PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You know your shit. I wont argue that.

I'm not vouching for any lab. Hell I'll settle for that 51% burden of proof. But I cant even get that, and get called all kinds of things just for questioning.

I've decided to move on from the subject. For other reasons.

I would like @Seattle23 to answer my question tho.

You're not in any position to demand anyone answer any of your questions. You might have the lowest respect out of all members. Even masteron posts something intelligent every now and then. You only post in source threads and always sucking up to a source . You are a brown nose ass kisser. You are a shill .
You're not in any position to demand anyone answer any of your questions. You might have the lowest respect out of all members. Even masteron posts something intelligent every now and then. You only post in source threads and always sucking up to a source . You are a brown nose ass kisser. You are a shill .
I asked him nicely.

Hey rob. Fuck off. You dont represent meso.

You're a poor mans @Roger rabbit .

And you'll never be cbs.
They way I look at PPL is kinda like waffle house. It's a little shitty. Management kinda sucks. But the food isn't all that bad. Not always in the best location. But I'll go there every once in a while.
I like that!

Yeah man it’s crazy. But peptides are legal due to their “research” label.

But nice blast bro, very low doses. I like that. What are your stats?

I'm a tad over 6'2" 230s about 12% right now. I don't really want to be much bigger though 230 and just under 10% is where I'm thinking. Focus is really on regaining squat/pull strength and related muscle after injury last year. Regaining is easy so enough juice to do keep me going then let my lifts/training and diet do the work. Slow and steady. 12-16 weeks total. Should be reasonably lean by the end too. Nothing big for most guys but a mid 40s guy not too bad either. ;-)
Coming from the resident shill that's rich .

Murble mumble shill. Theres something on your chin . Looks like LMC finished up!
What's next your momma jokes? I know you are but what am I? Old man trying to be cool.

For the sake of the forum I won't be responding to you anymore.
I'm a tad over 6'2" 230s about 12% right now. I don't really want to be much bigger though 230 and just under 10% is where I'm thinking. Focus is really on regaining squat/pull strength and related muscle after injury last year. Regaining is easy so enough juice to do keep me going then let my lifts/training and diet do the work. Slow and steady. 12-16 weeks total. Should be reasonably lean by the end too. Nothing big for most guys but a mid 40s guy not too bad either. ;-)

That’s awesome. Mid 40’s. God bless, I hope I see my 40’s and if I do that’s where I want to be at 220-240lb the most. Easier on the joints.
That’s awesome. Mid 40’s. God bless, I hope I see my 40’s and if I do that’s where I want to be at 220-240lb the most. Easier on the joints.

It's a good achievable goal. At 6'2-3" I have 33" waist and a big frame so in dress clothes (not uber tight) I look fit/athletic/muscular but otherwise blend in nicely. Wearing that only people that sense physical presence/strength can differentiate you (law enforcement, criminals, athletes etc....). Hell I still wear suits I bought in 1999-2000. Tight t-shirt or shirt off you stand out for sure but not to the point of being a freak show. I'm a FAR better lifter as my weight increases due to leverages but I give up some on general athleticism and certainly ability to run distance. For me this weight and muscle mass works all around for all my needs though I favor strength training so I'm skewed that way.

Saying my uncle has: Do you know why they say, "Little Old Man?" Because there are no Big Old Men.

Puts a lot of strain on the organs and joints (as you mentioned).
Where the hell did the US domestic tab go on the PPL website?

It's hidden. You have to connect a USB game pad to your computer, load the site, then push: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start.

If you did it fast enough, you'll hear a chime sound. Then select a product, and the tab will reappear.

Don't go telling your friends about it. If too many people know the secret code, then it's no longer secret.
It's hidden. You have to connect a USB game pad to your computer, load the site, then push: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start.

If you did it fast enough, you'll hear a chime sound. Then select a product, and the tab will reappear.

Don't go telling your friends about it. If too many people know the secret code, then it's no longer secret.
I was hoping if i did all that, that my dick would magically manifest itself into your mouth
Love you, bye.

Awe. i knew you did. Come back, gimmie a hug. :)

On a serious note. A few months back, their domestic guy got a visit from a couple different 3 letter government agency, thugs. Obviously that shut things down for a bit.

They reopened with a new guy shortly after, which didn't last long. The consensus from the community was that PPL should stick with what they know best, international raws.

Not sure if Panda took the advice, or the new domestic was having problems, but the rep announced the closing, with no time line for potential reopening.