PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Idk what you use it for but if I’m not mistaken more use for alcoholism than opioids, at least that’s what I heard from an addiction specialist dr.
Vivitrol is a time released naltrexone injection. Naltrexone also known as Narcane is what the emts administer to people who are overdosing on opiates. It is a total opiate agonist which means it not only reverses the effects of the overdose but when taken it acts as a total opiate receptor blocker. I could go shoot a 50 dollar bag of fiya heroin right now and wouldn't feel a thing. Vivitrol is also given to alcoholics because it is supposed to help cut down on cravings but it was definitely designed for opiate addicts
Let’s talk about our winter bulks.

Shit, that’s what we’re all here for. My apologies for veering the topic into things a lot of us are struggling with. DONT EVER RELAPSE FUCKERS. Ain’t worth it.


What’s everyone going to run this winter?
I'm thinking 450npp 900test cyp and some injectable dbol thst I've got in my stash.
@AnabolicAF dont ever apologize to anyone man. Those guys are pathetic AF. Go three years back on this board and every single one of those basement dwellers were quiet as a mouse.

We go offtopic in threads all the time.

@eje1990 my apologies, I seriously didn’t realize the extent of this convo and how a lot of guys are recovering.
As always your ramblings make no sense at all. Go there years back and what??

Though recreational drug talk may be good for PPL it isnt a good look for the board. And you are an idiot to condone it in a Chinese raw manufacturers thread. Hmmm where does Fentanyl come from???
Vivitrol is a time released naltrexone injection. Naltrexone also known as Narcane is what the emts administer to people who are overdosing on opiates. It is a total opiate agonist which means it not only reverses the effects of the overdose but when taken it acts as a total opiate receptor blocker. I could go shoot a 50 dollar bag of fiya heroin right now and wouldn't feel a thing. Vivitrol is also given to alcoholics because it is supposed to help cut down on cravings but it was definitely designed for opiate addicts
It was originally created for alcohol. But it was discovered it is a full opiod antagonist. Blocks the receptors in the brain. It's all good @AnabolicAF . Just don't like "war stories". Fuck heroin. All more I'm gonna say about that.

We're on a board for AAS info and harm reduction. A lot of guys are in recovery @PurplePandaRep . I get caught up trading war stories sometimes too.
Please keep in mind the holidays are coming up. Shipping times will slow down. That’s normal. It’s already beginning.

But that’s great 10 days.
Did I read some where that the international TA is insanely short now...like a week? Can this be confirmed?
Not sure on this mate but Personally for myself my last two orders one took 6 days and one took 7days but was a little while ago when people seemed to be having problems with shipping I was getting it faster than domestic lol. Yes it was international shipping to was insanely fast I always put my orders straight to panda himself though I don't know if that's how it was so fast or what tbh.
You guys have got to fucking chill with the drug talk . Take it to pm... something . It's bad for this lab weather the rep is smart enough to realize or not...and it's fucking bad for this board. Shut the fuck up with the drug talk . Morons.
Let’s talk about our winter bulks.

Shit, that’s what we’re all here for. My apologies for veering the topic into things a lot of us are struggling with. DONT EVER RELAPSE FUCKERS. Ain’t worth it.


What’s everyone going to run this winter?

Nothing heavy, high-end TRT and low dose tren as usual, plus ill be stacking an oral. I keep killing PRs every week at gym anyway but need better recovery between sessions.

Goal is gain 3kg (6-7lbs) lean and lose 4-5 lbs of fat recently gained. Also wish to fix some severe unbalance between upper and lower body - legs are years ahead. I don't squat heavy but last week I leg pressed a total of 900lbs for six reps (and that's full reps not 1/4th like some do). That had me grunting. I rarely do. Comparatively max bench is below 200lbs.

And yes, all the gear is/will be from PPL. If it makes it to my door hopefully.