PurplePandaLabs Raw source

PM isnt as safe as secure email.

And also, for everyone's peace of mind, it would be nice if panda himself made that announcement.

Edit. The only reason I'm saying this is because you implied the old rep was doing something similar, but just using his own raws and not pandas. Not saying that's what you're doing, but itd be nice nevertheless just to hear something like that from panda.

That’s very true. I want @purplepandalabs to come here and say that. I just wanted it as transparent as possible so that no one here feels left out.

I feel the Meso members are deserving of this. And I truly don’t mind going out of my way to make this happen for anyone.
@AnTabolic73 I truly have no idea what the other rep had access to but again I wasn’t around for that. Just the remnants of such.

I don’t want this to be a secretive thing and leak out and harm me or PPL that we were giving discounts out to a certain few.

I prefer we be as transparent as possible.
How long does it usually take to go from "prepare shipping" to "shipped" for domestic finished product?

We’re having problems with this. I’m going to address this real soon with Panda. Domestic should be “Premium Price for Fast Shipping”

I’ll let you and everyone know what happens when I address that.
Btw if you want to count the massive amount of PM’s and Emails I answer on the regular. But you don’t see that.

If you guys have constructive criticism by how I handle this thread by all means. Please tell me .
I have actually given you some constructive criticism, and going back a little ways it appears you may have taken some of it into account.
I have actually given you some constructive criticism, and going back a little ways it appears you may have taken some of it into account.

Well, I’m very busy so I don’t remember much. But your last comment insulted me for no reason. When I say I’m busy you wouldn’t know the depth of what I have on my plate so with that being said,

If you want to engage in conversation ask me about our products, ask about things concerning our products in this thread. How about that?
Had a pack land even quicker than I thought I would. Everything’s accounted for. Will give it a go and see if it puts good numbers out on bloodwork.

I was just authorized to take orders through PM and Email. If you wish to bypass the website we are willing to give a 20% discount off all international raw orders before shipping is added.

Please Type out your list. Calculate the total and discount. Please add $50 for shipping and I will gladly process your order if you do not feel comfortable using the website.

I have a Tutanota e-mail address that you can use for private and secure emailing.


And PM is always available as well.

Panda asked me personally if I would do this in order to give our current and future customers a way of feeling safer than using the website and to give you a more personal hands on approach to your order. regardless if you order through the website I will gladly handle your concerns as well.

I have done this with several members and it’s worked out quite well.

Thank you and I hope you consider this.

If this is true post up a discount code for all of us to use. I actively talk with melody and will use this code through her .

I don’t want this to be a secretive thing and leak out and harm me or PPL that we were giving discounts out to a certain few.

I prefer we be as transparent as possible.

It's just business. Larger, more frequent orders will garner discounts and favors. Transparency? In a criminal enterprise? LMAO. What are you going to do, crack open the books? And share info that should not exist?
If this is true post up a discount code for all of us to use. I actively talk with melody and will use this code through her .

We can’t give this discount on the website.

But I’m glad you feel confident in ordering with Melody. I believe We generated a promo code to be used for several months and I did post it.
It's just business. Larger, more frequent orders will garner discounts and favors. Transparency? In a criminal enterprise? LMAO. What are you going to do, crack open the books? And share info that should not exist?

I just didn’t want You or anyone getting hurt if you felt left out.

I didn’t know old farts use LMAO....
Okay gentlemen here’s the breakdown so that it’s not misinterpreted.

If you feel confident in using the website to purchase any product please do. Better yet, I prefer you use the website
And use the promo code
cbc9fc7c when you check out. I believe it’s good for a few months.

If you wish to make a considerable order or wish to have your order personally handled that’s fine. I’ll gladly handle it and you will receive a discount as well.

Don’t read to much into it. Want to insult me? I’ll gladly ignore you. That’s fine by me. Wish to ask for things that aren’t available? They aren’t.... The prices are hard to beat and that’s been proven time and time again.

Okay? Cool.