brawl.

I'm sure if I got into a fight on the street the police wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Your case is very different. Was the 30 K cause he sued you?

You also need custody of your daughter. Doesn't sound like she's safe in that home.
No, the 31k was the total I handed my lawyer. Some of it was given to the guy to basically drop it if I paid his hospital bill deductible. The guy was in legal trouble for some stuff years before and I guess my lawyer made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
TBH, I really don’t know what went on behind the scenes. I had this lawyer referred to me by someone I trust; and I just blindly trusted him with my money because he said he could definitely make it go away.

I actually do have custody of her and my son since 2015.
They got pulled over and both of them were loaded with the kids unrestrained in the car. That was all it took.
No, the 31k was the total I handed my lawyer. Some of it was given to the guy to basically drop it if I paid his hospital bill deductible. The guy was in legal trouble for some stuff years before and I guess my lawyer made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
TBH, I really don’t know what went on behind the scenes. I had this lawyer referred to me by someone I trust; and I just blindly trusted him with my money because he said he could definitely make it go away.

I actually do have custody of her and my son since 2015.
They got pulled over and both of them were loaded with the kids unrestrained in the car. That was all it took.
I have heard about people getting an attorney before talking to LE, but it sounds like you got your lawyer after the fact. Is this right or did you have him/her on a retainer? Just wondering how that process works.
People were getting their heads blown off in the 90's way more than now. That's during the the peak of violence involving drug sales and gangs in ghettos across america. That's when someone would shoot you in the face simply for disrespecting him. If you wanna talk about people fighting strictly with knuckles you have to go way back. And even then it was more of a pride thing, when someone kills someone they aren't concerned with honor they just want to destroy that person. Most people don't fight out of honor or to protect their pride anyway they fight out of anger and impulsiveness.
You’re probably right. I was a fairly sheltered small town kid so I never spent much time in the inner city ghettos.
Actually never even went to a big city until after undergrad.