PurplePandaLabs Raw source

u guys still gain weight after 8. week of deca? with 600mg Test e and 400mg deca I have put on 20lbs without increasing in bf. I was planning to do 16 week but I don't gain anymore so IDK whether I stop or keep goin'
Throw an oral in. Should help you get over that plateau, works for me anyway.
u guys still gain weight after 8. week of deca? with 600mg Test e and 400mg deca I have put on 20lbs without increasing in bf. I was planning to do 16 week but I don't gain anymore so IDK whether I stop or keep goin'

If you want to keep going, cruise for 4-6 weeks then blast another compound.

But I learned the hard way... I did 16 weeks on most long esters and what a waste. Even a waste on 12-14 weeks.

I find Once it builds up in your system it’s best to taper down or stop and let it act out. It’s just how my body is. No point in keeping up heavy dosages past the point.

I know a ton of women and men.... reason I put women first is they’re well known to do 4-6-8 week cycles and some of them are bigger than most guys on the boards. If anyone has any knowledge on gear it would be a woman.... To me 8-10 week Blast follows by 6-8 week cruise dosages or 10 week cruise dosage works a lot better than constantly going hard or doing long drawn out cycles.
Throw an oral in. Should help you get over that plateau, works for me anyway.

Maybe 3 weeks of anadrol then back to cruise.

If you want to keep going, cruise for 4-6 weeks then blast another compound.

But I learned the hard way... I did 16 weeks on most long esters and what a waste. Even a waste on 12-14 weeks.

I find Once it builds up in your system it’s best to taper down or stop and let it act out. It’s just how my body is. No point in keeping up heavy dosages past the point.

I know a ton of women and men.... reason I put women first is they’re well known to do 4-6-8 week cycles and some of them are bigger than most guys on the boards. If anyone has any knowledge on gear it would be a woman.... To me 8-10 week Blast follows by 6-8 week cruise dosages or 10 week cruise dosage works a lot better than constantly going hard or doing long drawn out cycles.

looks reasonable maybe I can throw some anadrol for two or three weeks and then cruise for 6 weeks. Also I have never heard massive gains after the 10th week of cycles.
looks reasonable maybe I can throw some anadrol for two or three weeks and then blast for 6 weeks. Also I have never heard massive gains after the 10th week of cycles.
The massive gains in the beginning of a cycle is just bloat. You won’t have massive jumps after the bloat but what you gain will be quality tissue.
Does adrol make any of y'all sick at your stomach? I have issues with all 3 orals that I've tried. Winstrol and var both tore my stomach up. Sdrol raises my rhr. Curious about adrol
Does adrol make any of y'all sick at your stomach? I have issues with all 3 orals that I've tried. Winstrol and var both tore my stomach up. Sdrol raises my rhr. Curious about adrol

I can’t eat on Anadrol... I gain 15-20 pounds on it though and when I stop it... i piss all those gains out. Water weight.

Dbol is different for me.

But I mostly do injectable orals now
You notice any difference between injectable and oral as far as appetite suppression?

I’m gonna hit Anadrol Inject again and report back to you on that. At the time I was hitting Inject and tabs as well. It was legit Anadrol inject because that Fucker HURT..... saw crystals in the syringe and knew that shit was gonna hurt.

This time I’ll only smack Anadrol Inject to see if my appetite is still there.

I believe since it passes your digestive track it should prevent any problems with your stomach. I know when I take certain antibiotics it kills my stomach too.
I read a Dan Duchaine post once on how you need two hands to push a 25g needle LOL. Laughing my ass off on that.

Bro, all you need is a little patience and a steady hand with a slow and firm pressure on the plunger.

If you start to shake or move. You’ll cause massive scar tissue down the road.

Heating the oil never worked for me, it basically comes down to how long you have been pinning. When I first started; my hands were awfully cramped and shaken... now I’m literally casually pinning myself like nothing. I even get giant squirts of blood sometimes out of my ass and legs.... I freak out but I find it funny as fuck now... looks like a horror show.

I find pinning with a 1ml syringe to be great for single compound blast, oral injectables or TRT... it’s a mental thing to be honest with you.

Mentally I see a 1ml syringe and say “well fuck that’s no big deal”, when I’m on blast and see a full 3cc’s syringe that’s when the whole mental game comes into play and caution is used.
ye but my needles are 23gx1 seem to be biger than everyone elses that's why am scared as shit to put that into my shoulder. Seems to be the only one that pharmacy I use has though and the greens obv but there even fucken worse.
ye but my needles are 23gx1 seem to be biger than everyone elses that's why am scared as shit to put that into my shoulder. Seems to be the only one that pharmacy I use has though and the greens obv but there even fucken worse.

Gpzmeds or medlabs for my setups.

I use to pin with a 23g in quads and ass.... wasn’t that big of a jump from 23g to a 25g

I had a orthopedic surgeon give a cortisone shot with a 18g needle into my wrist once.
Gpzmeds or medlabs for my setups.

I use to pin with a 23g in quads and ass.... wasn’t that big of a jump from 23g to a 25g

I had a orthopedic surgeon give a cortisone shot with a 18g needle into my wrist once.
Hmm I am going to ask my pharmacy when I go in next time if they have 25g ones but I might just try it with the 23g.would love to use medlab supply but am from the uk and nothing I can order from there even try added things I didn’t need but it just doesn’t warrant the delivery cost. Wish there was a similar one but uk for now I stick with amazon haha
I get a 4ml 18g shot once a month of vivitrol. That shit is brutal.

Bro I didn’t feel a thing. He used numbing spray and a local anesthetic.

If I had the money I would pay this guy to pin my gear for me that’s how easy it went through with no pain even after the anesthetics wore off.
Hopefully I can get away with one or two more Blast.

Not sure how I can hide the Tren Ace acne.... or the sweats or the fact that I keep leaning out but getting bigger. Or the Tren dick.

I even got 1-Test Cyp from another source that’s 150mg/ml and that shit is CRASHED.... Tiger Woods is gonna use my ass for driver practice with the golf balls that DHB is gonna give me.