PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I would, if it was me. Hit it and quit it.

I haven’t heard anything bad about any of our current raws. This seems to be from last year and earlier in this year and perhaps spring (I checked BOP)... not really sure but I do know for a fact that the current raws we have are “fresh” if that counts for anything.

@ickyrica I’ll check my Anadrol I got. Hopefully it’s not discolored. But I would seriously either look into Humco or OraPlus if you personally feel the raws are good. You don’t want to get sick from that.... I can’t attest to LMC and their quality but if you personally know what Anadrol taste like and it taste differently this time. I wouldn’t be consuming that.
The adrol passed melting and labmax so I think it's legit. Maybe old? Who knows. Tastes like an asshole that needs not be licked though.

I know 250 with a 10% od is about the limit I think (@ickyrica is that about right?)
250 w 10% is plenty if the raw is legit. There is no reason to brew higher unless you're a fan of injection issues. I have yet to read one person's post that says high concentration test was a good idea. Kinda like me pinning my calf recently. Dumb ass idea...
Glutes, V-glutes, Track quads all the way down to half point of the knee, Shoulders side and front. Triceps....

That’s about as extreme I would go and my shoulders hold 3cc’s.... my triceps hold 2cc’s and the rest is all 3cc’s....

I heard lats are easy but I don’t have any mobility so I’m stuck.

At best I use a 25g now for everything. I don’t care how long it takes me to press.

Shoulders and triceps I do 1ml syringes and 25-27 g pins... 25g 1 inch for shoulders and 27g slin needle in tricep.

That’s why it’s important to hit hypertrophy reps.... mass plays a factor in all this.
Bitcoin..... it just keeps taking a shit. At this point I’m not selling..... doesn’t make sense to sell coin if it’s at a loss.

Hopefully this shit recovers after this hash war.
Glutes, V-glutes, Track quads all the way down to half point of the knee, Shoulders side and front. Triceps....

That’s about as extreme I would go and my shoulders hold 3cc’s.... my triceps hold 2cc’s and the rest is all 3cc’s....

I heard lats are easy but I don’t have any mobility so I’m stuck.

At best I use a 25g now for everything. I don’t care how long it takes me to press.

Shoulders and triceps I do 1ml syringes and 25-27 g pins... 25g 1 inch for shoulders and 27g slin needle in tricep.

That’s why it’s important to hit hypertrophy reps.... mass plays a factor in all this.
I tried pinning my shoulders with a slin pin and 1ml oil max it holds. Fair to say it didn't work my hand couldn't stretch out enough to push the plunger down:confused: I just do quads but I really need to start doing somewhere else am just scared to put that needle I use for quads into my shoulders looks like it would touch the bone:(
I tried pinning my shoulders with a slin pin and 1ml oil max it holds. Fair to say it didn't work my hand couldn't stretch out enough to push the plunger down:confused: I just do quads but I really need to start doing somewhere else am just scared to put that needle I use for quads into my shoulders looks like it would touch the bone:(

I thought 1” would hit my bone or pierce cartilage or whatever... it went in fine and was actually better than half inch.

Hold your shoulder up like your doing a lateral raise and that’s how I pin... it does flex the muscle but I feel a more steady hand doing that.

If you’re pinning 1ml then a slin with a 27g isn’t so bad... you can do 1ml in a relaxed state with delts.

5/8th for chest depending on how big your tits are....
I’m sorry that went over my head. See, I’m not afraid to admit that lol...
Government temporarily banned the manufacturing and sale of it due to the pollution it causes when manufacturing it. But they typically just temporarily do this on occasion to make it look like they are actually doing something about the rampant pollution problems here. Typically the bans only last for a couple months at most.
Beginning of august.

Guess it’s back or I better check everything. Been so busy I didn’t bother checking the entirety of my pack.

If I got clomid.... great. Get my balls nice and big and hopefully working again with hCG to get my girl pregnant. Hopefully. Right now, I’m shooting blanks.

