PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Go talk to @Ripped and figure it out.
Hes hiding somewhere. I would love to talk to him. Hes a straight shooter.

2dumbs last post was dec 12 2017. I take it he was banned sometime around then.

You joined Aug 2018. I take it you just do your due diligence and read the past? Or is this a back up handle? Or have you been banned before?

Or am I just reading too much into this.
Hes hiding somewhere. I would love to talk to him. Hes a straight shooter.

2dumbs last post was dec 12 2017. I take it he was banned sometime around then.

You joined Aug 2018. I take it you just do your due diligence and read the past? Or is this a back up handle? Or have you been banned before?

Or am I just reading too much into this.

Have you done your due diligence on the subject? (Serious question). You're asking everyone how they know and coming off like a dick rider when if you spent 10 min reading his intro on your home board and compared it to his posting here you'd be able to draw your own conclusion.

You don't come accross to me as dense so you're either doing it intentionally or you just needed some guidance.

If it is him bfd.
First payment with PurplePandeLabs with bitcoin. Not as hard as I procrastinated.
No longer at the mercy of western union and money gram. Nice to stay up with the current times lol.
Can't wait for pack
Have you done your due diligence on the subject? (Serious question). You're asking everyone how they know and coming off like a dick rider when if you spent 10 min reading his intro on your home board and compared it to his posting here you'd be able to draw your own conclusion.

You don't come accross to me as dense so you're either doing it intentionally or you just needed some guidance.

If it is him bfd.

I dont recall 2dumb. Or what he did to get banned, honestly.

So everyone did their due diligence and determined that the rep is 2dumb. That's fine.


Maybe I am dense.
Will do brother. As soon as I sent payment. Order status changed to preparing for shipment. Lol. Sorry I'm alittle overexcited
I dont recall 2dumb. Or what he did to get banned, honestly.

So everyone did their due diligence and determined that the rep is 2dumb. That's fine.

View attachment 101502

Maybe I am dense.
Maybe you are,idk. There's obviously more reading in that thread to do vs here but I'm done trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

He's a rep so I'm not really sure why anyone gives a shit who he is. Reps aren't in this to take care of the members they're gear whores so it surely won't be choir boys taking those positions.

Anyways, I've said my piece and I've lost interest in the topic.
Maybe you are,idk. There's obviously more reading in that thread to do vs here but I'm done trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

He's a rep so I'm not really sure why anyone gives a shit who he is. Reps aren't in this to take care of the members they're gear whores so it surely won't be choir boys taking those positions.

Anyways, I've said my piece and I've lost interest in the topic.
I can see it from that perspective. That makes sense.

But people are throwing it out there that hes 2dumb. Its be nice to know if its baseless claims, or not.

It wouldn't matter if hes 2dumb, or cdnguy or whoever else. A reps a rep.
Well guys,

Who’s blasting this winter? I think we all are. Good time to get in those calories for growth.

I think my final blast for a very very long time is going to be.

250mg Sustanon EOD
100mg Tren Ace EOD
100mg Dbol Inject EOD
10ius of HGH EOD
25mgs mk667 ED

I like Tren during the winter time because I can keep my place cold if I start overheating.

The only thing I hate is the cold sweats from Acetate. And winter cold sweats suck.

I never tried Tren and Dbol together but I feel the synergy will hopefully help any Tren sides I get because with Dbol I have a really in-tuned dopamine effect and Dbol always gave me a very good sense of well being.

Glycogen uptake from both compounds and estrogen conversion from both Dbol and Sustanon will definitely add to tren and it’s growth of tissue.

I’ll see how this goes. It’s called experimenting.

Test E 500mg
Nand D 400mg
Masteron E 600mg
First 4-6 weeks Drol and dbol combo
Last few weeks I might run some winny at 50mg ED

Started last week with injects (some front-loading) and drol at 25mg. First time running drol in 20 years and I'm reminded exactly why I love this stuff. No back pumps, incredible recovery, major work capacity increase, I don't bloat on it at all. I have some stuff going on next week but toward the end of the week I'll add 25mg of dbol and see how that goes as I've wanted to try the drol/dbol combo at moderate dosages. I need to closely monitor my blood pressure and diet as both compounds can elevate it.

Plan to wrap this blast in February then cruise until May for summer blast which will be EITHER test/tren/mast (drol at open as I've heard drol/tren is amazing then maybe var) OR primo for 20 weeks with some var.

Most TRT, HRT and Wellness (combined) centers buy their Peptides through these sources and charge ALOT for them.

Take that for what it’s worth. This world is a funny place. What we consider illegal, can be made legal with a medical degree and a bullshit purpose.

Rich people are being pinned with semorelin at outrageous prices..... it’s a joke.

I see this from my people. Pricing is outrageous. I don't mind paying retail and some margin for basic test and hcg but I'll be damned if I'd pay those crazy markups on peptides (they don't even use the optimal blends).
Plan to wrap this blast in February then cruise until May for summer blast which will be EITHER test/tren/mast (drol at open as I've heard drol/tren is amazing then maybe var) OR primo for 20 weeks with some var.
This is my same plan. Test, Tren, A, Mast P and I have some Balkan abombs.
Test E 500mg
Nand D 400mg
Masteron E 600mg
First 4-6 weeks Drol and dbol combo
Last few weeks I might run some winny at 50mg ED

Started last week with injects (some front-loading) and drol at 25mg. First time running drol in 20 years and I'm reminded exactly why I love this stuff. No back pumps, incredible recovery, major work capacity increase, I don't bloat on it at all. I have some stuff going on next week but toward the end of the week I'll add 25mg of dbol and see how that goes as I've wanted to try the drol/dbol combo at moderate dosages. I need to closely monitor my blood pressure and diet as both compounds can elevate it.

Plan to wrap this blast in February then cruise until May for summer blast which will be EITHER test/tren/mast (drol at open as I've heard drol/tren is amazing then maybe var) OR primo for 20 weeks with some var.

I see this from my people. Pricing is outrageous. I don't mind paying retail and some margin for basic test and hcg but I'll be damned if I'd pay those crazy markups on peptides (they don't even use the optimal blends).

I like that!

Yeah man it’s crazy. But peptides are legal due to their “research” label.

But nice blast bro, very low doses. I like that. What are your stats?
I can see it from that perspective. That makes sense.

But people are throwing it out there that hes 2dumb. Its be nice to know if its baseless claims, or not.

It wouldn't matter if hes 2dumb, or cdnguy or whoever else. A reps a rep.

These two reps slung shit at each other... both giving up personal details about the other. It’s completely reasonable that Ripped blew up 2dumbs spot.
Undeniable proof is nearly impossible to get in ANY situation... which appears what you are looking for when you “vouch” for labs.
In family court to decide the lives of children, the courts require just 51% proof. - “preponderance of the evidence”
In civil court to sue someone for their life savings the courts require 75% proof - “clear and convincing evidence.”
In criminal court, the courts above 95% proof - “Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.”
You come in to these threads in defense of labs because you don’t see 100% proof... meanwhile we literally put people to death with less evidence than that.
You seem level headed yet still vouch for labs consistently which I still don’t understand. Nothing needs to be literally admitted to you for it to be necessarily true.
These two reps slung shit at each other... both giving up personal details about the other. It’s completely reasonable that Ripped blew up 2dumbs spot.
Undeniable proof is nearly impossible to get in ANY situation... which appears what you are looking for when you “vouch” for labs.
In family court to decide the lives of children, the courts require just 51% proof. - “preponderance of the evidence”
In civil court to sue someone for their life savings the courts require 75% proof - “clear and convincing evidence.”
In criminal court, the courts above 95% proof - “Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.”
You come in to these threads in defense of labs because you don’t see 100% proof... meanwhile we literally put people to death with less evidence than that.
You seem level headed yet still vouch for labs consistently which I still don’t understand. Nothing needs to be literally admitted to you for it to be necessarily true.
You know your shit. I wont argue that.

I'm not vouching for any lab. Hell I'll settle for that 51% burden of proof. But I cant even get that, and get called all kinds of things just for questioning.

I've decided to move on from the subject. For other reasons.

I would like @Seattle23 to answer my question tho.
These two reps slung shit at each other... both giving up personal details about the other. It’s completely reasonable that Ripped blew up 2dumbs spot.
Undeniable proof is nearly impossible to get in ANY situation... which appears what you are looking for when you “vouch” for labs.
In family court to decide the lives of children, the courts require just 51% proof. - “preponderance of the evidence”
In civil court to sue someone for their life savings the courts require 75% proof - “clear and convincing evidence.”
In criminal court, the courts above 95% proof - “Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.”
You come in to these threads in defense of labs because you don’t see 100% proof... meanwhile we literally put people to death with less evidence than that.
You seem level headed yet still vouch for labs consistently which I still don’t understand. Nothing needs to be literally admitted to you for it to be necessarily true.

You just defined "shill"