PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Rob from Georgia....

Can’t read huh? 10-20% discount. You need to meet requirements for the 20%.

And if I had panda come here personally to reaffirm that. I wouldn’t offer this to you. And Panda won’t off this to you either. He doesn’t need your business. There’s a lot of criticism we’re both willing to take but you go way to far.

I highly doubt you would meet the requirements for 20%... Keep spouting that out.... let’s all do our best retarded from Georgia voice..... twaaaaaaantyeeeee perrrrrrrrr cedddt.

Like I said Rob, I would gladly have Panda come here and re-affirm this. We offer this through Meso only because it was offered previously through the old rep. But it’s not being offered to you.
We can all go back 100 pages and see Rob from Georgia talking about how unsafe the website is and how everything is unsafe.

But yet here we are..... a short time later. Rob from Georgia orders from the website. AMAZING.

Just can’t make it up.
I am ordering directly from panda and he offers this I can confirm that. I have ordered 2 times with %20 discount directly from him. I got my tracking in 4 days, I am not blowing him but he offers the cheapest price with good quality on the market for now, I don't know any other source in here offers cheaper than him and has better quality than him. I wish we had much more raw sources and see the compatition.

Some people were talking about his last test e batch painfull. I have ordered test e too and I hope he renewed, I gonna comment on it.
Not being funny but how do you know no one else has the same or even better quality than him I can tell from your post you havnt tried any other raws apart from PPL. Not saying his are bad I love PPL raws and do use him but you cant judge something you havnt tried. Also to be fair there is a few other raws suppliers atm with testing coming back good if you actually do some research. and yes the price is good doesn't mean the quality is the best though.

Quality over price any day.
lambo costs a lot more than a corsa does but I know what car I would rather have. Both get you from A to B but I would still rather the one that costs £240.000.000 more.
Not being funny but how do you know no one else has the same or even better quality than him I can tell from your post you havnt tried any other raws apart from PPL. Not saying his are bad I love PPL raws and do use him but you cant judge something you havnt tried. Also to be fair there is a few other raws suppliers atm with testing coming back good if you actually do some research. and yes the price is good doesn't mean the quality is the best though.

Quality over price any day.
lambo costs a lot more than a corsa does but I know what car I would rather have. Both get you from A to B but I would still rather the one that costs £240.000.000 more.

I have tried LMC and do you have any idea about their stealthy ?
the package passed the customs by fucking chance. When I recieved it, I though it is planned delivery or sth. The most shitty package I have ever recieved, even they wrote it is steroid raws on the package it would be safer beucase customs would even think it is a bomb.

Also I have tried a supplier IDK if you know about made-in-china website tons of fucking chinese scammer, I got test e raws one of them and this test e was fucking painfull, gave me hard lump It was 250 of it and I had to trash it all.

I wont change my supplier for now, unless someone offer me lower prices with proven(considerable amounth of reviews about quality) quality. His quality was good last winter, I have seen hlpc reports of popular raws from a ugl source uses ppl raws. I don't really know recent purities but 4 month ago when I ordered all were gtg.
Rob from Georgia....

Can’t read huh? 10-20% discount. You need to meet requirements for the 20%.

And if I had panda come here personally to reaffirm that. I wouldn’t offer this to you. And Panda won’t off this to you either. He doesn’t need your business. There’s a lot of criticism we’re both willing to take but you go way to far.

I highly doubt you would meet the requirements for 20%... Keep spouting that out.... let’s all do our best retarded from Georgia voice..... twaaaaaaantyeeeee perrrrrrrrr cedddt.

Like I said Rob, I would gladly have Panda come here and re-affirm this. We offer this through Meso only because it was offered previously through the old rep. But it’s not being offered to you.

So... How do you know my order size?
So are you going through orders on the site and attempting to determine users identify?
@Millard Baker
We can all go back 100 pages and see Rob from Georgia talking about how unsafe the website is and how everything is unsafe.

But yet here we are..... a short time later. Rob from Georgia orders from the website. AMAZING.

Just can’t make it up.

It is unsafe .
Also took some steps. But do you really want to harass pandas clients? Seriously. Your that guy. You do realize that you are a rep and not a member. Harassment by a rep of a member will get you booted.

What do you say @Millard Baker
lol your such a little bitch @Robfromga like your crying to your dad lol man up a little holy shit. "I highly doubt you would meet the requirements for 20%..." clearly he doesn't know and doubt he cares. Doubt he wants to harass pandas customers but honestly who the fuck would want you as a customer your just that nagging old wife that's never happy. and you tagged millard once don't need to do it twice straight after each other doubt he really needs little crying girls like you constantly tagging him. you hate this lab so much always moan on the thread every single day and yet you still order have some dignity if you hate it that much then find someone else lol.
lol your such a little bitch @Robfromga like your crying to your dad lol man up a little holy shit. "I highly doubt you would meet the requirements for 20%..." clearly he doesn't know and doubt he cares. Doubt he wants to harass pandas customers but honestly who the fuck would want you as a customer your just that nagging old wife that's never happy. and you tagged millard once don't need to do it twice straight after each other doubt he really needs little crying girls like you constantly tagging him. you hate this lab so much always moan on the thread every single day and yet you still order have some dignity if you hate it that much then find someone else lol.
Written like a 21 year old. Get some education up in you.
lol your such a little bitch @Robfromga like your crying to your dad lol man up a little holy shit. "I highly doubt you would meet the requirements for 20%..." clearly he doesn't know and doubt he cares. Doubt he wants to harass pandas customers but honestly who the fuck would want you as a customer your just that nagging old wife that's never happy. and you tagged millard once don't need to do it twice straight after each other doubt he really needs little crying girls like you constantly tagging him. you hate this lab so much always moan on the thread every single day and yet you still order have some dignity if you hate it that much then find someone else lol.

Dude... Go away with your 21 year old lactating nips .
I can't hear you through the sound of the milk gushing from your manchild boobs .
was gonna say straight into your girls mouth but lets be fucken real here just for 1second straight up you don't have a fucken girl and never will lol. your most likely some older man with a fucken mop for a haircut and because you hate yourself and your body so much you live on meso to try and judge other people because your so insecure about yourself.