PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I just committed an order at PPL, I'm outside the US so any DEA or whatever gov organization might or might not have user details is not my concern... ill keep you guise updated anyway.
Gang members have Aliases.

Usernames and Handles are just fun ways of calling it an alias....

I wonder why a lot of old time prominent members don’t post anymore.

You don’t think that’s talked about. Naive.... trying to get you to think a little more and you spin it around...

You are incorrect.

It’s hard to prove what you are saying is not for entertainment purposes.

There is obviously a few things that could be deemed otherwise but you would have a hard time in court winning on what your thought process is here.

Many reasons why old time prominent members don’t post, like many on drug forums or hard reduction forums many relapse. The outside drug use influences many it’s even seen in brewers who disappear. This leads to more arrests and give steroids a bad look.

The other people leave meso due to boredom or just not interested in the lifestyle anymore.

@tbagger didn’t spin it. It was exactly how you wrote it. But you continually rant long winded posts just like you did when you were 2dumb2plumb then back track when people call you out.
I just committed an order at PPL, I'm outside the US so any DEA or whatever gov organization might or might not have user details is not my concern... ill keep you guise updated anyway.

Thanks for letting us know you were not in the USA when you made an order. This helps from encouraging USA members from ordering and getting caught up.

Good luck on your run and make those gains!
So your logic is a bit contradictory dont you think. Members are scared to post in the thread because of fear due to PPL domestic being busted but dont fear ordering from PL? They are just afraid to post in the thread? So business has stayed the same but the threads fell off :rolleyes:
Also @AnTabolic73 is not a voice of reason he sucks PPL little dick every chance he gets.
Thankfully I have never been a customer of PPL so I dont have to fear retribution like you stated. I feel sorry for everyone else who has it sounds like PPL and rep have already discussed that option.
Ouch! Because I said they're business is probably not suffering?

That's fine. I dont need to fit in. Or need to be part of the behind the scenes PM gossip thread.

Itd bother me too if my efforts were futile, and I couldn't put a dent in a the business I loathe. But im realistic. I doubt I could influence many either way, for or against. So why try? Why should i think my opinion is more important than the next mans?
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Ouch! Because I said they're business is probably not suffering?

That's fine. I dont need to fit in. Or need to be part of the behind the scenes PM gossip thread.

Itd bother me too if my efforts were futile, and I couldn't put a dent in a the business I loathe. But im realistic. I doubt I could influence many either way, for or against. So why try? Why should i think my opinion is more important than the next mans?
Again you make assumptions. I'm not judging you off of that one post. You have been in this thread viamintly defending PPL for a while now. Actually let me rephrase it, you appear to be more likely to backup and stick up for sources more than the members. You are not here for harm reduction for the community. That's why I made that comment. Also, I'm not trying to put a dent in his business, I'm not that naive to think i can do that. But they are jeopardizing the safety of customers and members. They lie and the new rep runs mouth like a teenager waiting to get punched in it.
Again you make assumptions. I'm not judging you off of that one post. You have been in this thread viamintly defending PPL for a while now. Actually let me rephrase it, you appear to be more likely to backup and stick up for sources more than the members. You are not here for harm reduction for the community. That's why I made that comment. Also, I'm not trying to put a dent in his business, I'm not that naive to think i can do that. But they are jeopardizing the safety of customers and members. They lie and the new rep runs mouth like a teenager waiting to get punched in it.
Well you're entitled to your opinion. What you call defending a source, I call being realistic. I dont agree with a lot of members tactics. I can say that I've monitored this source from before they got to meso. And I can also so I have brought to light or have told members about a lot of issues that they've had as well.

I get accused of being a shill, or how you eloquently put sucking ppl lil dick just because i dont hop on the majority's ways or opinions.

It's easy to say someone is doing something for harm reduction even when they're not. Just like it's easy for you to say someone's sucking ppl dick when they're not. I dont post as much as I used to in this thread mainly because I've made the decision to not order from the source. But that decision has been made in my own volition, because I know of every one of this labs past issues, not because of trolling tactics. Not calling you a troll per se. But there is a fine line between trolling and repeatedly posting the same few things over and over for "harm reduction".
Well you're entitled to your opinion. What you call defending a source, I call being realistic. I dont agree with a lot of members tactics. I can say that I've monitored this source from before they got to meso. And I can also so I have brought to light or have told members about a lot of issues that they've had as well.

I get accused of being a shill, or how you eloquently put sucking ppl lil dick just because i dont hop on the majority's ways or opinions.

It's easy to say someone is doing something for harm reduction even when they're not. Just like it's easy for you to say someone's sucking ppl dick when they're not. I dont post as much as I used to in this thread mainly because I've made the decision to not order from the source. But that decision has been made in my own volition, because I know of every one of this labs past issues, not because of trolling tactics. Not calling you a troll per se. But there is a fine line between trolling and repeatedly posting the same few things over and over for "harm reduction".

By constantly reposting the facts is harm reduction. To ensure members do not forget and things get swept under.

To ensure new members or lurkers see. If these “ same” posts don’t keep coming up then they get pushed under a rug. Especially since we know most new members or anyone looking that hasn’t been on in a while will start from the last page in the thread

So as to someone who follows along. This could be repeating but to someone who hasn’t it can help get them a more informed choice.
I didn't say he was going out of business. Nut ever since the feds busted their domestic lab and they hired this new rep the traffic on their threads across the boards has been cut in half. That reflects on their business. No company will admit their business is down.

The rep is a large part of the traffic being drastically reduced. While being a rep isnt hard it can be time consuming. You can tell from the top down this company could care less for the community. Any rep that handles things like the ppl rep turns away more customers than they bring in, which in this case is not a bad thing.
By constantly reposting the facts is harm reduction. To ensure members do not forget and things get swept under.

To ensure new members or lurkers see. If these “ same” posts don’t keep coming up then they get pushed under a rug. Especially since we know most new members or anyone looking that hasn’t been on in a while will start from the last page in the thread

So as to someone who follows along. This could be repeating but to someone who hasn’t it can help get them a more informed choice.
I agree, to an extent. But maybe that's why so many ugl relabel and keep coming back. What's to stop a ugl from just rebranding, aside from some astute investigating that'll maybe catch it.

I feel like it's just not an effective tactic. But that doesnt necessarily mean it shouldnt be done. But I won't join in on it.
I agree, to an extent. But maybe that's why so many ugl relabel and keep coming back. What's to stop a ugl from just rebranding, aside from some astute investigating that'll maybe catch it.

I feel like it's just not an effective tactic. But that doesnt necessarily mean it shouldnt be done. But I won't join in on it.

You can’t stop a lab from trying to come back. He’ll hammer tried 3 times and caught each time.
The rep is a large part of the traffic being drastically reduced. While being a rep isnt hard it can be time consuming. You can tell from the top down this company could care less for the community. Any rep that handles things like the ppl rep turns away more customers than they bring in, which in this case is not a bad thing.

I’m a doing a fine job.... We’re doing pretty well. Not sure what you want from me but I’m not here to hold anyone’s hand. You know?
The rep is a large part of the traffic being drastically reduced. While being a rep isnt hard it can be time consuming. You can tell from the top down this company could care less for the community. Any rep that handles things like the ppl rep turns away more customers than they bring in, which in this case is not a bad thing.

Btw if you want to count the massive amount of PM’s and Emails I answer on the regular. But you don’t see that.

If you guys have constructive criticism by how I handle this thread by all means. Please tell me .

I was just authorized to take orders through PM and Email. If you wish to bypass the website we are willing to give a 20% discount off all international raw orders before shipping is added.

Please Type out your list. Calculate the total and discount. Please add $50 for shipping and I will gladly process your order if you do not feel comfortable using the website.

I have a Tutanota e-mail address that you can use for private and secure emailing.


And PM is always available as well.

Panda asked me personally if I would do this in order to give our current and future customers a way of feeling safer than using the website and to give you a more personal hands on approach to your order. regardless if you order through the website I will gladly handle your concerns as well.

I have done this with several members and it’s worked out quite well.

Thank you and I hope you consider this.
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I was just authorized to take orders through PM and Email. If you wish to bypass the website we are willing to give a 20% discount off all international raw orders before shipping is added.

Please Type out your list. Calculate the total and discount. Please add $50 for shipping and I will gladly process your order if you do not feel comfortable using the website.

I have a Tutanota e-mail address that you can use for private and secure emailing.


And PM is always available as well.

Panda asked me personally if I would do this in order to give our current and future customers a way of feeling safer than using the website and to give you a more personal hands on approach to your order. regardless if you order through the website I will gladly handle your concerns as well.

I have done this with several members and it’s worked out quite well.

Thank you and I hope you consider this.

PM isnt as safe as secure email.

And also, for everyone's peace of mind, it would be nice if panda himself made that announcement.

Edit. The only reason I'm saying this is because you implied the old rep was doing something similar, but just using his own raws and not pandas. Not saying that's what you're doing, but itd be nice nevertheless just to hear something like that from panda.
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PM isnt as safe as secure email.

And also, for everyone's peace of mind, it would be nice if panda himself made that announcement.

Edit. The only reason I'm saying this is because you implied the old rep was doing something similar, but just using his own raws and not pandas. Not saying that's what you're doing, but itd be nice nevertheless just to hear something like that from panda.

Security is PPL's number one concern... Oh...sorry, it's not. You'd have to be fucking bonkers to give this digbat your address. Why not just use a Yahoo email address?