PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ugh. The stupid shit that doesn't go down in this thread.
Anyway, @PurplePandaRep what you got planned for Thanksgiving?

Thank you for asking Supreme Rep Sir. I shall be hosting thanksgiving this year in my house. My parents and friend will attend. Going to have a 22lb organic Turkey, sausage apple stuffing, whipped mashed potatoes, corn bread casserole, Mac n cheese and string beans sautéed in garlic and oil.

Pumpkin and apple pie for dessert.

Then Friday. I meet my girlfriends parents at her house for either dinner or dessert at 7PM. I’m bringing a pound a cookies from the bakery ( never go empty handed)
Working. :( But, 2 fine ladies that i work with are going to bring in some deliciousness that they cooked up. Plus, it's time and half and i don't plan on doing much, so it's not all bad.

Have a great turkey day, good sir.

Happy Thanksgiving bro.

And Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a great day, hopefully everyone’s off tomorrow. Stay home on Black Friday and shop online. Not worth your life for a few dollars off on electronics.... I don’t know how many people have to get trampled on Black Friday before they ban that.

None the less. Just have a relaxing day.

When did a rep ignoring members become a thing? I mean thats a new low. :oops:
You think this little bitch follows the rules? If he’s back from being banned, you think he cares about anything else? This little pansy mouths off to members also, at Panda’s instructions.
BTW - you’re probably blocked too. Anyone who pointed out his past handle was blocked and anyone who dared to speak against the mighty panda was blocked.
He reads what we post. And putting us on ignore should show other members his lack of good character. Cant believe people would use a lab with a rep that threatened people with info withholding. Granted it was a loose threat but hey its 2dumb. lol
He reads what we post. And putting us on ignore should show other members his lack of good character. Cant believe people would use a lab with a rep that threatened people with info withholding. Granted it was a loose threat but hey its 2dumb. lol
They don’t give a crap about his “good character” or the potential risk of dealing with a source under DEA/DHS surveillance or the fact the this source sells info to the dark web. All they care about it cheap gear.