PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@Wes oh hell no have you already ran through your free test ????!????
This is why everyone stays away from this site . I'm a grown ass man who has been in this along time not some kid who has nothing better to do then act like my 6 year old kid . Grow the fuck up get a life job ECT maybe you will see there is more to life key board warriors I'm back to BOP where kids can't make it .This shit cracks me up you guys just clog up a board with bull shit .
This is why everyone stays away from this site . I'm a grown ass man who has been in this along time not some kid who has nothing better to do then act like my 6 year old kid . Grow the fuck up get a life job ECT maybe you will see there is more to life key board warriors I'm back to BOP where kids can't make it .This shit cracks me up you guys just clog up a board with bull shit .
Ok then bye bye. Keep it uncomfortable
This is why everyone stays away from this site . I'm a grown ass man who has been in this along time not some kid who has nothing better to do then act like my 6 year old kid . Grow the fuck up get a life job ECT maybe you will see there is more to life key board warriors I'm back to BOP where kids can't make it .This shit cracks me up you guys just clog up a board with bull shit .

No you're just used to source boards where everyone sucks the cock of the sources . And the guys that rock the money boat get banned.

PS meso doesn't really need you. So if you'd like to make a dramatic post, announcing your exit...that would be now.
This is why everyone stays away from this site . I'm a grown ass man who has been in this along time not some kid who has nothing better to do then act like my 6 year old kid . Grow the fuck up get a life job ECT maybe you will see there is more to life key board warriors I'm back to BOP where kids can't make it .This shit cracks me up you guys just clog up a board with bull shit .
Your explosion was pretty quick. No post in the new members forum, same stupid writing style and now instead of being a female, now you’re a dad. That poor kid :rolleyes:

If you want to keep coming back here, you need to reinvent yourself chump.
Your explosion was pretty quick. No post in the new members forum, same stupid writing style and now instead of being a female, now you’re a dad. That poor kid :rolleyes:

If you want to keep coming back here, you need to reinvent yourself chump.

Bro I dont know what the hell you are talking about for one . I laugh at alot of shit on here and have lurked around for along time finally decided to join and this is how you guys treat people . I'm a long time member on BOP And M and S and eroids.Get a grip not everyone is out to get you .But I have nothing to prove to any of you you aren'tt my friends or family so I could care less about something someone I dont know shit about or care for says. For all I know you are some kid with no life who get kicks talking shit and trying to get a rise out of people
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This is why everyone stays away from this site . I'm a grown ass man who has been in this along time not some kid who has nothing better to do then act like my 6 year old kid . Grow the fuck up get a life job ECT maybe you will see there is more to life key board warriors I'm back to BOP where kids can't make it .This shit cracks me up you guys just clog up a board with bull shit .
Really... you’re going to compare BOP to this board. fucking laugh out loud. Leave...you won’t be missed....
Your not under scrutiny at least not from me .I would just expect the same ordering through you or the web site . I'm not some one to flame people just to do it .If I get wronged I will be the first to call it out.Its all good in my world I'm not a basement dweller . I'm just trying to get things togather before hand .

Please understand. This discount is because Panda is able to do it on his end because a few members here were ordering sizeable amounts and they were getting those discounts. So we are honoring that.

We’re extending this to all members who aren’t comfortable with ordering through the website as well.

20% can be taken off your total if it’s a sizeable amount that Panda agrees upon. It’s essentially us extending a new option to members who want to order without the website. The actual discount can be 10,15,20% depending on the size of the order. (My apologies for not explaining that)....

I should of been more specific not realizing not everyone orders in that amount.

I personally made this an announcement so NO ONE feels left out if they can have their order processed faster and perhaps a better discount. This in no way means I’m OFF the reservation.... Strictly Pandas call.

By me announcing this, it’s OUT there. The basement dwellers ain’t got nothing to talk about over Evening tea and biscuits...
I dont understand why people fooding in this topic. If someone wanted to look for reviews about products, delivery, or sth. It is hard to find any information about them cause there are 1566 pages and probably less then %10 of replies are about the products.
I have ordered several raw sources and the best one was PPL in all areas; Quality, Price, Stealth. Also I know a UG lab that using his raws and have own HLPC reports. The last time I saw HLPC reports were February 2018 all injectables were over the %96 purity, dont know about orals and peptides.

His only problem is communication it is really hard to reach him after the domestic is gone.

So please forward this message to him. @PurplePandaRep
I dont understand why people fooding in this topic. If someone wanted to look for reviews about products, delivery, or sth. It is hard to find any information about them cause there are 1566 pages and probably less then %10 of replies are about the products.
I have ordered several raw sources and the best one was PPL in all areas; Quality, Price, Stealth. Also I know a UG lab that using his raws and have own HLPC reports. The last time I saw HLPC reports were February 2018 all injectables were over the %96 purity, dont know about orals and peptides.

His only problem is communication it is really hard to reach him after the domestic is gone.

So please forward this message to him. @PurplePandaRep
Really? Tell me more bro, I’m like you tired of having to wade and sift through all this BS
The bullshit is all because of domestic and the issues that follow with it and the minimum of concern that was addressed to those issues. It's been said 100xs. If panda just stuck to international raws everything would be smooth. I've never had an issue with the raws. The Tren I just brewed up looked excellent. It's a damn shame how a lot of stuff has been handled. And most of it was prior to the rep coming here. Lmao. And he came into a shit storm. Not saying @PurplePandaRep handled everything great.

If @purplepandalabs stayed international and got rid of domestic I'm sure customers that left would come back and everyone would feel more comfortable. That's all I'm really trying to say.
No doubt I could of handled things a lot cleaner and better. That I have apologized for. Anyone here thinks this is easy. I would deeply welcome them to answer all sorts of PM’s, emails, maintain several boards and live a life outside of this. I’m not perfect but when anyone has a real question or a real genuine concern. I do answer with the respect and in depth as much as possible.

I believe in the product because we finally found someone who delivers on purity and content of each compound. That’s been something Meso has been searching for since it’s existence. You don’t have to be on your toes wondering if the Var is Winstrol.... Var has a very course look to it.....

I even had a friend who bought EQ “powder” from another raw supplier.... when I told him EQ comes in Liquid. He didn’t have anything to say. That’s YOUR hard earned money you’re wasting on other sources crap. If you’re okay with that because you have an Ax to grind because you don’t like me or you don’t like PPL? That’s fine...but let the members get their stuff while it’s still good. While we have the source. Think of this as an abundance of water, one day we might be in a serious drought.

You got a private source? God bless, I hope he stays straight and does you good and keeps you maintained but don’t come at the people who don’t and then someone new comes along and placates to your personality and low and behold ends up screwing members left and right.

PPL and myself may be rough around the edges but He isn’t looking to fuck anyone. If he appears to do so by not answering you on messengers it’s because he’s busy. Other than that, he’s a solid guy.

I think all the positive reviews are shoved into the trash because we favor negativity around here way too much. I’ll admit I added to that negativity by feeding into it but even if I stopped it would still be here.

Now, as far as the domestic goes. A lot of guys favor domestic because they are afraid of international. Therefore PPL offers domestic. Not much to be done there.

I would just like to move forward and let the products and the new shipping methods speak for themselves.