PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yep I get vivitrol shots monthly. Worst pip I've ever experienced. That shit is thick as fuck in the needle too!
So thick bro. Doc wants bloodwork after the new year.... To check liver values. I might not do that. Lol. He is gonna think I'm dying. I stopped dbol just in case I do go do it. I've had years clean without any crutch. But this last relapse was terrible. Only gets worse. Couldnt trust myself.

And he wants me to go through my primary doctor. Which means insurance. Which means AAS anonymity will be exposed..
So thick bro. Doc wants bloodwork after the new year.... To check liver values. I might not do that. Lol. He is gonna think I'm dying. I stopped dbol just in case I do go do it. I've had years clean without any crutch. But this last relapse was terrible. Only gets worse. Couldnt trust myself.

And he wants me to go through my primary doctor. Which means insurance. Which means AAS anonymity will be exposed..

My liver values return to normal within 2-4 weeks.

Your AAS has nothing to do with it. The only way they’ll know you’re on gear is your RBC count. My doctor straight out asked me if I was on steroids due to my rbc’s being dangerously high and I flat out denied it.

Unless He/she is willing to treat you like a human being instead of a patient with an illness. I would never admit to gear usage.
My liver values return to normal within 2-4 weeks.

Your AAS has nothing to do with it. The only way they’ll know you’re on gear is your RBC count. My doctor straight out asked me if I was on steroids due to my rbc’s being dangerously high and I flat out denied it.

Unless He/she is willing to treat you like a human being instead of a patient with an illness. I would never admit to gear usage.
What did you tell your DOC in trgards to the question he/she asked if you were on steroids?
I denied it. I didn’t act surprised. Just calmly said “No”

Even if I said yes. What can he do? Jackshit.....
Would love to tell my doc I use gear so he can monitor me and I can be as safe as possible but the thought of having that admission anywhere in my medical files is enough of a deterrent for me. It's a tough situation but I can't blame anyone for choosing to let their doctor know or not know. It's not an easy decision by any means.
Would love to tell my doc I use gear so he can monitor me and I can be as safe as possible but the thought of having that admission anywhere in my medical files is enough of a deterrent for me. It's a tough situation but I can't blame anyone for choosing to let their doctor know or not know. It's not an easy decision by any means.

Personally with enough money... you can shut any doctor up. That’s why you need a TRT Doctor.... only way to do it.

I mean do they turn away drug addicts? Heck no..... A lot of kids who are addicts are still under their parents insurances.

But yeah, I would be lying if I told you the right answer to that question. There’s no right or wrong answer. You just need money to shut him/her up and have them monitor you on the regular.

TRT docs (not all of them) but most are corrupt and will do anything under the radar to squeeze as much out of you as possible (legally).... if they don’t venture into UGL or “PK’s” they will always assume your using gear and will be more understanding.

Nebido, MENT (Trestolone), cyp, Deca, Anavar, Anadrol, HGH (serostim) can all be had for legit reasons. Just need the money to make it happen.
You notice any difference between injectable and oral as far as appetite suppression?
i didn't, only used inj dbol though


7 alpha-methyl-nortestosterone (MENT): the optimal androgen for male contraception. - PubMed - NCBI

Is this ever gets approved. I truly hope anyone here that’s done having kids tries this.

No sense in having health insurance and prescription if you don’t use it....

Tons of ways of going around the system.
i didn't, only used inj dbol though


It’s an implant. And it was tested a while back for male contraception. Everyone who’s a so-called expert thinks this compound is a “designer” drug or a prohormone and it’s not. MENT is the trademark name for Trestolone.

Since female contraception is a big issue in the United States, the medical community personally feels male contraception is a better alternative. Which correlates to ANYONE who believes your PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN is a fucking idiot. Because even the medical community is confident your body would return back to normal after discontinued use.
Would love to tell my doc I use gear so he can monitor me and I can be as safe as possible but the thought of having that admission anywhere in my medical files is enough of a deterrent for me. It's a tough situation but I can't blame anyone for choosing to let their doctor know or not know. It's not an easy decision by any means.
I tried that and failed miserably. My BP was slightly elevated do to anadrol. The Doc claimed I was reckless and he didn't want to be my Doc when I stroked out or had a hart attack under his supervision. This was surprising to me as this Doc was more then comfortable writing me scripts fort C2 drugs as well as Lortab 10. Steroids have a stigma that is not at all fair.
I love HydroMorphone. I mean I would never take it on my own account but if it was offered to me in a hospital setting after surgery or whatever....bet your ass I would.

I came right out surgery and was in so much pain I asked for something and this nurse went straight to her Supervisor and I guess they agreed on that. If anything the hospital is the best place to Nod off and not give a fuck because you’re hooked up to all those machines so it’s impossible for you to die in their care from an overdose.

That’s the best I ever had. HydroMorphone High Potency formula.

I can easily relate to how easy it is it to get hooked on that stuff.
I love HydroMorphone. I mean I would never take it on my own account but if it was offered to me in a hospital setting after surgery or whatever....bet your ass I would.

I came right out surgery and was in so much pain I asked for something and this nurse went straight to her Supervisor and I guess they agreed on that. If anything the hospital is the best place to Nod off and not give a fuck because you’re hooked up to all those machines so it’s impossible for you to die in their care from an overdose.

That’s the best I ever had. HydroMorphone High Potency formula.

I can easily relate to how easy it is it to get hooked on that stuff.

Surgery, eh? For what? To get that stick out of your ass? Tell them they missed a piece. :D:p:p:D
I love HydroMorphone. I mean I would never take it on my own account but if it was offered to me in a hospital setting after surgery or whatever....bet your ass I would.

I came right out surgery and was in so much pain I asked for something and this nurse went straight to her Supervisor and I guess they agreed on that. If anything the hospital is the best place to Nod off and not give a fuck because you’re hooked up to all those machines so it’s impossible for you to die in their care from an overdose.

That’s the best I ever had. HydroMorphone High Potency formula.

I can easily relate to how easy it is it to get hooked on that stuff.
Dilaudid is the actual brand name of hydromorphone. Orals come in 2mg, 4mg and the triangles are 8mg. Most junkies would actually prefer dilaudid over heron. It's considered a more "clean" high.
Years ago they were referred to as shakers. There was nothing to em'. Simply put your issue in the barrel and shake for a few minutes. I'm not sure these days, but from what I been told you actually have to put them in a spoon and crush them. Not my cup of tea. But multiple surgeries over the years leads me to understand why they are very sought after.
Dilaudid is the actual brand name of hydromorphone. Orals come in 2mg, 4mg and the triangles are 8mg. Most junkies would actually prefer dilaudid over heron. It's considered a more "clean" high.
Years ago they were referred to as shakers. There was nothing to em'. Simply put your issue in the barrel and shake for a few minutes. I'm not sure these days, but from what I been told you actually have to put them in a spoon and crush them. Not my cup of tea. But multiple surgeries over the years leads me to understand why they are very sought after.

I preferred morphine, more of a full on high. Had a couple hookups that had near bottomless supplies of almost every narcotic painkiller so I never needed to touch h but it’s very similar to morphine, but who knows what’s in street h tho.