PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I was belly laughing on my front porch for 3 straight minutes when I read that the first time

The desperation was so real

I glanced over it. My anxiety came soon after I woke up and saw you guys were crazy enough to finish this.

And I pictured a Chinese guy giving me the thumbs up and a cheesy smile saying “Pick two Winna”
Um, the last time I checked I can and have the right to ask you whatever I please. It's your choice to respond or not. Are you that dense or is that your napolean like attitude?

I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have allowed General Ney to pursue Von Bluchers 1st Prussian Corp and instead stay in reserve on my right flank to push back Wellington’s 33rd Foot Guard after the charge of the Coursairs...
Can I get the cliffcnotes from the contest forward, I've haven't been following .
There were approximately 10 winners and almost everyone turned down their winnings. The CEO at Purple Panda Inc. got butthurt about this and also said another source was watching this thread, which he wasn't happy about either. The end.
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Ripped them ya girls titties in the monkey king thread? What’s up with some ass shots man?
We need em!
That’s how threads stay alive!
Titties and ass!
Oh and drama lots and lots of drama
I have theories about all of this and I've started dialogue with a couple people. I'm not going to advertise what I think because I don't want to influence what other people may have for "gut feelings". If I end up being correct I'll post up and the other members can verify. :)

The 2dumb thing had been brought up to me by a separate member before RR dropped it in the ppl thread. People had been keying off on how he was speaking and how it compared to 2dumb. Syntax can be a bitch
I have theories about all of this and I've started dialogue with a couple people. I'm not going to advertise what I think because I don't want to influence what other people may have for "gut feelings". If I end up being correct I'll post up and the other members can verify. :)

The 2dumb thing had been brought up to me by a separate member before RR dropped it in the ppl thread. People had been keying off on how he was speaking and how it compared to 2dumb. Syntax can be a bitch

You have a PHD in linguistics? If that’s the case the FBI and DEA would definitely hire you to work for them and identify everyone here lol.
I have theories about all of this and I've started dialogue with a couple people. I'm not going to advertise what I think because I don't want to influence what other people may have for "gut feelings". If I end up being correct I'll post up and the other members can verify. :)

The 2dumb thing had been brought up to me by a separate member before RR dropped it in the ppl thread. People had been keying off on how he was speaking and how it compared to 2dumb. Syntax can be a bitch

Either that or the FBI and DEA would cut you a deal if you choose to do so...
I’m going to enter that realm once again for a good laugh tonight..

This thread is gonna go all negative again. Best I don’t reply. Lol
Ok to you rep and everyone who reads all that shit,

I apologize for my behavior that night. I promise it doesn't reflect the true nature of TenGrams

Thanks for your forgiveness in advance

