PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It would of been totally fine. And @Roger rabbit was respectful in this thread but you know how those Chinese just peak around..... LMC was in our thread LOL...

I’m slamming a shake when I get the message put the breaks on those that declined.

Hey, is what it is. Let’s move on. For the people who wanted the winnings. You’ll be notified when it’s shipped and that’s that.
It would of been totally fine. And @Roger rabbit was respectful in this thread but you know how those Chinese just peak around..... LMC was in our thread LOL...

I’m slamming a shake when I get the message put the breaks on those that declined.

Hey, is what it is. Let’s move on. For the people who wanted the winnings. You’ll be notified when it’s shipped and that’s that.
What's LMC?
Are you actually wishing that Panda goes bust?
Are you being paid to do so?

I don't like heat on anyone, but the safety of members comes first in my opinion. As for being paid, you must be high to even ask such a stupid question.
This whole thing has the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Something just isn't right. Who thinks this is a setup by LE?
This sounds like something @Roger rabbit would say
"The whole contest is a setup by LE to get your real name and addresses"

Bro, the Chinese don’t miss a beat..... that’s all I gotta say.

And yeah He did. His comment sealed The deal. Let’s thank him for that.

@Roger rabbit thank you.

I’m not making shit up....

Confirm right here and now are the people who want their shit still getting it or not.

Yes, they are bro. I did confirm that.

And if he did ruin things then for who? People who want it are still getting it. What’s ruined

It would of been totally fine. And @Roger rabbit was respectful in this thread but you know how those Chinese just peak around..... LMC was in our thread LOL...

I’m slamming a shake when I get the message put the breaks on those that declined.

Hey, is what it is. Let’s move on. For the people who wanted the winnings. You’ll be notified when it’s shipped and that’s that.
There's a simple solution:
EVERY single winner can donate his gear so @master.on shuts the fuck up with his no-Testosterone cycles.
EVERYONE would be happy. How great a solution can that be?
They weren’t and I’m not following any of this except that RR said something in another thread and someone from LMC saw it. Not sure what exactly has been ruined.
Only thing I can see he said is the typical list of mistakes panda made, and that he never accept a package from a lab that got raided...

Not unusual of a thing to say. And hes not making it up either.