PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I spoke to Picholas. I know who did it. Probably the lowest thing he’s ever done to someone who doesn’t deserve it. He’s using another handle to do it. Picholas was approached from PM by a handle looking to see if he can brew anything for him and how much. PM is (Private Message). If that doesn’t strike anyone as a snitch/rat..... The main point was Picholas was approached. And YOU GUYS have a Rat/Snitch within your community.

There is a Meso Rule of NO SOURCING in PM. But again, PM is Private Message. It’s basically to keep sources from approaching members in PM.

I’m not getting involved. It’s probably the lowest thing I ever witnessed here and it’s due to a particular member that’s not going to like when really heavy members get a hold of the entire situation and they run him off the board and every other board.
You are involved. The story is bullshit. And you are promoting it.

Furthermore, you are discouraging members from reporting abuse of the MESO PM system. Of course a source would call them a snitch. That is no surprise.
You are involved. The story is bullshit. And you are promoting it.

Furthermore, you are discouraging members from reporting abuse of the MESO PM system. Of course a source would call them a snitch. That is no surprise.

Picholas was an active member here. I use to read his post. He tested a lot of stuff from a lot of sources. I truly don’t believe he was hard on for money. He tested HGH, raws, different finished products for the community.

I’m not promoting anything. I think he was baited into this. But I’m not getting involved.
You are involved. The story is bullshit. And you are promoting it.

Furthermore, you are discouraging members from reporting abuse of the MESO PM system. Of course a source would call them a snitch. That is no surprise.

Who’s the member in question? I don’t discourage any members from reporting abuse. Never did, never will. But I find it hard to believe a really Good member here who had a lot to offer in terms of testing and giving himself to the community gets banned.

And I’m no ones proxy. I just find it ironic good members get banned and the quality of members dwindle. Who’s next?

@Millard Baker you believe in harm reduction? Sir, we entered into a new age of being able to brew your own. No longer have to rely on UGL’s. It’s a beautiful thing the community has and it’s progress. The cost of making your own allows members to save and if the quality holds true. God bless. We’re no longer dependent on anyone or anything.

And we’re also capable of learning through others. Brewing methods and knowledge.

I just don’t believe this. But again. If you want to blame me. Go right ahead.
Exactly. If picholas randomly solicited a service to some unknown member that member shouldnt have a problem stepping up and saying so.

So who was it if you're reading this post?
Members don't get banned for no reason. Wether or not they were long standing members or juniors there is an objective decision made based on the circumstances. And I HIGHLY doubt @Millard Baker made a decision based on emotion and speculation. Everyone can have their own opinion on what they "think" happened but without evidence who are we to judge Millard's decision on what goes on in his house. I'm sure his decision was based on clear facts.

Basically what I'm saying is don't make waves @PurplePandaRep . It is what it is.
Members don't get banned for no reason. Wether or not they were long standing members or juniors there is an objective decision made based on the circumstances. And I HIGHLY doubt @Millard Baker made a decision based on emotion and speculation. Everyone can have their own opinion on what they "think" happened but without evidence who are we to judge Millard's decision on what goes on in his house. I'm sure his decision was based on clear facts.

Basically what I'm saying is don't make waves @PurplePandaRep . It is what it is.
I agree. It just doesnt sound like a picholas thing to do. But if millard banned him then it's justified.
Wait, so he solicited a random member that no one even knows? Makes no sense to me but I guess it is what it is. And I've already come across sources/members who are buddy buddy and hook each other up with gear but I guess its not over PM so its allowed.
Been reading up on this thread. No bueno.

It never is. Every single time I look in on this thread there's a shit show underway. Without fail.

Law enforcement have already made arrests involving this source; no one knows what happened to the old rep; now there's a new guy claiming he's the new rep; and Panda hasn't been here in over two months.

Pandas's domestic operation was a fuckup from day one, and given Pandas's lack of communication - particularly regarding his failure to give legitimacy to this new rep - his international operation is now highly suspect as well. Does anyone even know if Panda is still behind this operation? I wouldn't order a bottle of aspirin from this source until Panda gets off his ass and lets his customers know wtf is going on

AFAIC, if this thread is indicative of the care Panda gives his business' public image, and I believe it is, there's no reason to believe his QC is any better. Raw sources are a dime a dozen. I'd use another one before going anywhere near this disaster.
It never is. Every single time I look in on this thread there's a shit show underway. Without fail.

Law enforcement have already made arrests involving this source; no one knows what happened to the old rep; now there's a new guy claiming he's the new rep; and Panda hasn't been here in over two months.

Pandas's domestic operation was a fuckup from day one, and given Pandas's lack of communication - particularly regarding his failure to give legitimacy to this new rep - his international operation is now highly suspect as well. Does anyone even know if Panda is still behind this operation? I wouldn't order a bottle of aspirin from this source until Panda gets off his ass and lets his customers know wtf is going on

AFAIC, if this thread is indicative of the care Panda gives his business' public image, and I believe it is, there's no reason to believe his QC is any better. Raw sources are a dime a dozen. I'd use another one before going anywhere near this disaster.
You illustrate plenty of good points. The LEO point being the main one in my eyes. I didn't realize that panda was so far removed from his own thread, which obviously lends itself to speculation. Hopefully, for the sake of the guys that have ordered, the LEO involvement was a one off occurance.
No. It's a straightforward case of him contacting a member via PM with an unsolicited offer to sell AAS. There is no ambiguity -- at all.

Based on my experience, banning a member isn't something Millard has ever taken lightly. He's always erred on the side of caution rather than going straight for the ban. For that reason, it's very rare that anyone gets banned here.

People need to understand the members who solicit noobs aren't unknowns that nobody likes. It's the guys that have made friends with everybody. They build a good reputation and then they realize they can monetize it. And it's always the guys you'd least suspect. I'd also be very surprised if their friends weren't aware of what's been going on and have remained silent about it.

And I’m no ones proxy. I just find it ironic good members get banned and the quality of members dwindle. Who’s next?

You think good members are soliciting noobs in PM? If so, then our definition of good members is very different.

From what I've seen, the qood members are the only ones that have been trying to keep your shit show in check while putting up with the dick riders. They're also the ones you have conviently blocked. It's the source dick riders and members that prey on noobs that this forum could do without.

@Millard Baker you believe in harm reduction? Sir, we entered into a new age of being able to brew your own. No longer have to rely on UGL’s

God bless. We’re no longer dependent on anyone or anything.

Right. Now they just have to rely on shady raw sellers like you who are selling powder that was probably made in a Chinese sewage treatment plant. Huge improvement in harm reduction there!

Dude, gtfo with that bullshit. You're not talking to a bunch of fools. A new day in harm reduction hasn't arrived because Panda Labs decided to bless Meso will its presence. People are in jail right now because of Panda's "harm reduction".

Exactly. If picholas randomly solicited a service to some unknown member that member shouldnt have a problem stepping up and saying so.

Why? So source dick riders can call him a fucking rat? That's just going to disourage new members from reporting sources that solicit through PM. New members need to feel they can safely report sources that are abusing the PM system or they won't do it. It's a huge problem that everyone should help with.
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Why? So source dick rides can call him a fucking rat? That's just going to disourage new members from reporting sources that solicit through PM. New members need to feel they can safely report sources that are abusing the PM system or they won't do it. It's a huge problem that everyone should help with.

I wouldn't call picholas a source. And even if you want to consider him a source, I doubt he would have dick riders, as he would be a secret source.

He should step forward for saving the board from a secret newb soliciting member. He should be applauded.
I wouldn't call picholas a source. And even if you want to consider him a source, I doubt he would have dick riders, as he would be a secret source.

He should step forward for saving the board from a secret newb soliciting member. He should be applauded.

He made a thread selling things, therefore he became a source. So what if it was BA water.
You illustrate plenty of good points. The LEO point being the main one in my eyes. I didn't realize that panda was so far removed from his own thread, which obviously lends itself to speculation. Hopefully, for the sake of the guys that have ordered, the LEO involvement was a one off occurance.

When has a source ever appointment a new rep without announcing it themselves? I've never seen it happen before. How do we know this rep is legit? For all we know, Panda might not even be behind this operation anymore. This is totally unacceptable and should concern anyone who's thinking about placing an order.

I wouldn't call picholas a source. And even if you want to consider him a source, I doubt he would have dick riders, as he would be a secret source.

Why wouldn't you call him a source? Do you know something about him that we don't?

A secret source has clients and I suspect they wouldn't be happy about losing their source.

He should step forward for saving the board from a secret newb soliciting member. He should be applauded.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.
Picholas doesnt strike me to be that stupid as to even reply to a b.s. handle. There's more to the story im sure.
Oh I'm sure. I agree with you 100%.
What is this claim based on?
Word of mouth.
i can understand if a member or source PMs someone out of the blue to offer them a private sale. That's unwarranted solicitation.

But lets say i contact you and ask you to sell me some of your homebrew. i'm the one that's asking to be solicited. Even though i came to you, should you be banned? Shouldn't i be banned for baiting?

Lastly. Let's say i make a post in a source thread where i say i'm interested in some funky exotic blend. If that source PMs me and tells me he can do that for me as a special favor, should he be banned too?
You make some good points breaking it. Kinda hard for me to say to be honest.
No. It's a straightforward case of him contacting a member via PM with an unsolicited offer to sell AAS. There is no ambiguity -- at all.

It was probably going to be a temporary ban. But now it's permanent due to his proxies on the forum promoting a false narrative.
People good or bad makes decisions good or bad as well. I have no negitive judgement on him or the reporter in this case. Thanks for clearing that up.

Now, let's get back to this thread.