PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I admit I have been a total joker to the point of being an assclown.

But Panda Rep calling me an IP gatherer is ridiculous and disrespectful.


The catch is that this is his last post ever only in the Panda thread.

On the bright side, despite me being an assclown I made several valuable contributions:
1 I suggested liquid orals
2 I suggested liquid PCT ancillaries
3 I suggested semi finished gear
4 Shine some light on Internet security
5 I xposed and fought paid bashers like @Roger rabbit
6 Suggested using an inventory control software
7 Constantly bumped the thread to the top with countless assclown posts LOL
8 some other contributions I can't remember

Being my last post I'll give my unbiased review about this source

Wide steroid menu to choose from
Low prices
Nice stealth
Very potent and legit gear

You have to order a month in advance (for int'l)
Using Bitcoin sucks
Slow customer service
No custom stealth on demand
Their gear somehow feels slightly weaker than big-pharma gear, despite 10% overdosing

I have only ordered raws from them
Mast E, Mast prop, Deca, EQuipoise, Anadrol
(I used their Dianabol too, but that was a shared order with a gym buddy)

The funny thing is that I might order again from Panda when my "stash" runs out
but I'll never ever post again here.

One thread at a time brother.
Very potent and legit gear

Their gear somehow feels slightly weaker than big-pharma gear, despite 10% overdosing

Gotcha bitch... and even in that conversation you were a paranoid little fuckwit. You’ll deny the handle anyway, but I know which handle you used in PM.

Was it his other known handle or a new one?

Who needs multiple handles, unless you're a serial troll or just a shady little fucker that's up to no good?

Funny. With his antics, he sounds more like Bullet Train than Ten Grams does. :D:p
Was it his other known handle or a new one?

Who needs multiple handles, unless you're a serial troll or just a shady little fucker that's up to no good?

Funny. With his antics, he sounds more like Bullet Train than Ten Grams does. :D:p
His other handle probably wasn't very well known
Does anyone here even know you? Can anyone even vouch for you? I’m starting to get that weird ass feeling in my gut that says you’re playing off a script and got no idea what you’re doing.

Oh come on. Don’t you remember when you were a member asking for free vials?

About his same age right?
Funny thing is, I think he was banned under that handle. You can't tag him.

He was. Multiple times. Due to his many mental breakdowns. He comes in normal, then for whatever reason, just loses his shit and starts trolling. He has serious issues. Anabolics only appear to make it worse.
Yes, literally the best stealth ever. Shipping times were fast for me as well. Glad I ordered shortly after all the shit went south. Shows me that international is always going to be up and running smoothly. God bless China.

That’s what panda needs to go back to and ditch the domestic. It’s what he did best.

99% of all the problems would not exist if he stuck to this model.