PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I have theories about all of this and I've started dialogue with a couple people. I'm not going to advertise what I think because I don't want to influence what other people may have for "gut feelings". If I end up being correct I'll post up and the other members can verify. :)

The 2dumb thing had been brought up to me by a separate member before RR dropped it in the ppl thread. People had been keying off on how he was speaking and how it compared to 2dumb. Syntax can be a bitch

Did you PM me saying I was Swole Panda lol.

Weird. I’m actually just a dude from SST.... the new Reddit Sourcr thread. You should totally check that place out
Ok to you rep and everyone who reads all that shit,

I apologize for my behavior that night. I promise it doesn't reflect the true nature of TenGrams

Thanks for your forgiveness in advance

Holy water. Hot showers and Plenty of water.

Helps if you empty the piss bottles too
Didn’t one guy have piss bottles from trying to keep active in the thread.

Bottles of piss so he could stay on point within the thread.
Yes that was a joke we made about him. Sitting on a bucket to he could piss and shit in it and not have to leave his computer so he would make 30k post.

That fool was keepittight/neiborhood spiderman/olympia94/onemoreiforgot/possibly bullet train

How could you forget???
Yes that was a joke we made about him. Sitting on a bucket to he could piss and shit in it and not have to leave his computer so he would make 30k post.

That fool was keepittight/neiborhood spiderman/olympia94/onemoreiforgot/possibly bullet train

How could you forget???

When I use to Play counter strike for a reddit team. We use to do that.
Did you PM me saying I was Swole Panda lol.

Weird. I’m actually just a dude from SST.... the new Reddit Sourcr thread. You should totally check that place out
Wow, that post struck a cord.

I was just playing but since you asked, yes, I actually get paid good money to deal with advanced syntax. All of my customers continue to use my services and I live in an advanced area regarding technology, where typically you are fighting to gain business, never mind retain it. I'd say that says something about my skill. Maybe the feds do pay more? That I don't know and will never have the displeasure of finding out personally. I'm a private sector type of guy.

Yes, I did PM you asking if you were swole panda. I said when I catch up on the thread I get a feeling that you might be. You remind me of him in some ways. As other members have done real digging it turns out you aren't, my feeling was wrong. I personally hadn't invested any time into the matter beyond our PMs, and I don't intend to. I don't need to. I don't really care. The truth always comes out on Meso and enough other people care that it's just a matter of time
Wow, that post struck a cord.

I was just playing but since you asked, yes, I actually get paid good money to deal with advanced syntax. All of my customers continue to use my services and I live in an advanced area regarding technology, where typically you are fighting to gain business, never mind retain it. I'd say that says something about my skill. Maybe the feds do pay more? That I don't know and will never have the displeasure of finding out personally. I'm a private sector type of guy.

Yes, I did PM you asking if you were swole panda. I said when I catch up on the thread I get a feeling that you might be. You remind me of him in some ways. As other members have done real digging it turns out you aren't, my feeling was wrong. I personally hadn't invested any time into the matter beyond our PMs, and I don't intend to. I don't need to. I don't really care. The truth always comes out on Meso and enough other people care that it's just a matter of time

Funny how no one cares about their own members getting screwed with no communication and lost packs. That doesn’t bother anyone LOL.
I don’t blame them if they don’t. I just hope they don’t get scammed or roped into a last ditch effort by that someone.

I was able To help once, I did the best I can with who ever came forward with an uncertain pack from “that someone”... I can’t help them again if they choose to believe someone else and they get scammed.

People are gullible. Some guys have that easy smile and way. That’s all a hallmark of a hustler. Guys here got hustled. I put two and two together and now a bunch of old men are in this thread because their wives are watching their reality shows and whatever Else... kids are running around the house so they come on here and start things lol...

Man if I had that much free time some guys have...
What I gathered is that @Ripped had access to raws manufacturers and he was selling to customers on the side. And that you claim he left some people hanging. And that panda is picking up the tab?

Yes, we already did. It’s all done. Everyone got their packs. To the guys who didn’t come forward. I hope they got their packs too but I can’t blame
Them for running when they saw all that shit go down and the rep just leaves .
What I gathered is that @Ripped had access to raws manufacturers and he was selling to customers on the side. And that you claim he left some people hanging. And that panda is picking up the tab?

I honestly think no one knew what was happening. I don’t think they knew he had access to those raws so they must of thought they were buying from PPL.

That’s why I felt inclined to push this and make sure everyone got their packs.

Some guys orders were “pending”.

Also on a side note. I had ALOT of members send to The wrong wallet addresses. I immediately remedied that and now I make sure every customer sends to the right coin address so nothing gets lost.