PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Same. Absolutely crippling pip. Like hurt from my sciatic nerve down to my ankles and brought 100°f+ fevers. I assume something happened with one of the main manufacturers and that shit just trickled down through many sources.
A few sources "both reliable and stand up guys" had some Test E Raws that had apparently been oxidized some how. I was the victim of some absolutely brutal pip from those Test E Raws. It's all part of this lifestyle is how I chalk it up. These same Raws and same batch didn't affect everyone the same. My buddy finished off the bottles I had with not even the slightest pip, while I was literally IMOBALIZED for 2 whole months. This Test E was not from panda "Directly"

A few sources here in the UG use Raws from panda. Shit, some use Raws, bottles, stoppers and stickers from panda. It's no secret.
I got some surprising pip from tpp100 npp 100 made from panda raws 1ba 15bb and the rest eo. This was the first time that I experienced any discomfort from those compounds but it's always expected no matter what I use.
I got some surprising pip from tpp100 npp 100 made from panda raws 1ba 15bb and the rest eo. This was the first time that I experienced any discomfort from those compounds but it's always expected no matter what I use.
I recently brewed some TPP 2/20 (MCT) and it was real smooth. Wasn't the EO you think? I'm about to brew some NPP today.
Nah, eo doesn't give me issues it's thin and always smooth I use it for everything personal.
sorry man random question brewed a lot but never used EO does it flow throw a 25g needle faster than say MCT oil?. Managed to get my hands on some 25g needles instead of using the 23g but feels like its a big difference takes me a good while pushing that shit throw it.
Is this ppl rep a diff one his attitude is a Lot diff than it was 30 pages ago it seemed he was always arguing with people before but is actually maintaining a conversation with everyone now
sorry man random question brewed a lot but never used EO does it flow throw a 25g needle faster than say MCT oil?. Managed to get my hands on some 25g needles instead of using the 23g but feels like its a big difference takes me a good while pushing that shit throw it.

EO is thin
I pin straight mct through a 29ga slin pin.
sorry man random question brewed a lot but never used EO does it flow throw a 25g needle faster than say MCT oil?. Managed to get my hands on some 25g needles instead of using the 23g but feels like its a big difference takes me a good while pushing that shit throw it.
I feel like it does. It's much thinner than mct.
Is this ppl rep a diff one his attitude is a Lot diff than it was 30 pages ago it seemed he was always arguing with people before but is actually maintaining a conversation with everyone now
I think it's because he put all the people who irritate him on ignore.

That was pretty smart. Going back and forth doesnt look good, and why answer to a select few who dont represent meso as a whole.

Just answer to the customers.
I think it's because he put all the people who irritate him on ignore.

That was pretty smart. Going back and forth doesnt look good, and why answer to a select few who dont represent meso as a whole.

Just answer to the customers.

How do you know the ones giving him shit aren't customers? He's a shitty choice from a lab that's made nothing but bad decisions
How do you know the ones giving him shit aren't customers? He's a shitty choice from a lab that's made nothing but bad decisions
I dont know. But his job isnt to alter the course of this business. Or create a whole new business plan. It's to answer questions about orders...

When I say customers I mean current customers. Guys with pending orders.
I dont know. But his job isnt to alter the course of this business. Or create a whole new business plan. It's to answer questions about orders...

When I say customers I mean current customers. Guys with pending orders.

Again how do you know they don't have pending orders?

He's not fucking elementary School teacher. He's a rep for a company that sells schd1 drugs across international lines. Typically not the nicest of folks . He's too much of a pussy to deal with pushback. Ripped did it well . Many reps from many boards do it well. You are, as usual riding the cock of a lab hopefully scoring brownie points. Stfu and stop assuming
Again how do you know they don't have pending orders?

He's not fucking elementary School teacher. He's a rep for a company that sells schd1 drugs across international lines. Typically not the nicest of folks . He's too much of a pussy to deal with pushback. Ripped did it well . Many reps from many boards do it well. You are, as usual riding the cock of a lab hopefully scoring brownie points. Stfu and stop assuming
Schedule 1. That's rich:rolleyes:
Schedule I drugs are those that have the following characteristic according to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA):

  • The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
  • The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical treatment use in the U.S.
  • It has a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.
Again how do you know they don't have pending orders?

He's not fucking elementary School teacher. He's a rep for a company that sells schd1 drugs across international lines. Typically not the nicest of folks . He's too much of a pussy to deal with pushback. Ripped did it well . Many reps from many boards do it well. You are, as usual riding the cock of a lab hopefully scoring brownie points. Stfu and stop assuming
Drugs or Substances listed in DEA Schedule I may include:
I'm pretty sure not one of these is on the domestic or int list. How about you shut up sir.:p:D:oops:
I'm going with ppl. Only thing holding me back is the Bitcoins lol. Got it setup and almost got it figured out.
Someone said u gotta just go with your instinct and go with one. I'm going with the panda. Heard lots of good things. To bad about domestic

Do yourself a solid. Find a very fast bitcoin exchange so that when you send the funds your bitcoin doesn’t get wiped out from the market value. I lost $1500 in bitcoin this last week.
Drugs or Substances listed in DEA Schedule I may include:
I'm pretty sure not one of these is on the domestic or int list. How about you shut up sir.:p:D:oops:
You still have time to edit it again if you feel the need big guy. Lol.
Drugs or Substances listed in DEA Schedule I may include:
I'm pretty sure not one of these is on the domestic or int list. How about you shut up sir.:p:D:oops:
Again how do you know they don't have pending orders?

He's not fucking elementary School teacher. He's a rep for a company that sells schd1 drugs across international lines. Typically not the nicest of folks . He's too much of a pussy to deal with pushback. Ripped did it well . Many reps from many boards do it well. You are, as usual riding the cock of a lab hopefully scoring brownie points. Stfu and stop assuming
He can only answer questions like, hey my order is taking too long. Or hey customs snagged my order, or hey you got a discount code. Shit like that.

You ask questions about the security of the website, or inventory control, or panda t shirts, or pandas nephew, or pandas Instagram. The rep is powerless in those matters. I dont know how to make it clear.

And you can fuck off with your comments.
Schedule 1. That's rich:rolleyes:
Schedule I drugs are those that have the following characteristic according to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA):

  • The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
  • The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical treatment use in the U.S.
  • It has a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.
Rob wont let something like facts and logic get in the way of his arguement.