PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I preferred morphine, more of a full on high. Had a couple hookups that had near bottomless supplies of almost every narcotic painkiller so I never needed to touch h but it’s very similar to morphine, but who knows what’s in street h tho.

Morphine 200mg tabs in my experience was the strongest prescription drug ever maid. Phentynal is crap, I don't see why it's got so much hype
Morphine 200mg tabs in my experience was the strongest prescription drug ever maid. Phentynal is crap, I don't see why it's got so much hype

I used to get the 100mg’s and the 30mg & 15mg IR tabs, as far as high goes they were the most potent ime, I liked those tiny 100s. I used fentanyl at the end only because I could no longer feel anything off of anything else, would smoke the pharmaceutical fentanyl. It felt more like xanax than opioid tbh, but it was a very potent painkiller tho, so much that it can break thru buprenorphine (suboxone). Probably has a week high cause it’s fully synthetic.
I used to get the 100mg’s and the 30mg & 15mg IR tabs, as far as high goes they were the most potent ime, I liked those tiny 100s. I used fentanyl at the end only because I could no longer feel anything off of anything else, would smoke the pharmaceutical fentanyl. It felt more like xanax than opioid tbh, but it was a very potent painkiller tho, so much that it can break thru buprenorphine (suboxone). Probably has a week high cause it’s fully synthetic.
It literally knocks you out cold. It is used in surgeries to put you out. There is a high, but the high is beyond sedating and puts you on the verge of respiratory failure.
I used to get the 100mg’s and the 30mg & 15mg IR tabs, as far as high goes they were the most potent ime, I liked those tiny 100s. I used fentanyl at the end only because I could no longer feel anything off of anything else, would smoke the pharmaceutical fentanyl. It felt more like xanax than opioid tbh, but it was a very potent painkiller tho, so much that it can break thru buprenorphine (suboxone). Probably has a week high cause it’s fully synthetic.
So you say pharm grade Phent. Is there UG Phent? I'm only asking because there seems to be lots of hype surrounding certain drugs being cut/laced with phent. IME drugs are often laced with a more potent "more expensive" form of substance. Why lace or cut heroine with another drug that surpasses the price and quality of the other?
Phent you would think cost more then your average cutting agent. It almost makes sense to just outright say your using phent laced with heroine.

I'm seeing people assume that their pressed Alp is laced with phent. Alp and phent are 2 different worlds. I'm sure phent even in its raw form is pretty pricey. I know some claim to press 4mg bars. That's a lil excessive imo. Why taint perfectly good Alp with phent, when it's not needed? And the people that manufacture pressed Alp would know that if they did lace alp with phen and someone died it would give the market a black eye. One of the main 3 big no no's on dark market vending is no phent! Some you can't even say the word phent!

So, is their ugl phent ya think?
So you say pharm grade Phent. Is there UG Phent? I'm only asking because there seems to be lots of hype surrounding certain drugs being cut/laced with phent. IME drugs are often laced with a more potent "more expensive" form of substance. Why lace or cut heroine with another drug that surpasses the price and quality of the other?
Phent you would think cost more then your average cutting agent. It almost makes sense to just outright say your using phent laced with heroine.

I'm seeing people assume that their pressed Alp is laced with phent. Alp and phent are 2 different worlds. I'm sure phent even in its raw form is pretty pricey. I know some claim to press 4mg bars. That's a lil excessive imo. Why taint perfectly good Alp with phent, when it's not needed? And the people that manufacture pressed Alp would know that if they did lace alp with phen and someone died it would give the market a black eye. One of the main 3 big no no's on dark market vending is no phent! Some you can't even say the word phent!

So, is their ugl phent ya think?

Well the fentanyl that comes from Mexico or China that is being used to lace h or used in counterfeit pills is basically ugl, I doubt there’s a lot of quality control that goes into it lol. Actually from what I understand fentanyl is cheaper than heroin, so it makes a good cut to bring up the strength of crappy low quality h, unfortunately it’s dosed in micrograms usually, except for a 1.6mg lollipop and the patches (used to smoke them lol) so it’s quite easy for drug dealers to add too much. Actually saw on drugsinc the dealer said he purposely added a hefty dose to a bag of h so that someone would OD to make people think his shit was fire. It’s mlre potent, more sedating than morphine or h but like I said the high isn’t as potent. It has a better high than Xanax imo, but it’s exceedingly dangerous to add it to counterfeit pills. Honestly the gave me a fat shot for before my surgery, like a lot higher than they normally give out but it didn’t really make me want to use afterwards.
Well the fentanyl that comes from Mexico or China that is being used to lace h or used in counterfeit pills is basically ugl, I doubt there’s a lot of quality control that goes into it lol. Actually from what I understand fentanyl is cheaper than heroin, so it makes a good cut to bring up the strength of crappy low quality h, unfortunately it’s dosed in micrograms usually, except for a 1.6mg lollipop and the patches (used to smoke them lol) so it’s quite easy for drug dealers to add too much. Actually saw on drugsinc the dealer said he purposely added a hefty dose to a bag of h so that someone would OD to make people think his shit was fire. It’s mlre potent, more sedating than morphine or h but like I said the high isn’t as potent. It has a better high than Xanax imo, but it’s exceedingly dangerous to add it to counterfeit pills. Honestly the gave me a fat shot for before my surgery, like a lot higher than they normally give out but it didn’t really make me want to use afterwards.
In regards to pain mgmt, phenyl literally does nothing for me. I've been under the knife myself and honestly hydromorphone is the only drug that has any pain relieving qualities aside from IBU 800's. If pain relief is what your looking for, IBU 800 is where it's at.
And phent is another one of those drugs dangerously reduces BP. Add a sedative or benzodiazepines and your gambling with your life. You know your stuff @The Terminator ;)
@AnabolicAF dont ever apologize to anyone man. Those guys are pathetic AF. Go three years back on this board and every single one of those basement dwellers were quiet as a mouse.

We go offtopic in threads all the time.

@eje1990 my apologies, I seriously didn’t realize the extent of this convo and how a lot of guys are recovering.
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Did I read some where that the international TA is insanely short now...like a week? Can this be confirmed?
Let’s talk about our winter bulks.

Shit, that’s what we’re all here for. My apologies for veering the topic into things a lot of us are struggling with. DONT EVER RELAPSE FUCKERS. Ain’t worth it.


What’s everyone going to run this winter?