PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You guys have got to fucking chill with the drug talk . Take it to pm... something . It's bad for this lab weather the rep is smart enough to realize or not...and it's fucking bad for this board. Shut the fuck up with the drug talk . Morons.
We changed topic about 16 posts ago.
We changed topic about 16 posts ago.
Yup, just counted. 17 posts including this one. No need to beat a dead horse man. I apologized and moved on to other topics man. Not trying to be a smart ass, simply pointing out the facts. Again, my apologies to the board and to you RobfromGa
You guys have got to fucking chill with the drug talk . Take it to pm... something . It's bad for this lab weather the rep is smart enough to realize or not...and it's fucking bad for this board. Shut the fuck up with the drug talk . Morons.
Well, I just noticed you called us morons. I'm not gonna stoop to any level that requires assassination of ones character by means of name calling, don't you think your getting a little bit worked up over something that is not that big of a deal? It seems as if you have some peant up aggression or something. Relax, have a chili dog Rob. It gets greater later my man;)
Well, I just noticed you called us morons. I'm not gonna stoop to any level that requires assassination of ones character by means of name calling, don't you think your getting a little bit worked up over something that is not that big of a deal? It seems as if you have some peant up aggression or something. Relax, have a chili dog Rob. It gets greater later my man;)

It's not name calling, you guys are openly discussing the exact thing that has drawn heat to shippments from China . I don't want to even type the dam word! You are a moron .a shortsighted Moron to boot...you do realize that the majority of domestic busts, INCLUDING this labs brewer was because of rec drugs? You rarely hear of a lab bust that's just aas...it always has some other compound associated with it, which is what draws the heat. Don't be a fucking dumbass. Moron .
Vivitrol is a time released naltrexone injection. Naltrexone also known as Narcane is what the emts administer to people who are overdosing on opiates. It is a total opiate agonist which means it not only reverses the effects of the overdose but when taken it acts as a total opiate receptor blocker. I could go shoot a 50 dollar bag of fiya heroin right now and wouldn't feel a thing. Vivitrol is also given to alcoholics because it is supposed to help cut down on cravings but it was definitely designed for opiate addicts

Actually narcan is nalaxone, which works better in OD situations because it kicks in faster, vivitrol is naltrexone. They’re both opioid antagonists, agonists would active the receptor. It blocks most opioids. I believe the reason they give it to alcoholics is because alcohol stimulates endogenous opioids, so taking naltrexone would take away the feelings of “pleasure” you’d get from alcohol.
It's not name calling, you guys are openly discussing the exact thing that has drawn heat to shippments from China . I don't want to even type the dam word! You are a moron .a shortsighted Moron to boot...you do realize that the majority of domestic busts, INCLUDING this labs brewer was because of rec drugs? You rarely hear of a lab bust that's just aas...it always has some other compound associated with it, which is what draws the heat. Don't be a fucking dumbass. Moron .
Dumbass and Moron says Robert From Georgia

Ya, people like us. Stay basic Robert;)
It's not name calling, you guys are openly discussing the exact thing that has drawn heat to shippments from China . I don't want to even type the dam word! You are a moron .a shortsighted Moron to boot...you do realize that the majority of domestic busts, INCLUDING this labs brewer was because of rec drugs? You rarely hear of a lab bust that's just aas...it always has some other compound associated with it, which is what draws the heat. Don't be a fucking dumbass. Moron .

Ah you’re under the impression that personal amounts of a recreational drug attracts the attention of dhs and dea. lol
Ah you’re under the impression that personal amounts of a recreational drug attracts the attention of dhs and dea. lol
Robert From Georgia is another classic case of Call the Whambulance. He got burned badly from his French Cries. His posts scream Basic Gym Goer. His physique displays mediocre results at best. This all stems from a piss poor attitude and having the spence of humor of a duffle bag. I told Robert to settle down and have a fig Newton but he insisted on being a fuckn Jerk. Now Robert is so chapped he has to take some Ativan. Sorry about that Bob