PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yeah, I feel that. Weekends are for catching up on life, re-feeds, good food and relaxation. I try to get all my errands done during the weekdays at night.
I'm the same way but I'll try to get everything done during the day instead of night. Can't stand dealing with the crowds and the kids running rampant, especially around this time of year.
I'm the same way but I'll try to get everything done during the day instead of night. Can't stand dealing with the crowds and the kids running rampant, especially around this time of year.

Weekends is awful for all that. I just like to stay in on weekends. I don’t even bother to workout on weekends because I feel those two days of no lifting helps with my CNS growth and the calories I shovel in on weekends just fortifies and builds on from the weekdays.
I'm the same way but I'll try to get everything done during the day instead of night. Can't stand dealing with the crowds and the kids running rampant, especially around this time of year.

But honestly this is the best time of the year for clothes shopping. I bought some really nice clothes for winter and to go out in for really cheap. Things I would of never considered buying at full price.

Remember as a kid we all use to hate getting clothes for Christmas? Now as an adult I’m like SHITTTT $10 a shirt? $15 jeans???? Whyyy not!

I even replaced all my house clothes.

One thing I can’t stand buying is electronics. I rather just wait a whole year until they go down in price and the newest model comes out which is the same thing except a new name lol.

Just like Red Dead 2.... I’m a big rockstar games fan. But I’m an adult, I can wait a year or so until that game goes from $60 to $30 or less when its Hype is over.


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