PurplePandaLabs Raw source

And the fact he used one of these 7 posts in about a decade for you to shut your face speaks volumes of the dire need for you to shut your rancid, putrid, halitosis infested, radiator hose sniffing cock suck.

When you get a chance, look in a mirror and tell yourself. "I AM THAT GUY"

Bob from the Castro district "You are that guy" That one guy who is the butt end of every fray boys joke. That guy who shows up to the party on a "whim" hoping someone remembers you from college and addresses you as Craig. That one guy who has 225lbs on the bar and screams on your 5th rep... Of sumo deads. That guy who logs into meso, and you feel as if you found an identity as a "gear head" when you really only run VAR only cycles.

Craig, just stop. I'm embarrassed for you at all his point. @Millard Baker please stop this man from making himself look dumber and dumber every time he logs in or puts on his fingerless leather workout gloves.
You are one of the biggest douches I've ever seen here
I just think that's pretty good. If it's true lol
I noticed you asked a while back if PPL Raws are GTG. I'm not saying yes or no. However, their wouldn't be miles of posts and favorable labs if PPL was a POS. It's hit or miss in this business. Do as much research as you possibly can and just when you start to get tired do some more research. Not just on this lab but Allah all the labs you come across in the underground section, domestic and international as well. From there you can make an informed decision. My dealings with PPL has been nothing but good. I've never had an issue with quality or I have never had a pack picked off from customs.
I sent them an email about how long it’s been in customs and they said it looks like it may have got seized. Asked for new address and are shipping a new one
I noticed you asked a while back if PPL Raws are GTG. I'm not saying yes or no. However, their wouldn't be miles of posts and favorable labs if PPL was a POS. It's hit or miss in this business. Do as much research as you possibly can and just when you start to get tired do some more research. Not just on this lab but Allah all the labs you come across in the underground section, domestic and international as well. From there you can make an informed decision. My dealings with PPL has been nothing but good. I've never had an issue with quality or I have never had a pack picked off from customs.
I've said it before. If domestic never existed with panda his track record would be pretty decent. But there has been a lot of shit that has went down in this thread for sure. I've pulled good numbers on the raws and shipping/stealth has always been good for me. Quality has been good except a bad batch of test enanthate from last year that is currently being resolved.

From now on when I brew I am pinning the next day. Idc what compound it is. Lol. Cause the test from last year was my blast and cruise stash. And I had a previous stash that I was using all year... Well I never tried my brew from last year and when the time came to dip into it I was like wtf... But it's being made right and that's worth noting.
I've said it before. If domestic never existed with panda his track record would be pretty decent. But there has been a lot of shit that has went down in this thread for sure. I've pulled good numbers on the raws and shipping/stealth has always been good for me. Quality has been good except a bad batch of test enanthate from last year that is currently being resolved.

From now on when I brew I am pinning the next day. Idc what compound it is. Lol. Cause the test from last year was my blast and cruise stash. And I had a previous stash that I was using all year... Well I never tried my brew from last year and when the time came to dip into it I was like wtf... But it's being made right and that's worth noting.
What was wrong with the bad batch? Just asking because I tried some test e a while ago from a domestic lab that caused brutal pip
What was wrong with the bad batch? Just asking because I tried some test e a while ago from a domestic lab that caused brutal pip
Same. Absolutely crippling pip. Like hurt from my sciatic nerve down to my ankles and brought 100°f+ fevers. I assume something happened with one of the main manufacturers and that shit just trickled down through many sources.
I'm going with ppl. Only thing holding me back is the Bitcoins lol. Got it setup and almost got it figured out.
Someone said u gotta just go with your instinct and go with one. I'm going with the panda. Heard lots of good things. To bad about domestic