PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Are you actually wishing that Panda goes bust?
Are you being paid to do so?

Lol this was pretty good
All this shit over a few vials of test deca and Dbol lol ahahahahaha
Are you guys serious now or what?
Because I’m really confused.

The contest should have been just for members who posted in this thread prior to the announcement of the contest.

Good way to drum up new interest with new customers though I will give you that.

The cycle is literally pennies on the dollar.
I think a bottle of now mct oil cost more than the raws do for this “cycle”.

Not hating just a few people in here acting like whores and really the rep shouldn’t give you guys shit. (Talking about the underage or slow kid)
2 Don't you guys have anything better to do on a Saturday night, loners?

1. You tagged yourself and spoke of yourself in third person. Only @T-Bagger is worthy of that.

2. Got my lady beside me and watching TV and she’s asking to blow me. I’d say life is good.
I got yelled at by mine then I finally went to the bed and was trying to dig around in her butt. She wasn't having it but ehh, I won :)
Thanks a lot @BigNattyDaddy
BTW What's a "Natty" doing in a steroid board?
So, being yourself a natty, you'll give away your gear, won't you?

Did @tengtren win 10 grams of tren?

@Roger rabbit why did you participate?
Panda has been raided by LE, so the contest is just a "setup to get people names and addresses"?
(according to your way of thinking):rolleyes:

I didn’t participate you idiot. Look at my post. I waited long enough to NOT be counted you faggot. 30019 was plenty past the people participating. And as you can see robot boy... I declined anything.

You need to fuck off idiot.
I didn’t participate you idiot. Look at my post. I waited long enough to NOT be counted you faggot. 30019 was plenty past the people participating. And as you can see robot boy... I declined anything.

You need to fuck off idiot.
Damn bro, I don't believe I've ever seen you respond with that sort of venom. Don't let that tool get at you.