PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Robert From Georgia is another classic case of Call the Whambulance. He got burned badly from his French Cries. His posts scream Basic Gym Goer. His physique displays mediocre results at best. This all stems from a piss poor attitude and having the spence of humor of a duffle bag. I told Robert to settle down and have a fig Newton but he insisted on being a fuckn Jerk. Now Robert is so chapped he has to take some Ativan. Sorry about that Bob

I try to avoid the foolishness on the board. I get drug talk, especially of past drug use can stir cravings so I stopped when someone calmly asked. Certain others, meh, I don’t pay much attention to them.
Robert From Georgia is another classic case of Call the Whambulance. He got burned badly from his French Cries. His posts scream Basic Gym Goer. His physique displays mediocre results at best. This all stems from a piss poor attitude and having the spence of humor of a duffle bag. I told Robert to settle down and have a fig Newton but he insisted on being a fuckn Jerk. Now Robert is so chapped he has to take some Ativan. Sorry about that Bob

Clearly your mom was correct .Every time you post, you confirm that nerves been struck, your wittle feelings are hurt . But by all means, you and spell check boy continue to enjoy your opiate enhanced circle jerk
I try to avoid the foolishness on the board. I get drug talk, especially of past drug use can stir cravings so I stopped when someone calmly asked. Certain others, meh, I don’t pay much attention to them.
What's your next blast looking like? Or did I catch while blasting? What you runn'n? What's your training lookn like? I'm gonna do some powerlifting for my next round.
What's your next blast looking like? Or did I catch while blasting? What you runn'n? What's your training lookn like? I'm gonna do some powerlifting for my next round.
Why dont you shut up for awhile, and rethink things. You sound like a goof. You could always go spaz out at a paid source board
What's your next blast looking like? Or did I catch while blasting? What you runn'n? What's your training lookn like? I'm gonna do some powerlifting for my next round.

Right now I’m just on my trt dose, which is 200mg/14 days of test c but I do 100mg/wk and 200-250iu hCG 3x/wk MWF. I have tne and dbol if i need a boost and proviron if I want a boost in bed. Last cycle I did a total test of ~400mg/wk of test e + my trt dose and dbol the 1st few weeks.

Been focusing on bench as I want to get it as high as it can go, shooting for 400lb but I’ll be happy with mid 300s. I’m going back to school full-time to get another degree but I signed up a day before the deadline and got stuck with a less than ideal schedule so it wouldn’t be the best time to blast. 2 more weeks tho till winter break. Tbh I’ve made more strength gains now than I did while blasting.

What about you?
Right now I’m just on my trt dose, which is 200mg/14 days of test c but I do 100mg/wk and 200-250iu hCG 3x/wk MWF. I have tne and dbol if i need a boost and proviron if I want a boost in bed. Last cycle I did a total test of ~400mg/wk of test e + my trt dose and dbol the 1st few weeks.

Been focusing on bench as I want to get it as high as it can go, shooting for 400lb but I’ll be happy with mid 300s. I’m going back to school full-time to get another degree but I signed up a day before the deadline and got stuck with a less than ideal schedule so it wouldn’t be the best time to blast. 2 more weeks tho till winter break. Tbh I’ve made more strength gains now than I did while blasting.

What about you?

Low dosages are always best. I make my best gains after coming off a blast.
Why dont you shut up for awhile, and rethink things. You sound like a goof. You could always go spaz out at a paid source board
Is your statement backed by anabolic labs? This coming from the same guy who bombarded a thread with crap, shit and more crap for months because his Anastrozole was completely bunk, based on how he felt??? No labs? Jus pure anecdotal shit. Then you have the gall to recommend Pharmacom to people. Watch your fuck'n mouth you washed up half ass cycling punk. Your fake ass captain save a bro wont fool me. Your as transparent as an empty bottle test. I'm thru with you.
Is your statement backed by anabolic labs? This coming from the same guy who bombarded a thread with crap, shit and more crap for months because his Anastrozole was completely bunk, based on how he felt??? No labs? Jus pure anecdotal shit. Then you have the gall to recommend Pharmacom to people. Watch your fuck'n mouth you washed up half ass cycling punk. Your fake ass captain save a bro wont fool me. Your as transparent as an empty bottle test. I'm thru with you.
Wow, put down the crack pipe shithead.
Right now I’m just on my trt dose, which is 200mg/14 days of test c but I do 100mg/wk and 200-250iu hCG 3x/wk MWF. I have tne and dbol if i need a boost and proviron if I want a boost in bed. Last cycle I did a total test of ~400mg/wk of test e + my trt dose and dbol the 1st few weeks.

Been focusing on bench as I want to get it as high as it can go, shooting for 400lb but I’ll be happy with mid 300s. I’m going back to school full-time to get another degree but I signed up a day before the deadline and got stuck with a less than ideal schedule so it wouldn’t be the best time to blast. 2 more weeks tho till winter break. Tbh I’ve made more strength gains now than I did while blasting.

What about you?
Off rn. TRT dose for me. Actually, 100mg every 7 days. Not much training ATM, work has definitely consumed me. I'm planning something nice tho. It's gonna be 300 test, and 600 npp ew. I'm thinking 8 weeks, but depending on work I'd like to do 8-12. I've done a few npp with very good results. I am considering the trenbolone too. I've got time to think about it. I've got enough growth to run 3iu for 3 months. I'm debating on whether or not to put that up for a monster bulk another time. I'd like to run growth at 10-15 iu Ed. In the past I've went as high as 5 iu and I had to deal with some nasty sides. The crazy part about the sides is that started like 2-3 days after I had stopped the use of the GH. I noticed the sides very minimal while actually on. Not sure why they fit more intense when I stopped. The sides came in the form of carpal tunnel and bloat. I don't know my exact start and finish dates but I found it odd sides activated 10x after I stopped it.
Off rn. TRT dose for me. Actually, 100mg every 7 days. Not much training ATM, work has definitely consumed me. I'm planning something nice tho. It's gonna be 300 test, and 600 npp ew. I'm thinking 8 weeks, but depending on work I'd like to do 8-12. I've done a few npp with very good results. I am considering the trenbolone too. I've got time to think about it. I've got enough growth to run 3iu for 3 months. I'm debating on whether or not to put that up for a monster bulk another time. I'd like to run growth at 10-15 iu Ed. In the past I've went as high as 5 iu and I had to deal with some nasty sides. The crazy part about the sides is that started like 2-3 days after I had stopped the use of the GH. I noticed the sides very minimal while actually on. Not sure why they fit more intense when I stopped. The sides came in the form of carpal tunnel and bloat. I don't know my exact start and finish dates but I found it odd sides activated 10x after I stopped it.
You hit Primo like mad?
Did u all miss me

Umm...who are you?

Well a urologist told me, to drink plenty of water, don’t ejaculate for 1-2 days and on the third day go right at it and I should be fine...

They say the same for sperm samples. Drink a lot of water and wait 2-3 days before coming in to give a sample.

Gpzmeds or medlabs for my setups.

I use to pin with a 23g in quads and ass.... wasn’t that big of a jump from 23g to a 25g

I had a orthopedic surgeon give a cortisone shot with a 18g needle into my wrist once.

God that shit had to hurt.
Had the nurse in Colombia give my GF a shot in the ass (she was a perfect dime peice and drooling all over me.) And the GF was scared. Well I told her a 23g needle ain't shit but when she took the cap off I realized she forgot to change out the draw needle. You know there was 11/2 inch 18g on that bitch. It seriously hurt me more watching it.
Later the nurse said she had to use it cause the medicine was gritty but suspended in a sterile solution and would get the needle clogged if she didn't. It looked like Test Suspension.

Would love to tell my doc I use gear so he can monitor me and I can be as safe as possible but the thought of having that admission anywhere in my medical files is enough of a deterrent for me. It's a tough situation but I can't blame anyone for choosing to let their doctor know or not know. It's not an easy decision by any means.

Don't do that...trust me.