PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@Millard Baker you believe in harm reduction? Sir, we entered into a new age of being able to brew your own. No longer have to rely on UGL’s. It’s a beautiful thing the community has and it’s progress. The cost of making your own allows members to save and if the quality holds true. God bless. We’re no longer dependent on anyone or anything.

@Millard Baker I’m not getting into with you. I’m wrong. I apologize. Shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion.
What a punk ass bitch. Reminds me of @Keepittight. Sir, please sir!
I’m not getting involved

It’s probably the lowest thing I ever witnessed here and it’s due to a particular member that’s not going to like when really heavy members get a hold of the entire situation and they run him off the board and every other board.

I just noticed this. Not only did you contradict yourself, you just threatened a member. I'm sure @Millard Baker doesn't appreciate his members receiving threats, especially from grifters like you.

I don't know who these "really heavy members" are but if they want to bring the heat, I'll play. I'll stand with the guy. Others will too. Sources and their minions don't run the show here.

I don't know if you're 2dumb or not but I already don't like you. You have a really shitty attitude for someone who's profitting off this forum. If panda really did hire you, he might want to find a replacement because you're just a liability.
I just noticed this. Not only did you contradict yourself, you just threatened a member. I'm sure @Millard Baker doesn't appreciate his members receiving threats, especially from grifters like you.

I don't know who these "really heavy members" are but if they want to bring the heat, I'll play. I'll stand with the guy. Others will too. Sources and their minions don't run the show here.

I don't know if you're 2dumb or not but I already don't like you. You have a really shitty attitude for someone who's profitting off this forum. If panda really did hire you, he might want to find a replacement because you're just a liability.

I didn’t threaten anyone. I’m just concerned for any of the members here who brew and think they’re amongst friends when you got guys in PM getting people banned for no reason...

I like you when you tracked down that HGH source a long time ago. But after that. I don’t like you either.