PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I just don’t get off on snitching for ANY reason. Business is business, if my name isn’t in it, then I don’t fuck with it. Just the way I have always been. Someone that snitches for any fucking thing will snitch to save their own ass in a heartbeat. That’s just me Bro.

If there was a particularly twisted pedo on the loose and you happen to be the only one with knowledge of his identity you would remain silent and let him continue? This is the honorable thing to do in your opinion?
Fuck NO. I would bury the mother fucker myself

That would be what most would like to do but would likely result in 25-life in prison tho. Let’s consider you’d actually take care of it yourself so what if you were recently in a car accident and broke both arms and legs and were unable to take care of him yourself, would you stay silent or speak up?
That would be what most would like to do but would likely result in 25-life in prison tho. Let’s consider you’d actually take care of it yourself so what if you were recently in a car accident and broke both arms and legs and were unable to take care of him yourself, would you stay silent or speak up?

Let see, I’m gonna go with answer behind door A. I would call up a Brother, and give details of the situation, fork over a couple bills, Problem SOLVED. I was taught to never call LE, handle your business. Some fake ass mother fuckers on this Board for real. It’s all good thou, aren’t to many ppl that actually stand behind what they say. I have MANY times. Anymore interrogation questions officer?