PurplePandaLabs Raw source

last 3 pages are interesting. Not ordered recently as I normally place larger orders that can last me a lifetime but on a few different times I have had pain while pushing the oil in and as soon as I stop its fine push it in and its slightly painfull burning feeling. Always just put it down to the Injection technique though but never normally any blood so who knows its always been barrable for me though. But what could cause something like this? I know the BB or BA could but am 99% sure its not that.
last 3 pages are interesting. Not ordered recently as I normally place larger orders that can last me a lifetime but on a few different times I have had pain while pushing the oil in and as soon as I stop its fine push it in and its slightly painfull burning feeling. Always just put it down to the Injection technique though but never normally any blood so who knows its always been barrable for me though. But what could cause something like this? I know the BB or BA could but am 99% sure its not that.
I didn't have the same problem as @TRT with the Tren. Close but was tolerable... No the test e I brewed up a couple months back was the worst shit I have ever pinned. I chalked it up to the raws slightly melting then getting hard again somehow creating the worst pip I have ever had.. but now idk.
last 3 pages are interesting. Not ordered recently as I normally place larger orders that can last me a lifetime but on a few different times I have had pain while pushing the oil in and as soon as I stop its fine push it in and its slightly painfull burning feeling. Always just put it down to the Injection technique though but never normally any blood so who knows its always been barrable for me though. But what could cause something like this? I know the BB or BA could but am 99% sure its not that.

The pip, I surmise, is a solvent. Probably used to keep the hormone dissolved during transport and probably help in brewing . Be it higher concentration of BB or EO....

All that said I've had pip from my pharma trt test before.
I didn't have the same problem as @TRT with the Tren. Close but was tolerable... No the test e I brewed up a couple months back was the worst shit I have ever pinned. I chalked it up to the raws slightly melting then getting hard again somehow creating the worst pip I have ever had.. but now idk.
any idea how long ago? I brewed up Test e few months back but I knew it wasn't right so chucked it all over 100grams but panda said he will make it right on my next order just got a bunch of test of one of my friends for the mean time till I place my order again.
any idea how long ago? I brewed up Test e few months back but I knew it wasn't right so chucked it all over 100grams but panda said he will make it right on my next order just got a bunch of test of one of my friends for the mean time till I place my order again.
The raws were from last fall. I had like 127gs or so. About 60 vials. I still have a couple. In case someone else came foward with an issue. I brewed mine up maybe two months ago. I have to check. But that shit fucked my legs up. I mean I could barely walk. 100+ degree fever and everything.


Today is day one of using anadrol from LMC. Same as I prepped PPL anadrol: powder and everclear. We all know what a liquid oral in alcohol tastes like, shit. Nothing new there. I have to say this is some nasty fucking shit though. The PPL raws didn't taste nearly this bad.

Again, tifwiw...

Today is day one of using anadrol from LMC. Same as I prepped PPL anadrol: powder and everclear. We all know what a liquid oral in alcohol tastes like, shit. Nothing new there. I have to say this is some nasty fucking shit though. The PPL raws didn't taste nearly this bad.

Again, tifwiw...

Half ever clear, half Humco cherry syrup which is used as an oral vehicle for pharmaceutical preparations of drugs taken in liquid form.
@ickyrica I personally do cherry vodka/ cherry Humco syrup for my orals. Taste great and the alcohol content lends to its dissolving of the raws into a solution and absorbs faster due to the alcohol as well.
My taste buds never gave a shit until this batch of raws.

Personally I think this all comes down to shipping. Degrading through transit. Everyone’s best bet is to buy through late-late fall and winter, early spring.

HGH and Raws. who’s to say these raws were “fresh” when they left China but degraded from transit due to no air/dry heat/hot temps etc etc.

We’re all taking a chance with raws no matter who you buy from.

Sometimes their excuses are “it’s really potent”......Or some excuse. Not saying that’s the case here. But I’m incredibly weary of everyone who claims what they have is the second coming...

If it was that easy we would all be 300 pound IFBB pro’s.... but we’re always getting fucked in one way or the other.
Everyone’s best bet is to buy through late-late fall and winter, early spring.
Yeah I'm gonna place an order soon. And honestly I was gonna switch to cyp too. Seems like a lot of people prefer cyp over enan. Idk about a brewing aspect. I know 250 with a 10% od is about the limit I think (@ickyrica is that about right?)
Either way this is getting resolved. That’s one gram too many to not have a problem.... At this point I can’t even put this to “brewing” because it’s multiple guys.

I do remember times where there was bad raws being passed around.... hope this isn’t one of those moment.

We did “restock” our raws in September. So those are fresh, and I’m sure we’re constantly restocking internationally so I hope this is an isolated problem and not an on-going problem.
I just received raws so the first two things I’ll likely brew personally is test e and Tren Ace... and if that shit cripples me... then you’ll definitely hear from me.

Should I start notifying everyone when we restock raws so that takes the variable out of guessing if it’s old stock?

Trying to help here. I got lucky I guess, wasn’t even inside info... I just happen to order when the new stock was made available.... And the weather was somewhat cool. I also keep the raws in a very cool room away from light. Not taking a chance
Yeah I'm gonna place an order soon. And honestly I was gonna switch to cyp too. Seems like a lot of people prefer cyp over enan. Idk about a brewing aspect. I know 250 with a 10% od is about the limit I think (@ickyrica is that about right?)

I would, if it was me. Hit it and quit it.

I haven’t heard anything bad about any of our current raws. This seems to be from last year and earlier in this year and perhaps spring (I checked BOP)... not really sure but I do know for a fact that the current raws we have are “fresh” if that counts for anything.

@ickyrica I’ll check my Anadrol I got. Hopefully it’s not discolored. But I would seriously either look into Humco or OraPlus if you personally feel the raws are good. You don’t want to get sick from that.... I can’t attest to LMC and their quality but if you personally know what Anadrol taste like and it taste differently this time. I wouldn’t be consuming that.