PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Dude STFU I'm an adult

I shouldn't need anyone to vouch sir I have praised panda time and time again and I’m a loyal customer@purplepandalabs pockets. That's verification enough

Kid your what a buck 50? 185 soaking wet? You ain’t two hundred pounds or over six foot tall if your an inch.

I’d slam dance you on your fuckin head. You ain’t ever going to be even close to being remotely big or bad enough to tell me to shut the fuck up.

I’d bounce your head off shit like it was a ping pong ball until the cops came and then they would drag me off of you and detain me for child abuse.

Go sit in the corner on time out.
Sir thank you sir please.
Kid your what a buck 50? 185 soaking wet? You ain’t two hundred pounds or over six foot tall if your an inch.

I’d slam dance you on your fuckin head. You ain’t ever going to be even close to being remotely big or bad enough to tell me to shut the fuck up.

I’d bounce your head off shit like it was a ping pong ball until the cops came and then they would drag me off of you and detain me for child abuse.

Go sit in the corner on time out.
Sir thank you sir please.
Sounds like a threat
Sure send his loyal customer estrogen. That makes sense. You think I wouldn't just take my money else where if that happens?
Two things would happen.

The first is your tits would grow.
The second is we would all laugh at you as your little twink world gets turned upside down.
@Keepittight like I fucking said an UNSTABLE KID

Thought you were done with this shit forum? It's FREE fucking gear your not loosing anything but the hours you spent raping this thread the other night.

Why don't you dip from this shitty board full of us homosexual circus tyrannosauri and go to the website and buy the damn test?

Your digging yourself deeper into the shit by freaking out on everyone and basically sucking @PurplePandaRep 's dick trying to ensure you get these vials.

If you really want the shit show us you really are 23 and stop posting

I understand if money is tight, I've been there. And you really do have this free test at your finger tips but your going to be let down if you continue to act the way you are and not get them

Your right no one knows you. No one knows how old you are, if those pics you pm'd me are even you and no one knows you background or situation. You don't know anyone of ours either, you want your career to be in the social services industry? Get your shit together right here and now and it will happen. I wouldn't want my kid working with someone like you judging from how you've been up and down since you've been here at meso
Sounds like a threat

Son it wasn’t written like a threat. It was a statement of facts.
You seem to have a problem with reality so I don’t expect you to accept it for what it is but nonetheless that’s what it is.

Good day sir thank you sir.
Thought you were deleting your account because meso was full of faggots sir?
I will give it to you though your troll game is ridiculous...
@Keepittight like I fucking said an UNSTABLE KID

Thought you were done with this shit forum? It's FREE fucking gear your not loosing anything but the hours you spent raping this thread the other night.

Why don't you dip from this shitty board full of us homosexual circus tyrannosauri and go to the website and buy the damn test?

Your digging yourself deeper into the shit by freaking out on everyone and basically sucking @PurplePandaRep 's dick trying to ensure you get these vials.

If you really want the shit show us you really are 23 and stop posting

I understand if money is tight, I've been there. And you really do have this free test at your finger tips but your going to be let down if you continue to act the way you are and not get them

Your right no one knows you. No one knows how old you are, if those pics you pm'd me are even you and no one knows you background or situation. You don't know anyone of ours either, you want your career to be in the social services industry? Get your shit together right here and now and it will happen. I wouldn't want my kid working with someone like you judging from how you've been up and down since you've been here at meso
I agree with you 100% I'm stepping back and I respect what you said.