PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So Gentlemen,

All the packs for the prizes were sent out. Very happy about that. Should be arriving soon.

Everyone keeps asking me about this Monkey King guy? I think it’s just another guy with a raw hookup.

Who knows.

So what ever happened with @keepingitlight did he get denied his prize lol
Didn’t want to ask but sure as hell wanted to know. I think he got banned again anyway, at least I hope he did before he could claim his prize.

Right now my guess is he did not, and I think they prob just avoided him lol. Kinda felt bad for him tbh esp at the end. I think he has something in his life causing him pain but roids definitely won’t help, unless the pain is from low T, which I highly doubt, and even then he should see a dr.
Right now my guess is he did not, and I think they prob just avoided him lol. Kinda felt bad for him tbh esp at the end. I think he has something in his life causing him pain but roids definitely won’t help, unless the pain is from low T, which I highly doubt, and even then he should see a dr.
I actually feel bad for him as well, especially because I was exceptionally mean to him.
He wishes to remain anonymous. We had a talk. And I believe he’s toned it down. At least in this thread. I can’t account for any other thread.
Right now my guess is he did not, and I think they prob just avoided him lol. Kinda felt bad for him tbh esp at the end. I think he has something in his life causing him pain but roids definitely won’t help, unless the pain is from low T, which I highly doubt, and even then he should see a dr.

The pain in his life continues due to his refusal to seek mental help. He's a danger to the community and himself.

Look back at his Olympia95 posts. He had back to back infections. He was willing to risk his well being rather than throw in the towel on this ludicrous idea that he has what it takes to be a competitor.

He has this longing for acceptance from Meso, and when he doesn't get it, he flies off the handle and does stupid shit to get himself banned.

Begging the rep was the epitome of desperate. i mean, i don't hate the guy, but i wish he would pull his head out of his ass and get the help he needs before he seriously does harm to himself.

Due to our New International Stealth and shipping services for both Raws and Finished products . We are having 100% pass rate with customs and that’s leading to packs landing in the US within 4-5 days.

Thank You.

Have you personally experienced this new 1 week shipping intl?

We already had one guy here who claims he got his pack within that time.
One pack is something to brag about! LMAO. And you yourself use the words " one guy claims" so you dont really know do you?
One pack is something to brag about! LMAO. And you yourself use the words " one guy claims" so you dont really know do you?

It’s in the thread. Also multiple guys got their packs who notified me in PM that they received in a timely manner. But don’t wish to be subjected to the likes of you in this thread so that’s fine by me.
@PurplePandaRep do y’all send Freebies with first timers to Snag Customers? Say I wanted a couple Test P, could I get a free GH Kit? And could you do that rush 5 day delivery all the way across the Pond?
@PurplePandaRep do y’all send Freebies with first timers to Snag Customers? Say I wanted a couple Test P, could I get a free GH Kit? And could you do that rush 5 day delivery all the way across the Pond?

Yes we ship across the main.... Do we give freebies? No but I can produce a promo code for you to use as a discount on the total of your order.
Yes we ship across the main.... Do we give freebies? No but I can produce a promo code for you to use as a discount on the total of your order.

A Promo Code? Nope, I wanna order 2 Test P, and I want a free GH Kit. If you can do that, then I’ll make another donation. Oh, and I’ll pay shipping too.
A Promo Code? Nope, I wanna order 2 Test P, and I want a free GH Kit. If you can do that, then I’ll make another donation. Oh, and I’ll pay shipping too.

So you want to pay for two $20 products (that cost them $3 each to make max) and get a $100+ gh kit for free.....?

And to entice them you offer to pay the shipping... what like every other order you don't pay for shipping?

Lol please tell me this is some late night trolling.
A Promo Code? Nope, I wanna order 2 Test P, and I want a free GH Kit. If you can do that, then I’ll make another donation. Oh, and I’ll pay shipping too.
It's 2018 and homosexuals are more accepted than ever but, you can't just strut around meso asking for free shit because of it @Gaynz39