PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So who was the asshole member?
He said the handle was just a BS handle with a bunch of random letters.
Theres a lot of snakes in here that would do some bitch shit like that.
I'm coming to see that more often.
Someone said he was sourcing more than water. Not sure if it’s true or not.
Even if he was he wasn't messaging them. It's was the reporter that solicited him. Dude was just sneaky about it. Makes me think it was a member who knew his way around in order to get his little plan to work.
@picholas is on vacation guys. He posted that he would be out until the 10th I believe.
Well now he's on vacation for good.
I would like to know the whole truth, but unfortunately we probably wont ever.

Whoever did it is a coward, if they used one of their stashed away handles. Which seems to be common around here.
He said the handle was just a BS handle with a bunch of random letters. I'm coming to see that more often. Even if he was he wasn't messaging them. It's was the reporter that solicited him. Dude was just sneaky about it. Makes me think it was a member who knew his way around in order to get his little plan to work. Well now he's on vacation for good.

i can understand if a member or source PMs someone out of the blue to offer them a private sale. That's unwarranted solicitation.

But lets say i contact you and ask you to sell me some of your homebrew. i'm the one that's asking to be solicited. Even though i came to you, should you be banned? Shouldn't i be banned for baiting?

Lastly. Let's say i make a post in a source thread where i say i'm interested in some funky exotic blend. If that source PMs me and tells me he can do that for me as a special favor, should he be banned too?
@PurplePandaRep, what's your take on all this?

I spoke to Picholas. I know who did it. Probably the lowest thing he’s ever done to someone who doesn’t deserve it. He’s using another handle to do it. Picholas was approached from PM by a handle looking to see if he can brew anything for him and how much. PM is (Private Message). If that doesn’t strike anyone as a snitch/rat..... The main point was Picholas was approached. And YOU GUYS have a Rat/Snitch within your community.

There is a Meso Rule of NO SOURCING in PM. But again, PM is Private Message. It’s basically to keep sources from approaching members in PM.

I’m not getting involved. It’s probably the lowest thing I ever witnessed here and it’s due to a particular member that’s not going to like when really heavy members get a hold of the entire situation and they run him off the board and every other board.
I was just thinking the same thing. Lol

Someone got him banned for "soliciting" when he supposedly wasn't. Someone pm'd him asking what he offered and then flagged the PM for Millard to see. (I can only guess at this last part cause that's what you'd have to do.)

Come on Picholas2.0!
No. It's a straightforward case of him contacting a member via PM with an unsolicited offer to sell AAS. There is no ambiguity -- at all.

It was probably going to be a temporary ban. But now it's permanent due to his proxies on the forum promoting a false narrative.
No. It's a straightforward case of him contacting a member via PM with an unsolicited offer to sell AAS. There is no ambiguity -- at all.

It was probably going to be a temporary ban. But now it's permanent due to his proxies on the forum promoting a false narrative.

I’m wrong then. There’s always two sides to a story. I was lead to believe he was approached.