PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Trying to get some clues from past posts

It looks like the 30k winner was @T-Bagger
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
but that doesn't match the results stated by panda Rep

Did he delete his (lot of) posts?
If so, that calls for a permaban from @Millard Baker
Lol I doubt that would call for permaban. But I dont think that happened. I'd like to know what did happen. But maybe management didnt like people saying:

To the contest.
Trying to get some clues from past posts

It looks like the 30k winner was @T-Bagger
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
but that doesn't match the results stated by panda Rep

Did he delete his (lot of) posts?
If so, that calls for a permaban from @Millard Baker
No one knows what happened, I’m guessing the system got overloaded. If you look at my pics and KIT’s pics, I was at post 29999, insulting KIT. Looking at the thread now, there are several that pushed their way in front of that post. When the dust settled, I ended up at 30000. If you’re suggesting I deleted posts, you would be wrong and can stuff your permanent up your robotic ass.
Trying to get some clues from past posts

It looks like the 30k winner was @T-Bagger
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
but that doesn't match the results stated by panda Rep

Did he delete his (lot of) posts?
If so, that calls for a permaban from @Millard Baker

Shut up, you broken robot. It's all been figured out 10x over.

Hopefully this remote shutdown code works...


Sleep now, old robot, sleep.
@Roger rabbit knows... blame him for ruining the contest.
Kinda doing that girls locker room thing that you say you don't like. He didn't ruin the contest, the people who wanted their winnings are getting them and the ones who didn't aren't. Them not being able to transfer gear they didn't want didn't ruin it. No need to attempt to turn it into something it's not.
Kinda doing that girls locker room thing that you say you don't like. He didn't ruin the contest, the people who wanted their winnings are getting them and the ones who didn't aren't. Them not being able to transfer gear they didn't want didn't ruin it. No need to attempt to turn it into something it's not.
What ruined the contest was a spamming little shit who begged to get his damn winnings.

Please sir, sir please!!!!
@PurplePandaRep why not a second contest that involves some kind of skill?

Like designing cycles or recipes that use Panda products?
Members can submit up to 5 entries (or so) and Panda staff will select the top 5.

Then winners get gear to match their cycle
You can put a $ limit if you want.

Not only you promote Panda products,
newbies can get new cycles or recipes they couldn't figure out by themselves.
@PurplePandaRep why not a second contest that involves some kind of skill?

Like designing cycles or recipes that use Panda products?
Members can submit up to 5 entries (or so) and Panda staff will select the top 5.

Then winners get gear to match their cycle
You can put a $ limit if you want.

Not only you promote Panda products,
newbies can get new cycles or recipes they couldn't figure out by themselves.
You obviously don’t understand there is no “recipe” for complicated brews
Kinda doing that girls locker room thing that you say you don't like. He didn't ruin the contest, the people who wanted their winnings are getting them and the ones who didn't aren't. Them not being able to transfer gear they didn't want didn't ruin it. No need to attempt to turn it into something it's not.

Bro, the Chinese don’t miss a beat..... that’s all I gotta say.

And yeah He did. His comment sealed The deal. Let’s thank him for that.

@Roger rabbit thank you.

I’m not making shit up....