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We conceived on PPL Homebrew test 700mg pw and Tren E 400mg pw. Right now he is 6 months old with 9 month clothes getting tight on him. 18lbs and almost 29 inches. Still in the 97th percentile for height (meaning 97% of baby boys are smaller). He is a beast. Has a straight mullet too. Fiance won't let me grow one to match him :(.

I've said this before. But being shut down and her getting pregnant means that that was the strongest best possible genetic sperm I had. Lol. He is gonna be huge. #trenbaby.
Better off, you can even get away with no Ai which I recommend... the more I read about ai’s.... the more I don’t ever want to up the dose just to take one.

If you don’t suffer from gyno or bad pumps etc etc, blood pressure from edema... I don’t think anyone should touch an Ai. It really hinders my gains drastically.
I usually use .5 aromasin a week even on cruise. Haven’t had any blood pressure issues to date either except when I was sick and using antihistamines
We conceived on PPL Homebrew test 700mg pw and Tren E 400mg pw. Right now he is 6 months old with 9 month clothes getting tight on him. 18lbs and almost 29 inches. Still in the 97th percentile for height (meaning 97% of baby boys are smaller). He is a beast. Has a straight mullet too. Fiance won't let me grow one to match him :(.

I've said this before. But being shut down and her getting pregnant means that that was the strongest best possible genetic sperm I had. Lol. He is gonna be huge. #trenbaby.

God bless.
Probably better to use eod or ed to mimic natural LH and FSH as much as possible. It’s been a minute since I looked into but there are some protocols floating around.

I’ll definitely look into them. Thank You.

That helps a lot. I know personally the community is more helpful than doctors... doctors really don’t give a Fuck and rather watch us all suffer.
True that’s what I’m hoping for.

At that time, when it happens. I’m coming off all AAS and I’ll run Clomid/Nolvadex/hCG and perhaps that one lucky HMG shot too.

If not we can always go to a fertility clinic. No big deal. I was a turkey baster baby.... my dad jacked off into a cup and that was inserted into my mom...

Either my dad had a small dick or his big balls can’t hit a three pointer....

Yeah, I totally will man. I knew about HMG before anyone else really. That was relatively new a few years back. Glad it’s finally mainstream.

It’s one shot only right?

Yeah, thanks for putting a label on it! Prostate juice...LOL

But yeah bro. I still blow thick loads if I don’t ejaculate 10 times a day on blast LOL.

Although my balls do ache from time to time. On HCG they ache too.

Combined human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) treatment in gonadotropin-deficient males with pituitary dwarfism. - PubMed - NCBI

The hCG at a dose of 5,000 IU was injected intramuscularly twice a week and the hMG at a dose of 75 IU was given once a week at first. During treatment, the frequency of hMG injections was increased to twice a week in six patients who still had not produced normal sperm counts.

In 13 boys with growth hormone and gonadotropin deficiency, hCG-hMG treatment produced normal spermatogenesis in nine patients, one of whom fathered a girl. Thus, hCG-hMG treatment, especially twice-a-week injections of both hCG and hMG, appears to be effective for gonadotropin deficiency in males.
I cant grasp the sizes for needles at all in the Uk there colour coded so I just draw with green and inject with blue ones. The back of the blue pack says 23gx1 (0.6mmx25mm) and fuck that just looks big to put into the shoulder lol. The slin one didn't work either cause was impossible to reach the plunger to push the oil in.
Sounds like you’re trying to hold the syringe at the base towards the needle and extend your index finger to the end of the plunger. Just hold the syringe at the top, keep from moving and you should be able to reach it no problem.
Sounds like you’re trying to hold the syringe at the base towards the needle and extend your index finger to the end of the plunger. Just hold the syringe at the top, keep from moving and you should be able to reach it no problem.
ye that's exactly what am doing but cause the oil is being pushed through such a tiny needle it needs a lot of pressure and they dame insulin pin plungers are pretty bendy well fully out and I am scared to start pushing it hard from the plunger incase it starts moving about inside my shoulder its why I like to hold it still at the same time. and I did try heating the oil.
ye that's exactly what am doing but cause the oil is being pushed through such a tiny needle it needs a lot of pressure and they dame insulin pin plungers are pretty bendy well fully out and I am scared to start pushing it hard from the plunger incase it starts moving about inside my shoulder its why I like to hold it still at the same time. and I did try heating the oil.

I read a Dan Duchaine post once on how you need two hands to push a 25g needle LOL. Laughing my ass off on that.

Bro, all you need is a little patience and a steady hand with a slow and firm pressure on the plunger.

If you start to shake or move. You’ll cause massive scar tissue down the road.

Heating the oil never worked for me, it basically comes down to how long you have been pinning. When I first started; my hands were awfully cramped and shaken... now I’m literally casually pinning myself like nothing. I even get giant squirts of blood sometimes out of my ass and legs.... I freak out but I find it funny as fuck now... looks like a horror show.

I find pinning with a 1ml syringe to be great for single compound blast, oral injectables or TRT... it’s a mental thing to be honest with you.

Mentally I see a 1ml syringe and say “well fuck that’s no big deal”, when I’m on blast and see a full 3cc’s syringe that’s when the whole mental game comes into play and caution is used.
If I can personally get away with a 27g 1 Inch with a 1ml syringe set up. I wouldn’t mind pinning every day. Less muscle tear and displacement of oil. Stable blood levels and a faster injection.

Less time drawing up multiple compounds in the same syringe.
I pin mig through a 25g in no time. Running some sesame gear now and it’s considerable slower but still not like gso.

Depends on the type and grade of GSO. Some it can be thicker due to store bought brands, others can be more refined.

I believe Pharmaceutical applications use Sesame Oil.

MCT oil is great, never tried mig840.
I find it easier to push .5ml through a slin pin than a 3ml 25g. Think it has something to do with the amount of surface area pushing down on the oil
I find it easier to push .5ml through a slin pin than a 3ml 25g. Think it has something to do with the amount of surface area pushing down on the oil
I’ve heard the same. I just keep using the 3ml because that’s what I use on blast. Guess I need to order some for trt
If I can personally get away with a 27g 1 Inch with a 1ml syringe set up. I wouldn’t mind pinning every day. Less muscle tear and displacement of oil. Stable blood levels and a faster injection.

Less time drawing up multiple compounds in the same syringe.
I use 1ml barrel and 27g 1/2” in delts and it pins smooth. Takes a few extra seconds but I’m not one to get impatient with a needle in my body.
u guys still gain weight after 8. week of deca? with 600mg Test e and 400mg deca I have put on 20lbs without increasing in bf. I was planning to do 16 week but I don't gain anymore so IDK whether I stop or keep goin'
u guys still gain weight after 8. week of deca? with 600mg Test e and 400mg deca I have put on 20lbs without increasing in bf. I was planning to do 16 week but I don't gain anymore so IDK whether I stop or keep goin'

Nah bro, keep your blast between 8-10 weeks. Trust me. After that it’s an incredible waste of money to keep pinning. You’ll most likely get another 4-8 weeks of the Deca hormone circulating in your system and still Anabolic.

I could swear after my last Tren/ Deca blast. I felt my strongest for 4-6 weeks after that last pin.